Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/542

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494 C. I, Anno quarto Golielmi & Mari^. A. D. 1692. Every Gentleman, or fo reputeJ, etc. who by the Acft 3 W. & M, for the quarterly Poll, did or ought to have paid double, or to have been returned in'o the Exchequer for Non-payment, who ihall not ■voluntarily appear before the Com- miffioners within ten Days after their fitft Metting, and take the Oathc, fuch Pcifon ihall pay double. Commiflioners uj^on Inf<ormation or SuTpicion are required to fum- anon the Perfon fufpefted to appear and take Oaths. ■Quakers inftead of the Oaths, to make and fubfcribe the Declaration of Fidelity i W. & M. and fuch Perfon fo doing, (hall not be chargeable with double Rates. No Perfon liabje to the Pound rate, TA^hofe Lands are not of the yearly Value of 20 s. Chancery Officers w-ithin the Li- berty of the Rolls fliall be there af- fefl'ed. Tf Colleflors keep any Monies col- leiled in their Hands, or pay any Part thereof, other than to the Head-colleftors, or Receiver General ihall forfeit ro 1. Head-colle<ftors for the like Of- •t«nce fliall forfeit 40 1. Receiver Genera! for the likeO,- fence (hall forfeit 1000 1. Commiffioners of the Trcafury, or Lord Treal'urer not to direft War- rant for Payment of any the Mo- XL. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Gentleman, or fo reputed, crowning, or writing himfelf fuch, or being above that Quality, and under the Degree of a Peer of this Realm, who by Virtue of an Aft made in the third Year of their Majeflies Reign, intituled. An ASi for raifmg Money by a Poll payable quarterly for one Year, for carrying oh a vigorous TVar againfi France, did pay or ought to have paid double the 'Sums charged by the faid Ai£i, or were, or ought to have been returned into the Exche- quer for Non-payment thereof, who fhall not voluntarily^ appear before the faid Commif- fioners, or any three or more of them, within ten Days after the firft Meeting of the faid Commiffioners in the refpeftive Place or Places where he ought to be taxed or afleiled, and take the faid Uaths, appointed by the faid Adl made in the firft Year of their Majeftiei Reign (which Oaih the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them are hereby im- powered and required to adminifter, and to make an Entry or Aiemoramhmi thereof in feme Book to be kept for that Purpofe) ; fuch Perfon {hall be charged with, and pay double the Sums which by force or virtue of this Ail he fhould or ought to have paid ; the faid dou- ble Rates to be aflefled, levied, colle£ted, anfwered, recovered and paid in fuch Manner, by fuch Ways and Means, and according to fuch Rules and Direftions, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as are before in this A£t expreffed or appointed for and concern- ing the above mentioned Rates and Sums, which are hereby intended to be doubled, as aforefaid. XLI. And be it further enafted. That any one or more of the Commiffioners appointed by this A6t, upon Information given, or upon any Caufe of Sufpicicn in that behalf, (hall and are hereby required and enjoyned to caufe every Perfon fufpefted, or againft whom fuch Information Ihall be given, to be fummoned to appear and take the faid Oaths as aforefaiJ. 1 XLII. Provided neverlhelefs. That whereas certain Perfons, DifTenters from the Church of England, commonly called Quakers, and now known to. he fuch, do fcruple the taking of an Oath, It fhall be fufficient for every fuch Perfon to make and fubfcribe the Declara- tion of Fidelity contained in an Aft made in the Parliament held in the firft Year of their Majeflies Reign, intituled. An A^ for exen-.fting their Majcjlies Proteflant Subje£is, diffenting from the Church of ]LYg.n.A, from the Penalties of certain Laws; Which Declaration any two or more of the Commiffioners appointed for the Execution of this Aft are hereby i"m,- powered and required to take ; and every fuch Perfon fo doing, fliall not be liable to or chargeable with any of the double Rates aforefaid. XLIII. Provided, That no poor Perfon fhall be charged with, or liable to the Pound- rate impofed by this Aft, upon Lands, Ten-ments or Hereditaments, whofe Lands, Te- nements or Hereditaments are not of the yearly Value of twenty Shillings in the whole. XLIV. Provided always, That the Right Honourable the Mafter of the Rolls, the Ma- ilers of Chancery, fix Clerks of the petty Bag, Examiners, Regifters, Clerks of the En- rolment, Clerks of the Affidavits and Subpena-Office, and all others the Officers of the Court of Chancery that execute their Ofiices within the Liberty of the Rolls, fhall be there affef- fed for their refpe£live Offices, and not elfewhere. XLV, And be it further enafted, That if any Colleftor of any Parillr or Place fliall keep in his Hands any Part of the Money, by him coUefted, for any longer Time than is by this Aft direfted (other than the Allowance made unto him by this Aftj or fhall pay any Part thereof to any Perfon or Perfons other than to the Head-coUeftor or Receiver General of fuch County or Place, or his refpeftive Deputy, that every fuch Colleftor fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence the Sum of ten Pounds ; and in cafe any Head-colleftor feall keep in his Han:'s any Part of the Money paid to him by any Colledtcr by virtue of this Aft for any long.r Time than is by this Aft direfted, or fhall pay any Part thereof, to any Perfon or Perfons other than the Receiver General of fuch County or Place, or his Deputy, every fuch Head-colleftor fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence the Sum of forty Pounds. And in cafe any Receiver General, or his Deputy, fhall pay any Part of the Agonies paid to bira or them by any Colleftor or Head-colleftor, by virtue of this Aft, to any Perfon or Per- fons vvhatfoever other than the Receipt of their'Majeffies Exchequer, and at or within the refpeftive Times limited by this Aft ; or in cafe fuch Receiver Generalj or his Deputy, fhall Ejy any Part of the faid MoniL's by any Warrant of the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or ord Treal'urer, Under- Treafurer or Commiilioners of the Treafury for the Time being, : or upon Tally of pro or Tally of Anticipation, or other Way or Device whatfoever, where- by to divert or hinder the aftual Payment thereof into the Receipt of Exchequer as afore- > faid ; that then luch Receii er General fliall for every fuch Offence of himfelf or his Deputy : Forfeit the Sum of one thoufand Pounds to him or them that fliall fue for the lame in any 1 ■Court of Record, by Bill, Plaint, or other Information, wherein no Efibin, Proteftion or • Wager of Law is to be allowed. _ ^ XL VI. And it is hereby further enafted. That the Commiffioners of the Treafui-y, or the Lord Treafurer, under-Treafurer, or Commiflioners of the Treafury for the Time bein^, or any of them, do not direft any Warrant to any of the faid Colleftors, Hcad-col- leftors,