686 C. 37. Anno octavo & nono GULIELMI III. A. D. 1697. On Exportation by the Authority aforefaid, That on Exportation of foreign Luftrings or Alamodes, the Exporter ſhall not of foreign Luf- be intitled to receive any Drawback, or be repaid the Duties, Cuftoms, or Impofitions paid, payable, or trings, &c. Ex- porter to receive fecured, on Importation of the fame, or any Part thereof; any Law, Statute, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the no Diawback, contrary notwithſtanding. Scc. Perions imbe- Siik delivered to 34 Car. 2. c. 15. & 20 Car. 2. VI. And whereas the Silk Manufacturers are obliged, from time to time, to deliver to their Agents, Journeymen, Warpers and Winders, great Quantities of Silk to work up, which is often by them em- zelling, &c. any bezelled, fold, or pawned, to the great Detriment of the Silk Manufacturers of this Kingdom;' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon or Perfons whofoever, that thall imbezel, pawn, fell, or detain any of the Silk fo delivered, or after the fame is wrought up, and alfo all and every Receiver and Receivers, Buyer and Buyers, or ſuch as take to pawn any of the faid Goods, fhall be fub- ject and liable to all the Penalties, Forfeitures, and Punifhments contained, mentioned, and provided, in one Act of Parliament made in the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of King CHARLES the the Ads 13 & Second, intituled, An Act for regulating the Trade of Silk Throwing; and in another Act made in the twen- ticth Year of the faid King CHARLES the Second, intituled, An Act to regulate the Trade of Silk Throwing. VII. And whereas feveral Weavers have certain Pieces of Black Alamodes and Luftrings by them, Weavers having which have not been fealed by the Officers of the Cuftoms, or Royal Luftring Company, and are liable by Law to be forfeited, if fold unfealed, as aforefaid, and the faid Weavers would allo thereby incur other Penalties; yet in Commiferation of their Condition, it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every fuch Pieces of Alamodes and Luftrings, as do or fhall appear upon Oath made in Writing before any Juftice of the Peace by one or more credible Witneffes (who have never been manufactured in profecuted for importing Goods without paying the Duties charged on the fame, or for importing Goods England, may prohibited by Law to be imported) to be manufactured within this Realm, on or before the tenth Day of April one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, fhall be brought to the Royal Luftring Company's Ware- Luftring Com- houſe, and the Evidence of their being manufactured within this Kingdom being there produced, fhall be c. 6. Alamodes and 6 S Luftrings by them not fealed, upon Proof on Oath they were have them feal- ed gratis at the marked and fealed gratis by the faid Company, before the firſt Day of May one thoufand fix hundred nine- ty-feven, and be lawful to be fold, as if manufactured by the faid Company. Weavers to give a weekly Ac- VIII. And for preventing the Sale of other Alamodes and Luftrings under the Colour of theſe fo marked and fealed, as aforefaid; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Weavers fhall give an Account weekly to the faid Company, to whom they have fold fuch Goods fo fealed and marked as aforefaid, under the Penalty of double the Value of fuch Goods fo fold, for every fuch Omiffion, to be Goods fo fealed, recovered in the fame Manner as other the Penalties inflicted by this Act are directed and appointed to be Farther Provi- recovered, and that the faid Company fhall keep a Regifter of the faid Sales. fions relating berete, 9 & 10 W. 3. c. 30 & 43. 5 Ann. c. 20. 26 Gec, 2. c. 21. count to whom they fold fuch 6 Ann. c. 19. 8 Geo. 1. c. 15. 9 Ges. 1. c. 8. 1 Geo. 2. c. 17. 23 Geo. 2. c. 9 & 20* be wrought up, and alfo Buyers, Receivers, &c. to be liable to the Penalties in pany's Ware- houfe, &c. 6 W. & M. ff. 2.
- . 8.
CA P. XXXVII. An Act for explaining and enforcing the Act for paving and cleanfing the Streets within the Cities of London and Weftminfter, and Borough of Southwark, and weekly Bills of Morta- lity, and Streets adjoining thereunto; and for widening the Street at the South End of Lon- don Bridge. W HEREAS by an Act made in the fecond Year of the Reign of His Majefty and the late Queen MARY, intituled, An Act for paving and cleanfing the Streets in the Cities of London and Weftmin- fter, and Suburbs and Liberties thereof, and Out Parifhes in the County of Middlefex, and in the Borough of Southwark, and other Places within the weekly Bills of Mortality in the County of Surrey, and for regulating the Markets therein mentioned, there are ſeveral Omiffions which hinder the Intentions of the faid Act; For Remedy whereof be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and Perfons inha by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the tenth Day of April one thoufand fix hundred ninety- biting within feven, all and every Perfon and Perfons inhabiting in the faid Parifhes of Middlefex and Weftminfter, and the Bills of in the Liberties thereof, and in the Borough of Southwark, or in any of the Streets and Lanes, or Alleys, to caufe the Streets, comprized within the weekly Bills of Mortality, and the Town of Kenfington, fhall twice in every Week &c. to be fwept (that is to fay) on every Wednefday and Saturday at the leaft, between the Hours of Six and Nine of the twice a week. Clock in the Forenoon, fweep and cleanſe, or caufe to be fwept and cleanfed, all the Streets, Lanes, Al- leys, and publick Places, before their reſpective Houfes, Buildings, and Walls, and the Buildings and Walls of Churches and other publick Places, to the end the Dirt and Soil in the faid Streets may be heaped Penalty on Of- ready for the Scavenger to carry away, upon Pain to forfeit ten Shillings for every Offence, to be recovered as other the Penalties and Forfeitures in and by the faid recited Act are ordered and directed. fender. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Conviction upon this or the faid Act fhall be by the View or Knowledge of any one or more. Jufticc or Juftices of the Peace, then one Forfeitures how Half of the Penalty therein mentioned fhall be to the Relief of the Poor, and the other Moiety (if for a to be applied. Default of Pavement) to be employed for and towards the repairing, paving, and cleanfing the faid Streets and Places, to be paid to the Scavenger of the faid Place, and by them employed for that Ufe, or other- wife to the Relief of the Poor, as in and by the faid recited Act is ordered and directed. Juftices to caufe III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Place within the Bills of both sides of the Mortality aforefaid fhall be by the Juftices of the Peace ordered to be paved, and the other Side or Part of Streets of Lanes, the faid Street, Lane, or Place, be out of the faid Bills of Mortality, that in that Cafe it fhall and may be &c. to be paved as well without lawful for the faid Juftices of Peace to cauſe the faid other Part or Side of the faid Street, Lane, and Place, the Bil's of Mor- to be alfo paved by the reſpective Inhabitants next adjoining, under the fame Penalty, and in the fame tality as within. Manner,