Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/598

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55° C lo. -"Anno quinto GuLiELMi & Mari^. A. D. 1.60/ Wj'i^"'-"" '"^ taken for the View or InTpeaion thereof; and for every Sum of Money which fuch Maft^-r, Waf- oftVi'id;!!'-.'^ ^'^."' ° '^'^ardens, or their Deputies iliali receive, and fhali not be tranfmitted to, the faid Chamber- ' '"' lain at the Times herein before appointed, fuch Mafter, Warden, or Wardens, ihall forfeii; the Sum of five Founds; the faid refpeftive forfeitures to be recovered in the Name of the Chamberlain of the faU City for the Time being, in any A£tion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, to be commenced in any of their M.jefties Courts of P.ecord, wheran no iiiloin. Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed and fliall be applied towards raifuig the Fund aforefaid. * 5 s. iifon i-Kc- v'll. And be it further enadled, That towards the raifing the faid Fund, every Perfon who Aiall be """"■ admitted from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four to be a Freeman oi the faid City, fi^all, ac the Time of his AdmiiTion, pay unto the faid Mayor, Coi'nmona'lty, and Citizens of the faid City, the Sum of five shillings ; which feveral abnre mentioned Sums of two •Shillings and fix Pence and five Shillings fliall, fi-om and after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, be paid over and above the ufual and accuitomed P'ees for the fame. 4s. per Ton VIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforelaid. That a Duty of four Shillings per Tun fhali uponWijics. j^,g g^j^^j is hereby impofed and laid upon all Sorts of Wines whatfoever, which, from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of y/«7o on.e thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, Ihall be imported into the Port of the faid City of London^ or the Members thereof, by way of Merchandiz;-, over and above the prefent Duties cliarged or chargeable tliereupon, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefler Qiiantity ; which faid ■Duty fhali, front Time to Time, forever be paid by the Importer thereof unto the faid Mayor, Com- monalty, and Citizens, and is hereby appropriated towards raifing the laid Fund, and fo to be' applied as aforefaid. Colleam- to be IX. And for the better colletljing the faid Duty from all and every Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, as appoimeJ by -^^,£11 Free as Unfrcemen of the faid City, be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That one or more ■ Mayor, &c. f^ifficient Perfon or Perfons (hall from Ti ne to Time be appointed by the laid Mayor and Court of Alderr men of London for the Time being, by an Order oi the laid Court, to collect and receive the faid Duty, impofthow to duiing the Pleafure of the faid Court ; and the faid Impofition of four Shillings per Tun fhail be raifed, be levied. levied, coiieifted, and paid to the faid Colleftor or Colleitors, or his or their Deputy and Deputies, in the fame Manner and Form, and by fuch Rules, Rates, Ways, and Means, and under fuch Penalties II Car. ;. c, 4. and Forfeitures, as are provided, mentioned, and exprelTed in one Act of Parliament made in the twelfth. Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, A Suhfidy granted to the King of Tonnage a»4 ' Poundage, and other Sums of Money, payable upon Merchandize exported and imported, for the paying, reco- vering, colledting, or feizing the Duty of Tonnage thereby granted. Baty on Coals. X. And for a further Increafc of the faid Fund, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That for ajj , Sorts of Coals which fhali be imported or brought into the Port of the faid City oi London, or the River ; of Thames within the Liberty of the faid City upon the fame River, to be- fold by the Chaldron or Ton', I there fhali be paid by way of Impofition thereupon, according to the Rates and Duties herein after men- 1 tioned (that is to fay) For all fuch Sorts of Coals or Culm as are ufually fold by the Chaldron, for every Chaldron thereof, wlvch fhali be imported from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of 'jnns one 4d. for Metagc. thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, the Sum of four Pence Metage for ever, over and above what is now lawfully paid for the Metage thereof; which fold Sum ihall be^ paid in like Manner as the prefent Duty . for Metage is or hath been accuftomed to be paid, and, from Time to Time, be paid to the faid Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of the faid City by the OiHcer and Officers receiving the faid A'letage. And for all fuch Sort of Coals or Culm which fhali Ije imported into the faid Port or Members thereof, from and after the nine and twentieth Day of September, which fhali be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand and feven hundred (over and above all other Impofitions and Duties, and the above mentioned Sum of four 6d. perChal- Pencej the further Sum of fix Pence for every Clialdron thereof. And for fuch Sort of Coals as are foid ^^°°' by the Tun, for every Tun thereof, containing two thoufand Weight, the like Sum of fix Pence ; which aiGe" z°."' faid Impofition of fix Pence fliall continue from the faid nine and tv/entieth Day oi September, for and du- c. ag. " ring the Term of fifty Years, and no longer. And the faid Impofition of fix Pence for every Chaldron of How and when Coals fliall, from Time to Time, during the Continuance of the faid Impofition, be anfwered and paid to be faid, unto the faid Mayor, Commoniilty and Citizens, by the Mafter, Owner or Owners, or other Perfon or Perfons taking Charge of any Ship or Veflel whereupon the fame fliall be laden, before they fliall break Bulk, or have a Meter alTigaed for the meafuring or weighing any Coals aforefaid, to be deli- vered from on board fuch Ship or Veffel, the fame to be paid at fuch Place or Places, as by the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen fliall from Time to Time be appointed, within the faid City or Liberties thereof, for the Receipt thereof; upon Receipt whereof the Party appointed to receive the fame fh 11 without Delay, Fee or Reward, deliver a Receipt to the Perfon or Perfons who fnall pay the faid Duty How recovered, or Duties ; which Receipt fhali for fo much be a fufficient Difcharge ; and that the faid Impofition of : fix Pence ji^r Tun or Chaldron fhali, by Virtue of this Aft, be colle£ted and levied in fuch Sort and 1 J9 Car. 2. c. 3- Maimer in all and every Refpe£ls, as in and by one Aft made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of the late King C/'ar/w the Second, intituled. An All for the rebuilding the City of -,oAo, the Impolition ■ of Coals thereby granted was to be collefted and levied ; and all and every the Powers, Authorities, Direcftions and Provifions, in or by the faid A£t mentioned or provided for the levying, collecting and re- covering thereof, or the Penalties thereby impofed, or for the ordering or regulating the Proceedings of the faid Coal Meters or others in Difcharge of their refpeitive Offices and Duties, or for the preventing of Fraud