Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/659

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A.D»i696. Anno feptimo & odavo GuLiELMi III. C. 1 1 — ic. 603 CAP. XL An Aft for impovvering His Majefty to apprehend and detain fucli Perfons as he fhall find Caufe^ ^ p- to fufpeft are conlpiring againfl: His Royal Perfon or Goverr.menr. HERE AS there has been a moft horrid, barbarous and deteftable Coiifjiiracy formed and carried on by Papills and other wicked and traiierous Perfons, for airafiinaung liij Majcdy's Rcyal Pcr- • fon, in order to the encouraging an intended Invafion from France, to the utter Ruin and Subverfion of • the Proteftant Religion, and the Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom: Wherefore for t!ie better Prefer- • vation of his Majeuy's Sacred Perfon, and for fecuring the Peace of this Kingdom in this Time of hnmijient ' Dariger, againfl all Attempts and traiterous Confpiracies of evil difpofed Perfons, tsV.' CAP. XII. An A£l for P,.elief of poor Prifoners for Debt or Damages. EXP. 22.^23 Car. a. c. 20. CAP. XIII. 30 Car. z. flat. I. c. 7. An Atfb for taking ofF the Obligation and Encouragement for Coining Guineas for a certain Time therein * ^ mentioned. Kep, 8 W. j. CAP. XIV. An AS: for making navigable the Rivers of I^Pye and Lugg in the County of Hereford. The Rivers Tfye and p r. Lu^g to be deemed common for carrying of Goods. Kov/ers vefted in the Coinmiffioncrs in Truft for the 13 & 14- Car. 2. Inhabitants of the County of Harford. The Directions in the former Act to be obferved. Wears to ^ r"*'* ■'^^' be pulled down, making Satisfaction to the Owners. Commiffioners, or any feven, may examine on Oath ; fettls the yearly Value of V/ears, i^fc. and proportion the Purchafe R'loney. Commiffioners De- crees to be binding, and preferved upon Record. Money to be levied on the County of Hereford. How to be affcfled. Sum not to exceed ^yy I. ^s. c,d. per Metifem. County and City ol Hereford, and Bo- rough of Leominjler, to be afleffed 4,526/, 13 i. i d. per Annum, as the Commiffioners fliall diredt. Com- miflioners of the Land Tax 7 V/. 3. c. ,. to be Commiflioners for the faid AfTeffinents. Commiffioners Power. ColleSors Allowances. Commifiicners to meet, and put the A6t in Execution. And to no- minate a Receiver General, who fliall give Security, and account for Money received. Regifter to deli- ver a Copy of Orders and Accounts -ax. Aiichaclmas Seffions. Commiffioners may build Warehoufes with Surplus Monies. Cufhs Rotulorum of the County of Hereford to have Account of Monies difburfed. Commiffioners to have the fame Power for clcanfmg the faid Rivers, as any Commiffioners of Sewers. A. Regifter and other Ofiicers to be appointed. Monthly Sum to continue from zfune 1696, to 24 fune 17CO. Truftees may borrow 16,000/. at 4 /. fer Cent. Right of Fifhing referved. Earl of /ff;??, &c. to make and maintain a nevv' Lock on the River at or near to Ne%o IVear, and build a Houfe for a Perfon to live in, to keep the faid Lock, and to allow him io/. per Annum. Ten Yards of A'iw ^/^or to be ta'-ten iz Inches lower than the lov.-eft- Part thereof. Snares, Nets, iD'c. not to be laid. In cafe of Omifllon or Negledt for 7 Monihs after 25 March 1696. Truftees may employ Workmen to do the fam.e, and repair the Lock, in cafe of Omiffion after four Weeks Notice, in cafe of Nonper.^ormance, to levy by Diiticfs on the faid Farm, with Cofts. No Piivilege to be allowed, Truftees not to pull down the Iron-mill or Wear. If the Ear! of Kent removeth the Wear and Lock, Obligation to ceafe. Tenants, &'e. hindering Boats, or deftroying the Fifli, to forfeit' 100/. if fued in fix Monihs. Grants made by the Earl of Kent, Uc. of Fifning in the faid River after 2/i.yime 1696, to be void. CAP. XV. ( An AcL for the continuing, meeting, and fitcing of a Parliament^ in cafe of the Death or De-' ■ • mile of His Majefiy, His Heirs and SucceiTors. T 7 HERE AS this Kingdom of England m7^y be expofed to great Dangers, by the Invafion '^^ ^<^- .Ans-ct. reigners, or by the traiterous Confpiracies of wicked and i!l difpol'ed Perfons, whenever it flfall %, >.' ' His faid Majefiy, His Heirs and SuccefTors; but fuch Parliament fhall, and is hereby ena£ted to continue, Oea'.h, onleii aiid is hereby impowcred and required immediately to meet, convene and fit, and to aift, notwit-hflandihg 'o°"'^<ffivcd fuch Death or Deniife, for and during the Time of fix Months, and no longer, unlcfs the fame fndl be >' ""'^"""'"■• fooner prorogued or diffuived by fuch Perfon who fhall be next Heir to the Crown of this Realm of Eng- land in-Succeiiion, according to an A6i of Pailiament made in the firfl Year of the Reign of King Wil- i w. &m. ff, 4 H 2 LIAM «. C.I,