A.E)' 1692.. Anno quarto Sc quinto GuLiELMi 6c Mari/e. C. 24. 531 the Authority of the fame, That an Aft made in the Seflion of Parliament held in the thirteenth and »3 ^'M Car. z. fourteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, //« ASt for froviding Carriages /^ C; ^o- '<," p™- Landandb^ Water, for the U[e of his Majeftfs Navy and Ordnance, which Was thereby to have Continu- f^^'ljf^ ^"J'^"' ! ance, and be in Force until the End of the iirft Seflion of the next Padiament, and no longer ; which faid &c. continuid Aft being expired, was by one Aft made in the firft Year of the late Kingfames revived, and was ciaaftedby an Aa oi r to have Continuance during the Space of feven Years, from the four and twentieth Day of June in theJ"^ *• '^- '.' *• Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred eighty-five, and from thence to the End of the firft Scffson ^^ Z^^"or'"cixsi Parliament then next enfuing, fhall be, and is hereby continued, and fhall be in Force during the Space "l^'g, 7/w."' of feven Years, from the thirteenth Day of February one thoufand fix hundred ninety-two, and fromc 13. I thence to the End rf the firll Seflion of Parliament then next enfuing, and no longer. EXP. * ^"^ '• ' '• •'">^ I III. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made in the eighteenth Year of' '°' ', the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled, An Aut for encouraging of Coinage, and continued jijgyj^Cj,*!:,^^.'^^' by another Aft made in the five and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles, intituled, continued by An A£l for continuing a former ASi concerning Coinage ; both which faid Afts were revived by an Aft made in 25 Car. 2. c. 5, the firft Year of the Reign of the late King James, and were enafted to have Continuance for the Space of'"" *'V'^ ■'^'^' feven Years, to commence from the firfl Day oi Augujl one thoufand fix hundred eighty-five, and until the ^^J "^"y^""^*^^
- End of the firft Seflion of Parliament then next following, Ihall be and are by Virtue of this Aft continued, ," jj,., ^_ ^. 7.
, and fhall be in Force for the Space of feven Years, from the thirteenth Day oi February one thoufand fix lunhcr conri- i hundred ninety-two, and from thence unto the End of the firft Seflion of Parliament then next following, ""'^ f" 7 Y""*- «nd no longer. igGeo.j.c. i+. ' ' IV. And whereas an Aft of Parliament was made in the Seflion holden in the two and twentieth and 21 & 23 Car. 1.
- • three and twentieth Years of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled. An Ati for the^-'^-- fof Rs-
- better and more certain Recovery of Fines and Forfeitures due to his MajeJIy; which faid Aft, by an Aft'^°7py°/^f '"^^
'made in the firft Year of the Reign of the late King James the Second, was revived and enafted to be in'(.„ntj„u.(i t,v 1*
- Force from the nineteenth Day oi May in the Year of our Lord God one thoufand fix hundred eighty- jac. 2. c 17.
I • five, and to have Continuance for the Space of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the next §■ "• and j * Seflion of Parliament : And whereas the fame hath been found by Experience to be a good and ufeful ^"^J' ""* I* Law, and much conducing to the Service of the Crown;' Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, ^'^^^'q^^ j_ ^^ j That the faid Aft, and every Article, Claufe, and Thing, therein contained, fhall be in Force, and is 15. §. 12. '•
- hereby made perpetual.
i V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from henceforth all Clerks of the CourtOath to be given jof King's Bench, Clerks of the Court of Cominon Pleas, Clerks of Aflize, Clerks of the Peace, Town "J"", '^"'"■" <"
- Clerks, Clerks of Sewers, Clerks of the Markets, and others to whom it belongeth to make Returns of '^'^'"'*'
Eftreats into the Court oi Exchequer., fhall, upon Delivery in of all and every fuch Eftreat and Eftreats, take i the Oath following, that is to fay,
- " TZOU fhall fweaf. That thefe Eftreats, now by you delivered, are truly and carefully made up and
' X examined, and that all Fines, Iflues, Amerciaments, Recognizances, and Forfeitures, which were ' fet, loft, impofed, or forfeited, and in Right and due CoUrfe of Law ought to be eftreated in the Court ' ol Exchequer, are, to the beft of your Knowledge and Underftanding, therein contained 5 and that in the ' fame Eftreats are alfo contained and exprefted all fuch Fines as have been paid into the Court, from which
- the faid Eftreats are made, without any wilful or fraudulent Difcharge, Omiflion, Mifnomer, or Defeat
' whatfoever. So help you God-.' ^^ Which faid Oath the Barons of the Couit ot Exchequer, or any of them, are and is hereby required and I ijEpowered to adminifter from Time to Time accordingly. ' • j ' VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made at the SefRoh of Parlia-22 & 23 Car. ■ii,
Jnent holden in the faid two and twentieth and three and twentieth Years of the Reign of the late King^- -^- cont.nnea
- CJarfe the Second, intituled. An ASf to prevent the planting of Tobacco in 'Englz.nA, and for regulating /i^ '° 7 '^'""J',*
Plantation Trade, which by an Aft made in the firft Year of the late King James was enafted to have{"'f„/j,',Vb^' . Continuance from the firft Day of the then prefent Seflion of Parliament, for feven Years, and from thence farther con:i- ! to the End of the next Seflion of Parliament, fhall by Virtue of this Aft, continucj and fhall be in Forcenuedfor7Vea!s.
- for the Space of feven Years from the faid thirteenth Day of i^i'Zirwi?;^ one thoufand fix hundred ninety- M^'^'P'^'"?"-'^
two, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament. ^'^^ [- ^^-^'j 'VII. And be it further enafted. That an Aft made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of the latej* c. 11.^ "°'
- King Charles the Second, intituled. An ASifor aligning Orders in the Exchequer without Revocation ; which 19 Car. 2. c. 12,
Aft in the firft Year of the Reign of the late King James the Second was enafted to be in Force from the 3'^""' afligning firft Day of the then prefent Seflion of Parliament, and to continue for feven Years, and from thence to ^q^^^^'^'^" ^■ the End of the next Seflion of Parliament, is hereby continued-, and fliall be in Force for the Space o? ^^^.i^' j^j^^^' feven Years, from the thirteenth Day of February one thoufand fix hundred ninety-two^ and from thence2. c. 17. "§.9. to the End of the next Seflion of Parliament. EXP. _ and farther cou- ' Vlir. And whereas an Aft made at the Seffion of Parliament holden in the faid two and twentieth 't""-'^ ^"'^ 7
- and three and twenieth Years of the Reign of the faid late King Charles the Second, intituled, ^^J^^' Car ^
An Afl to revive an A£i>, intituled. An AEl to prevent the DiJiurhance of Seamen and others, and to preferve c'. z-^' ^hoat " the Stores belonging to his Majejl^s -Navy Royal, with fame Alterations and Additions, was by an Aft Seamen and the
- made in the firft Year of the late King Ja7nes the Second enafted to be in Force from the firft Navy Srores,
^ Day of the then prefent SeiTion ©f Parliament, for feven Years, and from thence to the End of the"""""""^ ^'^ ' sYa. firft^-^-'-^^'