A..P. 1692. Anno quarto & qumto Gulielmi 6c Mari^. C. 17. 523 Eftate and Term therein, as were or was granted and fettled to the faid Mortgagee or Mortgagees, againft
- he faid Mortgager or Mortgagers, and all Perfon and Perfons lawfully claiming from, by, or under him,
ler, or them, freed from Equity of Redemption, and as fully to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoevcr, as if
- he fame had been purchafed abfolutely and without any Power or Liberty of Redemption,
III. And be it further en-.i6led by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons, who have orPcrfon mortga- lath once mortgaged, or from and after the faid firft Day of AffTy fhall mortgage, any Lands or Tenements K'"? ;«;"""'>- 1.0 any Perfon or Perfons, for Security of Money lent, orotherwife accrued or become du^-, or for othcrp':" '•°""^'^"' Valuable Confiderations ; and if the faid Mortgager or Mortgagers fhall again mortgage the fame Lands orjpfj; his"Eau^^y. Tenements, or any Part thereof, to any other Perfon or Perfons for valuable Confiderations (t!)e faid for-j v'crn. cSj, ner Mortgage being in Force and not difchargedj and fliall not difcover to the faid fecond or other R'Iort-590. ragee or Mortgagees, or fome or one of them, the former Mortgage or Morigagcs, in Writing under his
- )r their Hands ; that then and in thofe Cafes alfo, the fiiid Mortgager or Axortgagers, his, her, or their
Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, or Afligns, fhall have no Relief or Equity of Redemption againft the laid fecond or after Mortgagee or Mortgagees, his, her, or ibcir Heirs, Executors, Adminiftritors, or iiligns, upon the faid After Mortgage or Mortgages, but that fuch Mortgagee or Morgagccs, his, her, or ■ heir Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, fhall and niay hold and enjoy fuch more thair once nortgaged Lands and Tenements, for fuch Efirate and Term therein, as were or was granted and con- veyed by the faid Mortgager or Mortgagers, againft him, her, or them, his, her, or their Heirs, Exccu- ors, or Adminiftrators refpe<Sl:ively, freed from Equity of Redemption, and as fully to all Intent-; aiid (^urpofes, as if the fame had been an abfolute Purchafe, and without any Power or Liberty of Rcde;np- !;ion. 1 IV. Provided always, and be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That neverthelefs if it founder Morfga. Ihappen there be more than one Mortgage at the fame Time made by any Perfon or Perfons, to any Per-?<:" ""-^y «- "on or Perfons, of the fame Lands and Tenements, the feveral late or under Mortgagees, his, her, or their^'^'-'™' 4eirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, or Afligns, fhall have Power to redeem any former Mortgage or Pvlort- gages, upon Payment of the Principal Debt, Intereft, and Cofts of Suit, to the prior Mortgagee or Mort- gagees, his, her, or their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns ; any thing herein contained to .;he contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. 1 V. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft contained fhall be conftrued, dremed, or extended, to Dower f-ived. JDar any Widow of any Mortgager of Lands or Tenements from her Dov/er and Right in or to the {aid^"/"^?^-'^- Lands, who did not legally join with her Hulband in fuch Mortgage, or otherwife lawfully bar or exclude^' "• "" lerfclf from fuch her Dower or Right. CAP. XVIL An A(5t for the regaining, encouraging, and fettling the Greenland Tvade. WHEREAS the Trade to Green/and -and the Gn^cnland Seo.s, in the fiftiing for Whales there, hath been heretofore a very beneficial Trade to this Kingdom, not only in the employing p-reat Numbers ' of Seamen and Ships, and confuming great Quantities of Provifions, but alfo in the bringing into this Na- ■ tion great Qiiantities of Oil, Blubber, and Fins : j ' II. And whereas neighbouting Nations do yearly make great Advantage therch}, not only fupplying !' themfelves with that Sort of Oil and Fins, but by vending into other Parts great Qiiantities thereof, and ' particularly into this Kingdom, where the faid Trade is now quite decayed and loft : ' III. And whereas feveral Merchants of this Kingdom did heretofore endeavour to fettle and regain the faid Trade, and for their Encouragement therein, it was by an Act of Parliament made in the hve and ' twentieth Year of the Reign of his late Mpjefty King CA^jr/w the Second, intituled. An yltt for //^^ £,'<-35 Car. 2.0,7, ' couragement of the Greenland and Eaftland Trades^ and for the hetier fe curing the Plantation Trade famongft ' other Things) enafted, That in regard there was then great Want of Harponiers and Seamen fkilled and j' exercifed in the Trade of Whale-filhing, it fltould and might be lawful for any Ship or A'^effel truly be- 1' longing to England, Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and whereof the Mafter fhould be an ' Englijhman, and inhabiting within the Places aforefaid, from and after the hrft Day o^ Aiay which -was
- in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred feventy and three, and until the five and twentieth
]' Day of March which was in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred eighty and three, employed r for the catching of Whales, during fuch Voyage, to be navigated with one Moiety of the Harponiers and j one Moiety of the reft of the Mariners only Englijh, and yet to pay no further or other Cuftom for the j* Oil, Blubber, or Fins, caught or imported in fuch Ship or VefTel, than if fuch Ship or VefTel had been 1' navigated with three Fourths of the Mariners EngUJh ; which faid kSk was by another Aft of Parliam.ent I' -made in the fecond Year of their prefent Majefties Reign, intituled, An Acl for granting to their Alajejfies-i w, & M. fi; j' a Subftdy of Totmage and Poundage, and othir Sums of Money payable upon Merchandixes exported and imported, i. c. 4. ' continued for four Years : ' IV. And wherereas feveral Merchants and other Perfons of this Kinjdom were by the firft recited Aft i' encouraged to fit out and fend to the faid Greenland Seas fome Ships or VefiTels for the catching of Vv'hales, I' whereby fome fmall Quantities of Oil, Blubber, and Whale-fins were imported into this Kingdom, but 1' they not being able to carry on the faid Trade upon their fingle or feparate Intereft, in regard that the i' neighbouring Nations did yearly fend far greater Numbers of Ship_sinto thofe Seas, the faid Merchaius ' and other Perfons of this Kingdom were forced to difift from following the faid Trade, which is nov/ 3X2 . wholly