A. D. 1695* Anno feptimo GulielmiIII. C. 3. 593 .advanced or contributed within the refpeiStive Times limited by the faid former Ail; and that all and every All Claufco in the Direftions, Powers, and Claufes, in the faid recited A61 contained, for or concerning the levying of "^ rcciied Aft Tallies, or making forth of Orders, or for making Transferrences or Affignments, or for the appropriatin? * ^ 7 w. 3. or mentioned 1 by ihi] lilies, or making forth of Orders, or for making Transferrences or Affignments, or for the appropriating ^ ^ 7 '* applying the Monies arifing by the faid Funds or Revenues, or any of them, or for appointing, fettling, revn-cd'l .or eftablifliing, any other Matter or Thing, for or in Relation to the refpedlive Annuities thereby purchafed Aft, or obtained, ihall be and are by Force and Virtue of this Aft revived, and fliall be duly obferved, prac- ■tifed, and put in Execution, for and in refpcft of fuch Annuities as {hall be purchafed or obtained upon this Adl, as fully and efFeftually as if the fame Powers, Diredions, and Claufes, were here again exprelTed, or particularly repeated. ' VI. And whereas in and by an ASt made in the fecond Year of the Reign of His Majefty and the late 2W, &jr, ff, i, ' Queen Mary of blefled Memory, intituled, jin ASi for the encouraging the diJillUng of Brandy and Spirits c 9.
- from Corn, and for laying feveral Duties on Low Wines, or Spirits of the firfi Extraction, it was enafted, ' '^^°- '• '^- *^'
' That from and after the four and twentieth Day o'i December in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix ' hundred and ninety, until the five and twentieth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one thoufand ' fix hundred ninety five, there fhould be paid by way of Excife, unto their Majefties and their Succeffors, Excife on Bran-
- for all Low Wines, or Spirits of the firft Extradlion, drawn by Diftillers, or other Makers of Spirits J' ^°w Wints,
' and Strong Waters for Sale within this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Ber- ^'^' ' wick upon Tweed, the feveral Rates and Duties therein mentioned ;' Be it further enacted by the Autho- rity aforefaid. That the feveral Duties granted by the AH laft mentioned fhall be raifed, levied, colle<Sl:ed, anfwered, and paid to His Majefty's Ufe, for the carrying on of the War agaiuft the French King, from the to be raifed from four and twentieth Day of December one thoufand fix hundred ninety five, to the five and twentieth Day of ^4- Dec. 16^5. March one thoufand fix hundred ninety fix, and no longer; and that the faid lafl: mentioned A&:, and all 'o^^S March, the Powers, Provifions and Penalties, Articles and Claufes therein contained, concerning the faid Duties AUPowers con- which were thereby granted, fliall continue and be of full Force and EfFe£l until the faid five and twentieth tained in tiie Day of March, and fhall be applied, pradtifed, and executed, for the raifing, levying, collefting, anfvver- faid Aft to be ine, and paying the faid Duties hereby continued, according to the Intent and Meanino; of this prefent A6t. '"^ ^°^ '*" *S "' "^ 01 Marcfl. CAP. III. An A£t for regulating of Trials in Cafes of Treafon and Mifprifion of Treafon. ' T^/HEREAS nothing is more juft and reafonable, than that Perfons profecuted for High Treafon z;^"^. 3./.?/. j. ' VV and Mifprifion of Treafon, whereby the Liberties, Lives, Honour, Eitates, Blood, and Pofierity c. e. ' of the Subjefts, may be loft and deftroyed, fliould be juftly and equally tried, and that Perfons accufed as !' Offenders therein fhould not be debarred of all juft and equal Means for Defence of their Innocencies ' in fuch Cafes ;' in order thereunto, and for the better Regulation of Trials of Perfons profecuted for
- High Treafon and Mifprifion of fuch Treafon ; be it enaifted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by
jand with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and theComm.ons, in this prefent -Parliament afl^embled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the five and twentieth Day From j; March of March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-fix, ajl and every Perfon and Perfons 1695. Perfons whatfoever, that fliall be accufed and indifted for High Treafon, whereby any Corruption of Blood may ■"■"'aeci for .or' fhall be made to any fuch Offender or Offenders, or to any the Heir or Heirs of any fuch Offender or "a^e^^Co"" f* Offenders, or for Mifprifion of fiich Treafon, fhall have a true Copy of the whole Indiftment, but not the t^e Indiftn-xnt .Names of the Witnefles, delivered unto them, or any of them, five Days at the leaft before he or they 5 Days before (hall be tried for the fame, whereby to enable them, and any of them refpedtively, to advife with Counfel Triai, paying thereupon, to plead and make their Defence, his or their Attorney or Attorneys, Agent or Agents, or any fof the lame, of them, requiring the fame, and paying the Officer his reafonable Fees for writing thereof, not exceeding ? ,^"^' *^' ~/' Five Shillings for the Copy of every fuch Indiftment ; and that every fuch Perfon fo accufed and indiiled, l^i („ ^^^^ arraigned or tried for any fuch Treafon, as aforefaid, or for Mifprifion of fuch Treafon, from and after the their Defence faid Time, fhall be received and admitted to make his and their full Defence, by C. unfel learned in the by Counfel ami . Law, and to make any Proof that he or they can produce by lawful Witnefs or V/itneffes, who fhall then Witneffes oa be upon Oath, for his and their juft Defence in that Behalf; and in cafe any Perfon or Perfons fo accufed ^' ' or indifted fhall defire Counfel, the Court before whom fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be tried, or fome Judge Court autho- of that Court, fhall and is hereby authorized and required immediately, upon his or their Requeft, to ^^'^ *° ^^E" affign to fuch Perfon and Perfons fuch and fo many Counfel, not exceeding Tv/o, as the Perfon or Perfons ^"°^ fhall defire, to whom fuch Counfel fhall have free Accefs at all feafonable Hours ; any Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. II. And be it further enadled. That from and after the fiid five and twentieth Day of March in the No Perfon to be Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-fix, no Perfon or Perfons vv'hatfoever fhall be indicted, tried for High .tiled, or attainted, of High Treafon, whereby any Corruption of Blood mav or fhall be made to any fuch Tieafon, but on .Offender or Offenders, or to any the Heir or Heirs of any fuch Offender or Offenders, or of Mifprifion O'" ^'^t^ff^s"^ fuch Treafon, but by and upon the Oaths and Teftimony of two lawful Witneffes, either both of them to the fame Overt Aft, or one of them to one, and the other of them to another Overt Aft of the fame Treafon ; unlets the Party indifted, and arraigned, or tried, fhall willingly, without Violence, in open Court, confefs the fame, or fhall ftand mute, or refufe to plead, or in Cafes of High Treafon fhall per- emptorily challenge above the Number of thirty-five of the Jury ; any Law, Statute, or Ufage, to the contrary notv;ithftanding. • j-t j III. Provided always. That any Perfon or Perfons, being indifted, as aforefaid, for any of the Treafons, ^l H^^^^^]^^ or Mifprifions of the Treafons aforefaid, may be outlawed, and thereby attainted of or for any of the faid ^^J But have' Offences of I'reafon, or Mifprifion of Treafon ; and in Cafes of the High Treafons aforefaid, where by Benefit of this Vol. III. 4 G the Aa.