Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/695

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A. D. 1696. Anno odlavo Gu LIE LM I III. C. 3 — 8. 639 ' Exchequer, and make Oath the fame was received by Tale, is'f. Hammered Money to he melted down, and " coined by the Mill. New Money to be brought back into the Exchequer, and appropriated for Repay- " ment of Loans, i^c. and not divertible. Money for Taxes at 5 j-. 8 a. an Ounce to be recoined at the " next adjacent Mint, &c. ColleeSors of the Toll for making navigable the Rivers Wye and Lugg, may " before i June 1697. receive the fame in hammered Money at 5 j. 8 d. an Ounce, liSc." CAP. in. An Aft to explain that Part of the Afl; pafTed the lafl: Seflion of Parliament, for laying fcveral Duties on E X P. Low Wines, and Spirits of the fiift Lxtradlion, and for preventing the Frauds and Abufes of Brewers, 7 *= ^ W, 3, Difl:il!ers, and other Perfons chargeable with the Duties of Excife, which rel:/.:;s to the Payment of Tal- '^* ^°' lies and the Intereft thereof. All Tallies of Pro, &c. charged on the weekly Payments out of the Excife, to be fatisfied in Courfe, without undue Preference. Intereft to be paid every three Months. Tallies charged on the weekly Revenue of the Poft Office, to be paid in like Manner. [Thefe Debts were taken into the South Sea Stock, by g Annas, c. z,] C A P. IV. An Afl: to attaint Sir John Femvick Baronet of Pligh Treafon. CAP. V. An Aft to attaint fuch of the Perfons concerned in the late horrid Confpiracy to affliffinate His Majefty's Royal Perfon, who are fled from Juftice, unlefs they render themfelves to Juftice, and for continuing feveral others of the faid Confpirators in Cuftody. H E R E A S in the Months of January and February laft, there was a horrid and deteftable Con- EXP. fpiracy formed and carried on by Papifts, and other wicked and traiterous Perfons, to affaffinate ' and deftroy tlie Royal Perfon of our moft Gracious King William (whom God long preferve) which

  • Confpiracy, had not God Almighty in his great Mercy prevented the Execution thereof, had de-
  • prived thefe Kingdoms of the Enjoyment of their Liberties and Religion, involved them in Blood and

' Ruin, and fubjedted the People thereof to the Bondage and Oppreffion of Popery and Tyranny; for ' which execrable and bloody Treafon feveral of the Confpirators have been apprehended, juflly condemn- ' ed, and executed, and have upon their Deaths fully owned the Truth of the Accufations againfi: them,

  • and their being engaged in the faid wicked Confpiracy ; and feveral others, herein after named, being

' charged upon Oath before one or more of His Majefly's Juflices of the Peace, of having been privy to,

  • and engaged as principal Contrivers of, and Adlors in, the faid intended Affaffination, notwithftanding

' feveral Proclamations iffued againft them, have not rendred themfelves, nor have been yet apprehended, ' but are fled from Juftice: Therefore, i^c' C A P. VL An ASk for granting an Aid to His Majefty, as well by a Land Tax, as by feveral Subfidies and other Du- ex P. ties, payable for one Year. CAP. VII. An hSi for granting to His Majefty feveral Duties upon Paper, Vellum, and Parchment, to encourage the EXP. bringing of Plate and hammered Money into the Mints to be coined. [See x Annae, flat, i.cap. 13. §. 17.] CAP. VIII. An Aft for encouraging the bringing in wrought Plate to be coined. Perfons bringing wrought Plate to the Mints to be coined betwreen i Jan. 1696. and 4 Nov. 1697. to receive for the fame 5 i. 4^. an Ounce, of the Mafter, t^c. of the Mints. ' IX. And whereas it may reafonably be fufpefted, that Part of the Silver Coins of this Realm hath been, by Perfons regarding their own private Gain more than the publick Good, molten and converted into Vef- fels of Silver or other manufaftured Plate, which Crime hath been the more eafily perpetrated by them, in regard the Goldfmithsor others. Workers of Plate, by the former Laws and Statutes of this Realm, are not obliged to make their Plate of Finer Silver than the Sterling or Standard ordained for the Monies of this Realm ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the five and twen- From 25 March tieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, no Goldfmith, Silverfmith, or other Perfon pj^^j^'^^^J'^f" whatfoever, ftiall work or make, or caufe to be wrought or made, any Silver Veffel, Plate,^ or Manufac- iefeF°n°j,4°han ture of Silver, lefs in Finenefs than that of eleven Ounces and ten Peny Weight of fine Silver in every jj Ounces 10 Pound Troy, nor put to fale, exchange, or fell, any Silver Veffels, Plate, or Manufafture of Silver made peny wt. to a after the faid five and twentieth Day of March (unlefs it be Silver Wire, or fuch Things as in refpeft of Pound Troy, ex- their Smailnefs are not capable of receiving a Mark) until fuch Time as fuch Veffel, Plate, or m.anufaftured Xe &Tnot Silver, Ihall be marked as followeth (that is to fay) with the Worker's Mark, to be expreffed by the two n,„kable.' firft Letters of his Surname, the Marks of the Myftery or Craft of the Goldfmiths, v/hich, inftead of the piatc, how to be ^ Leopard's marked.