Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/625

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A. D. i694' Anno fexto GuLiELMi & Mari^, ' C. i. 569 De Annls Rcgni GULIELMI ScMARIiE fexto & feptlmo. ' A T the Parliament begun at IFeJiinlnfler the twentieth Day of Af^rc/j, Anno Dom. 1689, in the Sc- ' r cond Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady, WILLI AM 2ini MART, by the ' ■*' -^ Grace of God, of Enalmid, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King and Queen, Dcfendeis of the ' Faith, i^c. And from thence continued by feveral Prorogations and Adjournments to the twelfth Day oi November 1694. being the fixth Seffion of this prefent Parliament.' C A P. I. An Aft for granting to their Majefties a Subfidy of Tunnage and Pofundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported. Mojl Gracious Sovereigns, THE Commons aflTembled in Parliament, repofing Trufi: and Confidence in Your Majefties, for the j^^j^ ,^3, guarding and defending of the Seas againft all Perfons who fliall attempt to invade this Your Realm, i ceo. i. c. i». or to difturb Your Subjedls in their Trade and Commerce, towards the defraying the neceflary Charge 9 Ann. c 6. thereof, and alfo for the better enabling Your Majefties to profecute the prefent War againft the iv-<?Kj; 3 Geo. i. ci 7. King with Vigour, have cheerfully and unanimoufly given and granted, and do hereby give and grant unto Your Majefties the Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money given and granted unto His late Majefty King Charles the Second for his Life, by an AcSl of Parliament made in the Twelfth Year of His Reign, intituled, A Subfidy granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Mo- , j car. i, c. 4; ney payable iipon Merchandize exported and imported, according to the Rates in the faid Ait mentioned, and Rules and Orders thereunto annexed (other than fuch concerning which it is otherwife provided or ordained by an Aft made iii the laft or in this prefent Parliament) and do moft humbly befeech Your Majefties, that it may be enafted ; n. And be it enacSed by the-Klng's and Qiieen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Tunnage and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Poundage glvta the Authority of the fame, That the aforefaid Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Mo- 5 Years, ney payable upon Merchandize, be levied, collefted and paid unto their Majefties for the Term of Five Years, and no longer, to commence on the twenty-fixth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four; and that the aforefaid AGc, and every Article, Rule and Claufe therein mentioned, and alfo an Order of the Coinmons in Parliament afiembled, made in Purfuance of the Rules and Orders annexed to the aforefaid A6t, for fettling of Officers Fees, dated the feventeenth of May one la Car. z, c. 4,. thoufand fix hundred fixty-two, and figned by Sir Edward Turner then Speaker, fhall be of full Force and revived. Effeft to all Intents and Purpofes, during the faid Term of five Years, as fully and in like Manner, as if the fame were particularly and at large recited and fet down in the Body of this Aft. in. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft of Parliament made in the twelfth Several Afls re- Year of the Reign of the faid King Charles the Second, intituled, An Aot to prevent Frauds and Conceal- ""^^^ ^°^ 5 mcnts of His Maje/iys Cuftoms and Subftdies : As alfo an Aft made in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of ^^!,"" the faid late King, intituled. An ASf for preventing Frauds, and regulating Abufes in Mis Majejly's Cujioms :^^^^'^f',f^^^^' And alfo an Aft made in the two and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles thee. u.

"Second, intituled. An ASl for Improvement of Tillage, and the Breed of Cattle : And alfo One other Aft made 22 Car. z. c. 13,

'in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ail for 15^". s. c. 6. taking off Aliens Duty upon Commodities of the Grotvth, Product, and Manijfaffure of the Nation: And alfo *5 '■*"'■ * One other Aft made in the faid Twenty fifth Year of the laid late King Charles the Second, intituled. An ASl for the Encouragement of the GxzznXvivA and Eaftland 77-(7i/«, and for the better fecuring the Plantation 'Trade: And alfo One other A.ft made in the firft Year of the late King James the Second, intituled, y/^ ijac. z- c, ig* additional An for Improvement of Tillage, be of full Force and EfFeft during the faid Term of five Years. 'Provided neverthelefs, and be it declared and enafted. That nothing herein contained ftiall be conftrued or taken to determine any Articles or Claufes in any of the before mentioned Afts, which were appointed and Intended t(» be perpetual, or which are continued by any Aft of Parliament, for any Time which will not ' expire within the faid Term of five Years, but that the fame and every of them fhall continue and remain in Force, as if this prefent KEk had not been made; "but fuch of the faid Afts, and fuch Claufes in any of them, as would otherv;ife determine witliin the faid Term of five Years, fhall hereby be revived, and ftand, ,/jcontinue, and be in Force for the faid Term of five Years only, and no longer. . TV. Provided neverthelefs, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Goods, Goods landed ■ Wares or Merchandize, fnall happen to be imported into this Kingdom upon the five and twentieth Day "P°" =5 U«em- di December one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, and not landed' or put on Shore upon the faid Day, all '° "^ •' the faid Goods fo imported, and not landed, fhall be.fubjeft unto like Duties, Rates, Payments and Pe- nalties, as if the fam.e had been imported after the Commiencement of this Grant; any thing herein con- tained to the contrary notwithftanding. , . Ccmmillioners V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That two of their Majefties Commiffioners of and officeisot; the Cuftoms, firft named in the Commiflion,' whci'eby they are nov/ authorized to aft, fhall refpcftively ^^ "^^'""H^ .take their corporal Oaths before the Chancellor or .Chief Baron of the Exchequer, or Mafter of the Rolls, for ^^f^ upon^Pe"-* the time being 3 which they and every of them refpeftively are hereby authorized and required to acniini- r,.,]ty o; tbr!>i:. Vol. IIL 4- D Iter ing I'he r Or;-,.,-,