2r4 C 22. Anno feeundo [vulgo primo] Jacobi I. A. D. 1604. ^f ill Stuff- that then all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo denying and v^ithftanding, and not fufFering the faid Mafters and Wardens, and Searchers, or any of them, fo appointed for the Time beitig, -to enter and make fearch, and feize as aforefaid, fliall lofe and forfeit for every Time fo denying and withftanding, five Pounds. Regiarinijof XLI. And be it further enadted. That fuch Perfon and Perfons, as hereafter fhall be affigned and ivo«'ht^and'ihe ^PPoi'^^ed Searchers and Sealers of tanned Leather by Virtue of this Ad, Ihall within the Limits and Fets'ihtiBof. Precinds of every of their Searches keep one Book or Regifter, wherein they Ihall enter all fuch Bargains as (hall be made for Leather, Hides or Skins, by any Perfon or Perfons, during and by all the I'ime of the Fair or Market, being thereunto required by the Buyer or the Seller, and a!fo the Prices of fuch Leather bought and fold, with the Names and Dwelling-places of the Buyer and Seller; (2} taking for the Searching, Sealing and Regiftring of every ten Hides, Backs or Butts ot Leather, with the Necks, Wombs and Dibbings, or other Pieces or Offal cut off from the faid Backs or Butts of Leather, of the Seller of every fuch ten Hides, Backs or Butts of Leather fo entred, two Pence, and fo after the Rate ; and for every fix Dozen of Calves-flcins or Sheep-fkins two Pence j and of ., the Buyer, after the fame Rate, and no more, greater, or other Sum or Sums of Money to be paid for Searching, Sealing or Entring of any tanned Leather. The Penalty for XLIL And be it turther enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons dial!, after l!ea"ifernoT"* ^^^ ^^'^ Feaft of St. Bartholomew next coming, fell, exchange, or put away, or caufe to be fold, girtred. ' exchanged or put away, any Manner of tanned Leather, red and unwrought, except he or they regifter or caufe to be regiftered the faid tanned Leather, and every Part and Parcel thereof, and the Price thereof; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Value of the Leather fo fold, exchanged or put away, and not regiftred. ■ The Penalty for XLIIL And be it further enacfled by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall not be lawful to or for huy ngoiLea- any Perfoh or Perfons to buy any tanned Leather before the fame fliall be fearched and fealed, nor to orreg^re",'* carry or caufe to be carried out of the Fair or Market any Leather, till it be regiftred as aforefaid ; (2) upon Pain to forfeit the faid Leather or the Value thereof fo bought, and not fearched and fealed, ' or carried away and not regiftred. TAe Penalty of XLIV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Currier within the faid Cordwa'teer"'^ City of London or three Miles compafs of the fame, after the Feaft of St. Bartholomew next coming, do omitting his curry any Leather infufSciently tanned, or after the faid Feaft do not curry fuch Leather as he doth D"'/. or fliall curry, fubftantially and well, according to the Meaning and Purport of this Acl ; (2) or if any Shoemaker, Cordwainer or Cobler within the City of London or three Miles Compafs of the fame, after the faid Feaft of ?>t. Bartholomew ntvit, put any tanned Leather into any Shoes, Boots, Bufkins, Startops, Slippers, Pantofles or other Things made of tanned Leather, which fliall not be well and perfedly tanned according to the Purport and true Meaning of this Adl ; (3) or after the faid Feaft do put any curried Leather into any Boots, Buflcins, Startops, Shoes, Slippers, Pantofles or other Things made of Leather, which fliall not be v^efl and fufiiciently tanned and curried, and alfo fealed Mod. Cafes in as is aforefaid; (4) or do make Boots, Bufkins, Shoes, Startops, Slippers, Pantofles or other things Law 165. made of Englijh tanned Leather, in other Manner than is above fpecified and ordained : (5} Or if any Shoemaker, Sadler or their Artificers, ufing Cutting or Working of Leather, do make any Wares of any tanned Leather infufficiently tanned, or of tanned or xurried Leather, being not fufficiently tanned and curried as is aforefaid, (6; or do not make their Wares belonging to their feveral Occupations fuffjciently and fubftantially : (7) That then every Perfon fo offending fliall forfeit for every fuch feveral Offence or Default, the faid Wares and the juft Value thereof. ^ felling of XLV. Provided always, and be it enaded. That no manner of Perfon or Perfons fliall after the donTuriB open f*^ Feaft of St. Bartholojnew utter or fell, or caufe to be uttered or fold, within the faid City of Lo?idon •Shop, Fair or or within three Miles Compafs of the fame, any Manner of Wares appertaining to the Craft or Myftery Market. of any Artificer ufing Cutting of Leather, but only in open Shop, common t air or Market, whereby the faid Wardens may have the true Search of the fame ; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Wares fo fold, and ten Shillings for every Time. All Cutters of XLVL Provided alway, and be it enaded. That all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever now nM^'Landon ^^^o' °^ t'^^*^ hereafter (hall be, free of the faid City of London, of what Company foever, and all 111 ju be under Foreigners, EngUjh, or Aliens and Strangers born, dwelling or inhabiting, or which hereafter fliall Se»ich. dvyell or inhabit, within the City of London or three Miles Compafs of the fame, as well within Places privileged as not privileged, ufing or exercifing any manual Occupation of cutting or working of Leather into made Wares, (hall be under the Survey and Search of the Mafters and Wardens of fuch Comp.anies cf the faid City of London, as the Artificers commonly ufing the fafne Myftery or Occupation, being Freemen of the City of London and' of the fame Company, be, touching or con- cerning only their Wares and Stuff made of or with Leather, in like Manner and Form as other Freemen of the fame Company be or fliall be, (2) and (hall contribute and pay to the feveral Mafters and Wardens of the faid feveral Companies for the Time being v/ithin the faid City, as the Artificers iiHng the fame Myftery, being Freemen of the faid City and of the fame feveral Companies, Ihall contribute aiid pay ; the fame to be recovered by Diftrefs or Aiflion of Debt, in any of the King's Y'^iii'^".'^'^'° J^'^'li-ity's Courts of Record ; in which no Wager of Law for the Defendant to be allowed: {■!,) All 'fktt'd KyYiii's" which Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures aforefaid, of Sums of Money aforefaid, (except fuch Pains,
- nTi
- iii(;^ " Pcnaltic';i and Forfeitures, as are before, or hereafter by this Art (hall otherwife be o'il'pofed) fhall be
divided into three equal Parts; one Part whereof ihall be to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs ar.d Siicceflisrs, 'aftd another Part to him or them that fliall fue for the fame in any oi the Courts of Record of the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Pli'.int, Informa'don •'tir vtherwifei in which Suit no Wager of Law or Eflbin (hall he admitted Cir allowed ; and the third Part