Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/708

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652 7 4:8 W. 3. c. 30, 8 V. 3. la Car. 2. c. 4. 6 W. 3. c. 7. Tunnage and Poundage con- tinued till I Aug. 1706. By 10 & IT "W. 3. c.ii. §.17. nothing in this C, 20. Anno odlavo 8c nono GuLiELMi III. A. D. 1G97. wherein a Credit was given for the borrowing any Sum not exceeding five hundred thoufand Pounds, at Intercll not cxcecding'tight Pounds per Centum j)er Jnntim, Part of which Monies doth ftill remain un- fatisfieil and the Perions intitled thereunto have likcwifa Tallies and Orders of Repayment for the lame; and pur'fur.nt to another Act made and pafled iit the Parliament holjen at JVeJlminJhr, in the fevcnth and eighth Years of Kis Majtfty's Reign, intituled, An ASl for laying fevered Duties upon Lnu Wines or Spi- rits of the firfl ExtrafiicH., and for preventing the Frauds and Abi^jes of Breivers, Di//i/krs,_ and other Per- fns ebargcal'le with the Duties of E::cife ; ibvcral other Sums of JVIoney have been lent to His Maj.-fty, not exceeding feventy thoufand Pounds, on Credit of the Rates or Duties upon Lov/ Wines, or Spirits of the iirft Extracfiion, and Sweets, thereby g rnted, to be repaid with Interefl not exceeding the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum for the iirft forty thoufand Pounds, and feven Poimds per Ce.iium per ■ Annum for the Remainder thereof; and by virtue of the fam.e A6t, and of another Act made an>l pafied in this prefent Seffion of Parliament to e:npluin the fame, the weekly Sum of fix thoufand Pounds arifing by or out of the Hereditary Branch of His Majefty's Revenues of Exxife upon Seer, Ale and other Li- quors, and by or out of that Part of the faid Revenues of Excife which is granted to His Majelly during His Life (which God preferve) commonly called. The Hereditary and Temporary Excife, and the weekly Sum of fix hundred Pounds out of the Money or Revenue fiom time to time arifing in the General Let- ter OiSce or Poft Office, do feveially ftand charged to pay oft" and fatisfy in Courfe fevers) 'f allies of Pro, or AfTignment, or other Tallies in thofe Afts mentioned, for the Payment whereof Provifion is thereby made, together with fuch feveral and refpeitive Rates of Intereft for the fame as arc thcieby al- lov/ed : And v/hereas by reafon of the Deficiencies of feveral of the Aids, Supplies, Impolitions and Duties above mentioned, which have not or will not be fuiEcient to anfwer the Principal and Intereft charged thereupon, and by realbn of the Remotenefs of th; Courfe of Payment of the Tallies and Orders charged upon fome of them, and upon other the Duties in this Aft before mentioned, the Owners of the faid Tallies or Orders are frequently neceffitated to (1:11 and difpofe thereof at great Lofs, or at an excef- five Difcount, whereby the publick Credit is very much prejudiced and impaired, and the Trade, and other publick and private Aftairs within this Realm do exceedingly fufFer : And whereas it is computed or eflimated, That the Deficiencies or Sums, which arc or will be wanting to fatisfy and pay off all Prin- cipal and Intercit due or to be due on the deficient Aids, Duties or Funds before mentioned (over and above all Arrears, flanding out upon any of them, which are determined, and over and above all Monies to be raifed by inch of them as are yet unexpired) do or may amount to the Sums following; that is to fay, Upon the faid firff Aid of four Shillings in the Pound, fifty-five thoufand fix hundred twenty-rwo Pounds ten Shillings and five Pence; upon the faid third Aid of four Shillings in the Pound, four hun- dred and feven thoufand three hundred feventy and two Pounds and three Pence ; upon the faid fourth Aid of four Shillings in the Pound nine hundred and feventeen thoufand one hundred and one Pounds, thirteen Shillings and two Pence Halfpenny ; upon the faid quarterly Poll, eighty-iiine thoufand two hundred feventy-five Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence ; upon the faid three Fourth Parts of the Cuftoms, tvvo hundred and thirteen thoufand four hundred forty-feven Pounds fifteen Shillings and nine Pence; upon the faid Ait charging Salt, and other Things therein mentioned, one Million feven hun- dred and eleven thoufand and five hundred Pounds; upon the faid two Third Parts of the additional Ex- cife, one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds ; upon the faid additional Impofitions payable for Goods and Merchandizes, four hundred forty-five thoufand one hundred feventy-feven Pounds feven Shillings and four Pence ; upon the !aid Duties payable upon Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, two hundred twenty- four thoufand one hundred and fourteen Pounds feven Shillings eight Pence Halfpenny ; upon the faid Duties charged upon Marriages, Births, Burials, Batchelors and Widowers, fix hundred forty and eight thoufand Pounds ; and upon the faid continued Impofitions payable for Wine, Vinegar, Tobacco, Eafi India Goods, and other Merchandizes imported, one hundred forty-fix thoufand one hundred eighty-one Pounds nineteen Shillings and five Pence Halfpenny ; and on the faid yearly Sum of three hundred thoufand Pounds out of the Subfidy of Tunnage and' Poundage, one hundred forty-two thoufand fix hundred fixty-fix Pounds feven Shillings three Pence and three Farthings, amounting in the whole to the Sum of five Millions one hundred and fixty thoufand four hundred fifty and nine Pounds, fourteen Shillings nine Pence one Farthing :' We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subje6ls, the Commons of England in Parliament aflembled, having duly weighed and confidered the PremifTes, and being defirous to rai'fe fuch Aids and Supplies, and to ufe fuch proper Methods, as may make good, the faid Deficiencies, and raife the publick Credit, have cheerfully and unanimoufly given and granted unto Your Majefty the Supplies, Impofitions and other Duties herein after mentioned, foV and during the refpedtive Terms here- after exprelTed, and do befecch Your Majefty to accept thereof, and that it may be enafted, and be it enadfed by the King's mofl Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afi'embled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Merchandizes ex- ported and imported, which were given and granted unto His late Majefty King Charles the Second for his Life, by an A61 of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of His Reign, intituled, A Sulf.dy granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported^ and which by an Act of Parliament made in the fixth Year of His Majefty's Reign, were granted and con- tinued for the Term of five Y^'Ts, to commence on the fix and twentieth Day of December one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, fliall be continued to His Majefl-y, from the Expiration of the faid Term of five Years, until the firft Day oi Augufi., which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fix, and no longer ; and that the faid A£t made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, and every Article, Rule and Claiife therein mentioned, and alfo an Order of the Commons in Parliament afTembled, made in purfuance of the Rules and Orders annexed to the aforefaid Aft, for fettling of Officers Fees, dated the feventeenth Day of May one thoufand fix hundred fixty-two, and figned by Sir Edward