Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/563

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A.D. 1692. Anno quarto Gulielmi & Mari^. C. 6, 7. 515 f.xtcen Pounds ten Shillings, (hall be applied and appropriated, and is hereby appropriated to and for tlic Payment of Officers and Seamen that have ferved, and fhall fcrvc in their Majcfties Navy Royal, and for tfhe paying for Stores, Provifions, and Vidtuals, fupplied and to be fupplied for the faid Navy, and to and ifor the Expenccs of their MajeiHcs Office of Ordnance in refpeft to naval Affairs, and for other neccfiiiry Ufes and Services performed and to be performed in and for the faid Navy, and not othcrwifc. And if Pui'l^wnt any Officer any way belonging to their Majefties Revenue, or to the Exchequer, Navy, or Ordnance re- J^^f" , ."|" fpedivcly, (hall wittingly and wilfully divert or mifapply any Part of the Money herein appropriated, to ■any other Purpofe, than to the Ufes hereby directed, contrary to the true Intent of this Adt, fuch Officer and Officers fo offending (hall forfeit his and their Office and Place, and is and are hereby difabled and made incapable to hold or execute the faid Office, or any other Office whatfoever. ' XXIV, Provided nevcrthelefs, and be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That the new or additional Foreifn Ston* Duties impoied by this A<fl, (liall not extend to afteft fuch foreign Stores as have been fold to the Ufe of" to <'^<-' their Majefties Navy, by Contraft with the Navy Board, before the (irft Day of January one thoufand ^ix ^"/'./J, hundred ninety- two, Co as a Certificate be given from the Commiffioners of the Navy, that fuch foreign 'hf/^Q/ , Stores have been fo contradted for -by them for their Majefties Service as aforefaid, and fo as the Importer .|of the fame do make Oath before the Commiffioners appointed to manage the Cuftcms (which Oath they are hereby impowered to admini'fter) of the Truth of the faid Contradt, and that he will deliver the faid Goods into their Majefties Stores, purfuant to the Contract fo certified by the Commiffioners of the jNavy. ' ' • / ! XXV. And as well that the Revenue of the Cuftoms may be more duly and regularly anfwered, as to An 0.1th to bn ircnder the feveral Imports, granted by this prefent Aft, a more efiedtual Supply to their Majefties ; Be it'^ken byithc ifurther enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That as well the Commiffioners as the Patent Officers, and ^™"J,"j°"=^t 'any of their Deputies, Clerfcs, or Servants, who have or (li all have any Employment in or about their" ^ " "'" Majefties Cuftoms, (hall before the nineteenth Day of April next, or at_ their refpedlive Admiffions here- after to fuch Employment, ta:ke their corporal Oaths for the true and faithful Execution, to the beft of 'their Knowledge and Power^ of their feveral Trufts and Employments committed to their Charge and In- Ifpeftion, and that they will not take or receive any Reward or Gratuity, diredtly or indiredlly, other than jtheir refpedlive Salaries, and v/hat is or (hall be aWowed them from^the Crown, or the regular Fees efta- iblifhed by Law, for any Service done or to be done in the Execution of their Employment in the Cuftoms iupon any Account whatfoever. CAP. VI. jAn A(Sl for raifing the Militia of this Kingdom for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety and three, EXP, ; although the Mohth's 'Pay formerly advanced be not repaid, c A P. vn. An K^ to prevent Abufes committed by the Traders in Butter and Cheefc. ORASMUCH as divers Countries of this Kingdom confift chiefly of Dairy Farms, and are irt great Meafure fupported by the Sale of Birtter and Cheefe, the Growth and Produdi of the fame • J and by an A<5t of Parliament made in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty Kino- CAtfr/^is&HCar.ii, i' the Second, intituled. An ASi for reforming Abufes in the Weighing and falfe packing of Butter, the'Weight"^- ^^' i'-thereof is afcertained, andthe Goodnefs of the Butter is fecured, under the Pains and Penalties therein !'■ mentioned : And whereas the Cheefemongers of London, their Fadtors or Agents (without any Authority) i' have appointed in-all or moft of the Sea^port Towns in the faid Counties a certain Officer called a I;' Weigher, who oftentimes, feveral Weeks after the Cheefe and Butter hivth been bough-t and approved by i*'the Fadtors and' Agents of the faid Cheefemongers at the Seller's Houfe, have taken upon them. Twithout f any Authority) to weigh and fearch' the faid Butter when the fame comes to the Sea Ports to be fliipped

    • <and there pretend that the fame is faulty, and fet Rates of Dedudlion thereupon,' and give Notes thereof

1' to the Fadtors who bought fuch Butter j and when the Fadlor comes to pay the Seller for the fame they 1' demand an Abatement accordingly, which if the Seller refufeth to allow, there are tVequent Indidlments I' or Informations exhibited againft the Sellers, upon the faid KSi of the fourteenth of the faid late King- I* and great Oppreffions have been and are daily committed, to the great Lofs and Damage of divers Land Owners and Farmers in the faid Counties, -contrary to the true latent and Meaning of the faid Aci •' ^l - . For Prevention whereof, ' ,'^'^'^- t TI. Beitenadied by the King's and Queefi's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and ^=ii<:rof Bj: ;;, Confent of the Lords Spiritml and Temporal, and Commons, -in this prefent Parliament allembled and *"^' '^"s--i itiy the Authority of the fame. That after the Fadtor or Buyer hath bought and co.ntradled for the faid ^™""'"^'^"" Commodity, and approved the fame at theSdler's Houfe, or the Place where he expofes the fahie to'Sale '" ^} ^^^^f' by fearching and weighing the fame (if he think fit) the Seller fhall not after becharged or charge-able with' the'B..uxr h'atil 'or liable to any of the Penalties in the faid recited Adt of the fourteenth Year of the faid late Kin Cha7-ks'^°'^i-'^'^ '^^^ 'P- the Second mentioned or inflidted, upon any Pretence of Want of V/eight, falfe Packing, or moiridvB-iit-','""'^ °^- ^'-' ♦^r, «x the Tare or Weight not being fet upon the Cafk, or otherwife ; but from thenccJorch fTifll] b"- and""'^"^* ' 3Ua ' --^