705 C. 25. Anno nono & declmo Gulielmi TIL A. D. 1698. lEntry of Aflion In Mayor's Court, &c. 6 d. Common Bail or ^pptarance, 6 d. Rule of Court, « 6d. Copy, 6 d. Icdefiaftical .Monition, Li- bel, &c. 6d. Copy, &c. 6 d. Charter Party, Policy of Anii- rance, &c. 6 d. Declaration, Plea, &c. 1 d. Copy, I d. Depofitions in Chancery, &c. 1 d, Esceptions, Copy of Will, Id. Officer to date Writ of Arreft ; and enter the faine. Penalty on Of- ficer negleifting, • By 6 Geo. I. c. 21, §.54.. Warrants on Writs are to have the fame Year and Day fet down as on the Writ. Par- ticulars not to ic charged,' ptas, ^0 Minus, "Wntoi Ded'imtis Poteflatem to take Anfwers, examine Witneffes, or appoint Guardians, or any other Writ whatfoever, or any other Procefs or Mandate that fliall iflue out of or pais the Seals of any the Courts at Weftminjier, Courts of the Great Seffions in Wales, Courts in Counties Palatine, or any other Court whatfoever, holding Plea where the Debt or Damage doth amount to forty Shillings or above, or the Thing in Demand is of that Value, fhall be ingroffed or written, (Writs of Covenant for levying Fines, Writs of Entry for fuffering Common Recoveries, and Writs oi Habeas Corpus alway excepted) the Sum of fix Pence. XXXII. For every Piece of Vellum, Parchment or Paper, upon which any Entry of any Aftlon in the Mayor's and Sherifl's Courts of London, and in Courts in all Corporations, and other Courts whatfoever, out of which no Writs, Procefs or Mandates ifTue, holding Plea, where the Debt or Damage doth amount to forty Shillings or above, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of fix Pence. XXXIII. For every Piece of Vellum, Parchment or Paper, upon which any Common Bail to be filed in any Court whatfoever, and upon which any Appearance that fhall be made upon fuch Bail fliall be in- grofiTed or written, the Sum of fix Pence : Which Appearance or common Bail the Defendant fhall caufe to be entred or filed within eight Days after the Day upon which the Procefs on which the Defendant is arrefted fhall be returnable, upon Penalty of five Pounds to be paid to the Plaintiff, for which the Court fhall immediately award Judgment, whereupon the Plaintiff may take out Execution. XXXIV. For every Piece of Vellum, Parchment or Paper, upon which any Rule or Order made or given in any the Courts at TVeftminJler, either Courts at Law or Equity, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of fix Pence. XXXV. For every Piece of Vellum, Parchment or Paper, upon which any Copy of fuch Rules or Or- ders entred, or the Copies of any other Records or Proceedings in any of the faid Courts at JVeJiminfter, not hereby otherwife charged, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of fix Pence. XXXVI. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which fhall be in- groffed or written any Citation or Monition made in any Ecclefiaflical Court, or any Libel or Allegation, Depofition, Anfwer, Sentence or final Decree, or any Inventory exhibited in any Ecclefiaflical Court, the Courts of Admiralty, or Cinque Ports, or whereupon any Copies of them refpeftively fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of fix Pence. XXXVII. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Char- ter Party, Policy of Affurance, Pafport, Bond, Refeafe, Contrait or other Obligatory Inftrument, or any Protefl, Procuration, Letter of Attorney, or any other Notarial A61: whatfoever, fhall be ingroffed or writ- ten, the Sum of fix Pence. XXXVIII. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any De- claration, Plea, Replication, Rejoinder, Demurrer or other Pleadings wharfbever, in any Court of Law, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of one Penny. XXXIX. And for every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, upon which any Copy thereof fhall be written or ingroffed, the Sum of one Penny. XL. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Depofitions taken in the Court of Chancery, or other Court of Equity (except the Paper Draughts of Depofitions, taken by virtue of any Commiffion, before they are ingroffed) which are not herein before charged, or upon which any Copy of any Bill, Anfwer, Plea, Demurrer, Replication, Rejoinder, Interrogatories, Depofitions or other Proceedings whatfoever, in any Court of Equity, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of one Penny. XLI. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which a Copy of any Will fliall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of one Penny. XLII. And for preventing Abufes committed by arreifing Perfons without any Writ or legal Procefs to juflify the fame, by Means whereof the Duty hereby given for ever to the Crown upon fuch Procefs will be loft; Be it enadfed by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid firft Day oi Jugiiji one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, every Officer or Clerk belonging, or which fhall hereafter belong, to the Court of King's Bench, Common Pleas or Exchequer, who fhall fign any Writ or Procefs before Judg- ment, to arreft any Perfon or Perfons thereupon, fliall, at the Signing thereof, fet down upon fuch Writ or Procefs, the Day and Year of his figning the fame, which fliall be entred upon the Remembrance, or in the Book where the Abllrafl: of fuch Writ or Procefs fhall be entred ; upon Pain to forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds for every Offence or Ne^Ieii: of fuch Officer or Clerk aforefaid, to be recovered by any Perfon who fhall fue for the fame, in any Court of Record of His Majeffy, His Heirs or Succeffors, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Wager of Law, Proteftion or Eflbin, or more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed. XLIII. Provided always, That this Att or any thing therein contained fhall not extend to charge with the faid Duties, or any of them, any Bills of Exchange, Accounts, Bills of Parcel, Bills of Fees, or any Bills or Notes (not fealed) for Payment of any Money at Sight, or upon Demand, or at the End of cer- tain Days of Payment. XLIV. Provided, That nothing in this A& contained fhall extend to charge with the faid Duties, or any of them, the Probate of any Will, or Letters of Adminiftration, of any common Seaman or Soldier, who fhall be flain or die in the Service of His Majefty, His Heirs or Succeffors, a Certificate being pro- duced from the Captain of the Ship or Veffel, or Captain of the Troop or Company, under whom iuch Seamen or Soldier fcrved at the Time of his Death, and Oath made of the Truth thereof, before the pro- per Judge or Officer, by whom fuch Probate or Adminiftration ought to be granted ; which Oath fuch Judge oi: Officer is heceby authorized and required to adminifter, and for which no Fee or Reward fhall be taken. XLV. Provided