Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/546

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49^ C.I. ' Anno quarto GuLiELMi & Mari^. A. D. 1692. ciaufe of Ap- LXIII. And be it enadled, That out of the Monies which fhall be levied and paid by virtue of this Aft propriation. j^j.^ jj^g Receipt of the Exchequer, as well by Loan or othcrwlfe (over and befides the Sum of feven hun- dred thirty-five thoufand three hundred ninety-one Pounds eighteen Shillings five Pence Halfpenny before 700000I, to thementioned to be transferred to, and placed upon the Regifter appointed to be kept by this Adt,) the Sum, ufeoftheNavy,Qf fgven hundred thouiand Pounds fhall be, and is hereby applied and appropriated to and for the Payment '■"'^* of Officers and Seamen that have ferved, and fliall ferve in their Majefties Navy Royal, and for the paying for Stores, Provifions and Victuals, fapplied, and to be fupplied for the faid Navy, and to and for the'Ex-' pences of their Majefties Office of Ordnance in refpeft to naval Affairs, and for other neceflary Ufes and TheRefidueto Services, performed and to be performed, in and for the faid Navy; And that all other the Monies which Lanyr" "^ ^^'^ ^^ levied and paid by virtue of this Ail into the Receipt of the Exchequer, as well upon Loan, as. otherwife, other than the faid Sum of feven hundred thirty-hve thoufand three hundred ninety-one Pounds, eighteen Shillings and two Pence Halfpenny, and the Intereft thereof, and alfo the Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds appropriated for Payments relating to their Majefties Navy, as aforefard, fhall be applied and appropriated, and is hereby appropriated to, and for the Pa3'ment of -their Majefties land Forces and' Armies, and the paying for Arms, Ammunition, and other Charges incident to the V/ar, and not other- wife. LXIV. And for the effeftual doing thereof, and that the faid feveral Sums hereby appropriated to the Ufes aforefaid, may not be diverted or applied to any other Purpofe, Be it further enadted, That theCom- miflioners of the Treafury, or the Lord Treafurer, under Treafurer, or the Commiffioners of the Trea- fury for the Time being, or any of them do not direit any Warrant to any of the faid ColleSors, or Re- ceivers General, or their Deputies for the Paym.ent of any Part of the Monies hereby given to any Perfon or Perfons other than into the Receipt of the Exchequer, as aforefaid ; nor fliall they, or any of them di,- re£l any Warrant to the Officers of the Exchequer for ftriking of any Tally of pro, or Tally oi Anticipa- tion, or do any other Matter or Thing whereby to divert the aelual Payments of the faid Monies into the Receipt of the Exchequer ; nor fhall the Officers of the Exchequer flrike or direft, or record the Ifriking of any Tally of pro, or Tally of Anticipation upon any of the faid Monies, upon any Account or Warrant whatfoever ; nor fhall any Teller throw down any Bill v/hereby to charge himfelf with any of the faid Mo- nies, until he fiiall have actually received the fame. LXV. And it is hereby further enafted, That the Officers of the Ps.eceipt of the Exchequer refpedtiye- ly, fhall and are hereby required to keep the faid Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds hereby appro- priated for Payments relating to their Majefties Navy, as aforefaid, and the Account thereof diftincl from all other Monies and Accounts whatfoever ; and that the Lord High Treafurer, under Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, or any of them refpeflively, do not fign any war- rant or Order, or do any Matter or Thing for the iffuing or paying any Part of the faid Sum of feven hun^ dred thoufand Pounds by this A£t appropriated for Payments relating to their Majefties Navy, as aforefaid, to any Perfon or Perfons other than the Treafurer of the Navy or his Deputy, and the Treafurer of the Ordnance or his Deputy, for the Ufes aforefaid ; nor fhall the Auditor of the Receipt draw any Order whatfoever for the ifluing any Part of the faid Sum of fe'en hundred thoufand Pounds hereby appropriated, as aforefaid, to any Perfon or Perfons, other than the faid Treafurer of the Navy or his Deputy, and the Treafurer of the Ordnance or his Deputy, as aforefaid ; nor fhall he dire£t, nor the Clerk of the Pells re- cord, or any Teller make Payment of any Part of the faid appropriated Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds by virtue of any Warrant, or upon any Order or other Way or Device whatfoever, other than- to the Perfons and for the Ufes aforefaid, and to be fo mentioned and exprefTed in fuch Warrant gr . Order. LXVL And it is hereby further ena£ted. That the Treafurer of the Navy, and the Treafurer of the Ordnance for the Time being, fhall keep fuch Part of the faid Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds ap- propriated for Payments relating to their Majefties Navy, as aforefaid, by virtue of this Act, as fhall be paid to them rel^jeftively, diftinfi: and apart from all other Monies ; and the Treafurer of the Navy fhall ifTue and pay fuch Part of the faid Sum as fhall be paid in to him by Wan-ant of the principal Officers and. Commiffioners of the Navy, or any three or m.ore of them ; and the Treafurer of the Ordnance fhall iffue and pay fuch Part of the iaid Sum as fiiall be paid in to him by Warrant of the principal "Officers of the Ordnance, or any three of them, mentioning and expreffing in the refpective Warrant, the refpective Ufes. for which the fame is refpeftively iffued and paid, according to the refpective Appropriations then of, and applying the fame; which faid principal Officers and Commiffioners of the Navy, and principal Officers of. the Ordnance, are to follow therein the Order and DirecStion of the Lord High Treafurer, or Lords Com- miffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, for apportioning the fame for the Payment of the Officers, and Seamen, Stores, Provifions, Victuals and the Office of Ordnance, in refpect to naval Affair.", as afore- faid, in fuch juft and proportionable Diiftributions as may be moft agreeable to the true latent of thi;s Aa. LXV-IL And it is hereby further enafted. That the principal Officers and Commiffioners of the Navy^ or. any of them, or principal Officers of the Ordnance, or any of them, flrail not fign any Nay Bill or Warrant, or do any other Act or Thing for the ifluing and paying any Part of the faid Sura of feven hun- dred thoufand Pounds fo appropriated by this Adt, to any Ufe, Intenr, or Purpofe v/hatfoever, other than for the refpective Ufes for which the fatwe is appropriated, as aforefaid, and to be fo mentioned and ex- preffed in fuch Navy Bill or Warrant. LXVIII.