Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/639

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A.D. i695' Anno fexto Scfeptimo GuLiELMi III. C. 14— 16. 583 exceeding one Month's Pay, in fnch Manner as if all the Pay before that Time advanced and provided had A'- a- <•• H- been fully reimburfed and paid. EXP. gCVs, i.e. g. 7 Cio. z. c, 23, 30(7«. 2. f. 15. 31 C«. I. c. 26. 32 C«. ». f. 20, tfiir/33C«. 2. f. 2,22 ^24. III. And whereas by an Aft made in the fecond and third Years of the Reign of Edward the Sixth, 2& 3 Ed. 6. Mt KSn^ oi Ettgland, intituled, JnAiPt againjl the JJiooting of Hatl-Jhot, wherebv amongll other Things it '• '+• is enaded, That no Perfon under the Degree of a Lord of the Parliament (hould flioot in any Place any Hail-fhot, or any more Pellets than one at any one Time, upon Pain to forfeit, for every Time that he or they fhould fo_ offend, ten Founds, and Imprifonmcnt of his Body during three Months ; which faiJ Aft, however ufeful in thofe Days, hath not for many Years laft paft been put in Execution, but became ufelefs and unneceflary : Yet neverthclefs feveral malicious Perfons have of late profecuted leveral Gentle- men, qualified to keep and ufe Guns, upon the faid hSt ; for Remedy whereof be it cnaded by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That the faid Adt, and every Article, Claufe, and Thing, therein contained, fhall be and is hereby repealed and made void to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. CAP. XIV. An Aft for continuing feveral Laws therein mentioned. ' X7-"^^^^-^^ divers temporary Laws, which by Experience have been found beneficial and ufeful, 3 &4W.&M. ' W are near expiring ;' therefore for continuing the fame, be it enabled by the King's mofl: Excellent "^^ 9' ™*'^'= f"" Majefiy, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in P""* this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Aft made in the third Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled. An Ail to take azuay Clergy from forne ^ sc 5W. &M, Offenders, and to bring others to Piinijhment, which by another Aft made in the fourth and fifth Years ofc.24. §.13, the faid King and Queen, intituled. An ASi for reviving^ continuing, and explaining, feveral Laws therein mentioned, which are expired and ?iear expiring, was explained, and was to continue and be in Force for three Years, from the thirteenth Day of i^i^Z'rwiiry, one thoufand fix hundred ninety-two, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer, together with the Explanation thereof in the faid Aft made in the faid fourth and fifth Years, fliall be, and the fame is and are hereby continued, and fhall be in Force, and be made perpetual. II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made in the third and fourth 3 ^ 4 'W- & M- Years of the Reign of the faid King and Queen, intituled, An ASi for Relief of Creditors agahifi fraudulent '^' '*• "l^^^ Devifes, which v/as to continue and be in P'orce for three Years, and to the End of the next Seffion of Par- 1'^?""^ • liament, after the Expiration of the faid three Years, and no longer, fhall be and is hereby continued, and fhall be in Force, and be made perpetual. III. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made in the fourth and fifth 4 & 5 W. & iVf, Years of the faid King and Queen, intituled. An ASlfor the better Difcovery of Judgmejits in the Courts of'- ^o. continued King's Bench, Common Pleas, atid Exchequer , at Weftminfter, which was to continue and be in Force j^^^g pT/'ttual for one Year, from the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety and three, 7 & gv. 3. and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer, fhall be and is hereby con- c. 36. §. 3. tinned, and fhall be in Force for the Space of one Year more, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer. C A P. XV. An Aft- to indemnify Sir Thomas Cooke from Aftions which he might be liable to, by reafon of his difcover- E x P. ing to whom he paid and diftributed feveral Sums of Money therein mentioned, to be received out of the Treafure of the Eaji India Company, or for any Profecution for fuch Diftribution. CAP. XVL An Aft to prevent Exaftions of the Occupiers of Locks and Wears upon the '^wtx oi Thames Weftward, and for afcertaining the Rates of Water-carriage upon the faid River. HERE AS the Rivers o^ Thames and Ifs have Time out of Mind been navigable from the City oi London to the Village oi Bercott in the County of Oxford, and for divers Years lafl: paft from the faid Village of Bercott V/eftvvard, fomewhat- farther than Letchlade in the County of Ghncejler : And

  • whereas, for the Benefit and Convenience of the Navigation, there have been and are divers Locks,
  • Wears, Bucks, Winches, Turnpikes, Dams, Floodgates, and other Engines in, upon, or near adjoining

' to the faid Pv.ivers, the Tenants or Occupiers v^'hereof anciently took, and flill ought to take, a moderate- ' and reafonable Price from the Owners of all Barges, Boats, or other Veffels, having Occanon to make- ' Ufe of the fame, or of their Affiftance for or in their Pafiage, but have of late Years raifed their Prices fo ' high, that the Price of the "Water-carriage on thofj Rivers, by reafon thereof, has been alfo 'ery much ' raifed: And whereas divers Abufes have heretofore been committed by the Bargemen in their I'Javigation

  • upon the faid Rivers :' For R.emedy whereof,

II. Be it therefore enafted by the King's moll Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Confent of Juftjcesof Peace the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembkd, and by the Au- "'^iits, Glou- thority of the fame, That from and after the firft Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one J"" ^' ■ ' thoufand fix hundred ninety-five, the Juftices of the Peace, for the time being, of the feveral Counties of; % Wilts,{-_