Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/723

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A. D. 1697. Anno odlavo & nono Gulielmi III. C. 20. 667 direftly or indireftly, any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Reward or Thing, for Broakidge, foliciting, 'driving, procuring or making fuch Contnidl or Bargain, over and above the Sum of two Shillings and Six- 'pcnce for the Broakidge, foliciting, driving, or (irocuring fuch Contraft or Bargain for one hundred Pounds, and fo rateably for a greater or Idler Sum, fliall forfeit for every fuch Offence twenty Pounds, to fuch Per- fon or Perfons as will I'ue for the fame, by Action of Debt, or of the Cafe as aforefaid ; and if any Broaker, Solicitor, or Driver of any Bargain or Contract, for any fuch Tallies or Orders, as aforefaid, fhall, after the faid tenth Day of June one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, drive or make any fuch Bargain or Contraft for any Talley or Order, or any Money due thereupon, in which Contrail or Bargain there fhall be any Prccrnhim or Allowance made, or agreed to be made contrary to this Aft, then he or they fo offend- ing, mail, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of five hundred Pounds, to wit, one third Part thereof to the King, and the other two Thirds thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons who will fue for the fame, to be reco- vered as aforefaid ; and that every fuch Broaker, Solicitor, or Driver of fuch Bargain, who Ihall be guilty of fuch Offence, and be thereof convi£lcd, ihall be deemed, and is hereby adjudged to be a common Ex- tortioner, and fhall fufFer fuch further Pains and Penalties as by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm may be infliiSted for common Extortion. ' LXI. And whereas divers Perfons have, or before the faid tenth Day of ymie one thoufand fix hun- ' dred ninety-feven, may have purchafed and bought feveral Orders of Loan, or Parts thereof, or fuch ' Tallies, as aforefaid, neglefting to have their Affignments thereof to be duly regiftred, as the Law di- ' refts, and many of them, inflead of taking formal Afignments, which might be regiflred, have accepted ' from the Perfon or Perfons, who fliould make the fame, the indorfing of his or their Names only u]5on ' fuch Orders ; Be it further enafted and provided by the Authority aforefaid. That where any fuch Or- Orders purchafed ders of Loan, or Parts thereof, or fuch Tallies have been aftuaily and bona fide purchafed and bought be- ^'^^"'^ lojune fore the faid tenth Day oi June one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, and Oath thereof fliall be made at any '^^7-'heClaiin- Time or Times within three Months from thence nextenfuing, before any of the Officers or Perfons hereby trta'ke "he'o^atb authorized to adminiifer the other Oaths concerning the Prcsmium or Allowance, as aforefaid, in all fuch concerning the Cafes, the Perfon or Perfons claiming fuch Orders, or Parts of Orders, or Tallies, by fuch Aflignments r'^mium. not regiffred, or by fuch Indorfements, fliall not in refpecSi: thereof be obliged by virtue of this A6t to take the faid other Oath concerning the Pr^?«zz»7rz, Reward, or Allowance; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. LXll. And be it further enailed, That the Affidavit herein before direfted fhall be in Writing, and re- Affiiavit tobe main filed with the refpeclive Officers, before whom the fame fhall be made. in Writing, ami ' LXIII. And whereas by an Aft of this prefent Seffion of Parhament, intituled, An A£l for grantina ^^'^^'

  • an Aid to His Majefty^ as zuell by a Land Tax, as by feveral Subfidies and other Duties payable for one Year ; ^ '"< 9 ^- 3- '• 6.

' it is amongfl other Things enafted. That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Commiffioners of

  • His Majeffy's Treafury, or any three of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more

' of the Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treafury for the time being, to caufe Bills to be made forth at ' the Receipt of Exchequer, in fuch Alanner and Form as they fhall appoint, for any Sum or Sums of ' Money not exceeding one Million five hundred thoufand Pounds, by virtue of that Aft, and to iffue the ' fame to the Ufes of the War, in fuch Proportions as they fhall think fit; and that the faid Bills fhall be ' current to the Receivers or Colleftors of any Aids, Taxes, or Supplies, thereby granted, or that fhould ' be granted for the Service of the War for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven (except for the ' Aid of three Shillings in the Pound) and fuch other Direftions are thereby given, concerning the ma-

  • king, ifTuing, receiving back, and cancelling, the faid Bills, as in and by the faid Aft, Relation beino-

' thereunto had, more at large appears :' Now to the end the faid Bills fo authorized to be iffued may be of more general Ufe, as well for the Occafions of the War, as for the publick Commerce and Trade ; Be it Exchequer Bills further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Bills, fo authorized to be iffued, fh:ll be received to be taken for and taken, not only by Receivers or Colleftors of the Taxes or Supplies granted or to be granted for the T^^^^j ■s^'^- War for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, but fhall alfo pafs and be current to all and every §""'"<* "^Psr- the Commiffioners^ Receivers, or Colleftors of any Revenue, Aid, 'Tax, or Supply whatfoever, already ain*">mems at granted, or that fhall or may be granted, during this prefent SefTion of Parliament, either for the War, the Exchequer or any other Ufe, and alfo at the Receipt of the Exchequer from the faid Commiffioners, Receivers, or Col- due to the King, leftors, or from any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever making any Payments there to His Majelfy upon any Account whatfoever. LXIV. And to the end that all Perfons may be the more willing and ready to accept and receive the faid Bilk to hear 5 a. Bills in all Manner of Payments; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be annexed => Day percent. unto, attend, and go along with, the faid Bills, an Interefl: after the Rate of five Pence a Day for every Int^r^ft till Pay- one hundred Pounds contained therein, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefTer Sum ; which faid In- ™'" tereft {hall be paid or allowed to the Perfon who is laft poffeft thereof, to the Day he pays the fame , into the Exchequer, or to any Receivers or Colleftors for any Aids, Taxes, Revenues, or Supplies what- foever. LXV. And that no Interefl may be allowed on the faid former Bills for any longer Time than the fame gjus 3:^ ;„f fhall be unanfwered to His Majefty ; it, is hereby enafted. That the Perfon who pays the fame into the the Ejc'hcq"er, Exchequer, or to any Receivers or Colleftors, for any Aids, Taxes, or Revenues, fhall at the Time of tobefigned, &c, making fuch Payment put his Name to the faid Bill, and write the Day of the R'tonth, to which Day the Colleitor or other Perfon who receives the fame to His Majefty 's Ufe fha'il be allowed again the Intereft that he fhall have allowed thereupon ; and when any of the laid Bills, which in Purfuance of this Aft fhall be received at the Exchequer, Cuflom Houfe, Excife Office, or General Letter Office, or by any of His Majefty's Receivers or Colleftors, or for any Revenues, Taxes, or Supplies, (hall be applicable to the Satisfaftion of Tallies and Orders of Loan, or to any other Ufes or Payments v/hatfoever, and by Reafon thereof are not to be immediately cancelled at the faid Exchequer, or iy any other publick Office, then the 4 0.2 refpeftive