Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/672

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6i6 But one Voice for one Houfe. Norte under ti Years to vote, or to bo elefled Members. Penalty, County Courts for York to be helJ on Wed- nefday. C, 26,27. Anno feptlmo & octavo G u L I E L M I III. A.D. 1696. in any County, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Port or Place, in order to multiply Voices, or to fplit and divide the Intereft in any Houfes or Lands among feveral Perfons, to enable them to vote at Eledions of Members to fcrve in Parliament, are hereby declared to be void and of none EfFeft, and that no more than one fmgle Voice fliall be admitted for one and the fame Houfe or Tenement. VIII. And be it further enafted, That no Perfon whatfoever, being under the Age of one and twfenty Years, (hall at any Time hereafter be admitted to give his Voice for Eleftion of any Member or Members to ferve in this prefent, or any future Parliament ; and that no Perfon hereafter fhall be capable of being elefted a Member to ferve in this or any future Parliament, who is not of the Age of one and twenty Years ; and every Eleftion or Return of any Perfon under that Age is hereby declared to be null and void ; and if any fuch Minor hereafter chofen fhall prefume to fit or vote in Parliament, he (hall incur fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as if he had prefumed to fit and vote in Parliament without being chofen or re- turned. ' IX. And whereas the County Court of the County ofTork is by Cuftom called and held upon Mondays^ ' which hath long been complained of to be a very inconvenient Day to all the Suitors thereunto, who at ' the Eleftions of Knights of the Shire, and all Services at other Times, are forced to travel upon Sundays ' to th?^ Attendance there, to their very great Diffatisfaition and Grievance ;' Be it therefore enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all County Courts, after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-fix, held for the County of York, or any other County Courts, which heretofore ufed to be held on a Monday, fhall be called and begun upon a TVednefday, and not otherwife; any Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. X. Provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Sheriff of the County of South- ampton, or his Deputy, at the Requeft of one or more of the Candidates for Eleflion of a Knight or Knights for that County, fliall adjourn the Poll from Winchejlsr, after every Freeholder then and there pre- fent is polled, to Neivport in the Ifle oi Wight, for the Eafe of the Inhabitants of the faid Ifland j any thing in this Aft contained to the contrary notwithftanding. 18. 6 /^H». c. 7 ©"23. 9 y^»». f. 5. II Gto, Si c, 34. 13 Gea. 2., 14. Poll may be ad- journed from Winchefter to Newport in the Ifle of Wight. Farther Pro-vi- /mm relathg to Parliament, 10 S? II TV. 3. c. 7. IT fe*" 12 ^. 3. «• 2- '» ^ 13 ^^- 3- ■ 3 ©" I"' lO Ann. c. 19 ©■ 13. I Geo. I, r. 38 6f 56. 2 Geo. 2. c, 24. 6 Geo. 2. e. 23. 8 Geo^. 2. e. jo. 15 Geo. 2. c, 22. 19 Geo, a. e. aS. 31 Geo. ». c. 14. and j^ Geo. i. c. 20. 2 £f 3 Ann. c, 9 Geo. 2, fi 38. CAP. XXVI. PR. Continued by 12 Geo. I. c.aj. and for 2 1 Years from 25 Mar, 1747. by 20 Geo. a. c. 16. To be ment, barous Perfons refufing tataketheOaths by I W. & M. ff. I. c. 8. lia- ble to the Pe- nalties inflifted on Popifh Recu- fants. Names of Per- fons refufing to he entred on Record, Record to be certified to the Juftices of Af- fize. Exchequerjto iflue Procc.s againft Lands and Goods. An ASi for repairing the Highways between TVymondham and Attlehorough in the County of Norfolk. in force 15 Years, unlefs the Road be amended before, and the Money borrowed be repaid. CAP, XXVII. An Act for the better Security of His Majefty's Royal Perfon and Government. HERE AS the Welfare and Safety of this Kingdom, and the Reformed Religion, do, next un- der God, intirely depend upon the Prefervation of Your Majefty's Royal Perfon and Govern- which by the merciful Providence of God of late have been delivered from the bloody and bar- Attempts of Traitors and other Your Majefty's Enemies, who, there is jufl- Reafon to believe, 'have in great Meafiu'e been encouraged to undertake and profecute fuch their wicked Defigns, partly by ■ ' Your Majefty's great and undeferved Clemency towards them, and partly by the Want of a fufilcient

  • Provifion in the Law, for the fecuring Offices and Places of Truft to fuch as are well afFeiSted to Your Ma-

' jefty's Government, and for the reprefTing and punifliing fuch as are known to be difafFecled to the fame :' For Remedy whereof may it pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacSed by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temi'oral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affemblsd, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the firft Day of May one thoufand fix hundred ninety-fix, all and every Perfon and Perfons who fliall refute to take the Oaths mentioned and appointed to be taken in an A£t of Parliament made in the firft Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty and the late Queen of Blefled Memory, intituled, An ACt for the ahro- gat'tng of the Oaths of Supremacy and Alh glance, am appointing other 0.iths, or either of them, when tendied to him or them by any Perfons lawfully authorized to adminifter or tender the fame, or fliall refufe or negleiSl: to appear when lawfully fummoned, in order to have the faid Oaths tendred to him or them, fliall, until he or they have duly taken the faid Oaths, be liable to incur, forfeit, pay and fufFer all and every the Penalties, Forfeitures, Sums of Money, Difabilities and Incapacities, which by the Lavi's and Statutes of this Realm, now in Force, or any of them, are inflifted upon Popifli Recufants duly convi£i: of Recufancy; And for the better and more orderly levying and anfwering the faid Penalties and Forfeitures to His Ma- jefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, the Perfons fo tendring the faid Oaths fliall, upon every fuch Refufnl or Default of Appearance as aforefaid, record and enter in Parchment the Chriftian and Surnames, and the Place of Abode of the Perfon or Perfons fo refufing, or not appearing as aforefaid, to take the (aid Oaths, or either of them, together with the Time of fuch Tender and Refufal, or Default of Appearance, and fhall deliver and certify the faid Record or Entry to the Juftices of Affize, Juftices oi Oyer and Terminer, or Gaol Delivery, at their next Seffion within the lame County, who fhall forthwith eftreat and certify the fame into His Majefty's Court of Exchequer, to be there entred of Record, to the end that the faid Court of Exchequer may thereupon award and illue fuch Procefs againft the Lands and Goods of the faid Perfon or Perfons mentioned in fuch Eftreat or Certificate, as may by the Laws and Statutes of this Re.ilm be award- ed and iffued againft the Lands or Goods of a Popifli Recufant convidl. 3 " Perfons