Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/773

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A. D. 1698. Anno nono & dccimo Gulielmi III. C. 37 40. 717 CAP. XXXVII. An A£t for applying to the Ufe of His Majefty's Navy and Ordnance the Overplus of the Money and iW. &M. ff. Stores, which were provided i'or the building feven and twenty Ships of War. EXP. ..'^' ^' ^^j CAP. xxxvm. ^' An AQ. for granting to His Majefty an Aid by a quarterly Poll for one Year. EXP. CAP. XXXIX. An Aft for fettling and adjufting the Proportion of fine Silver and Silk, for the better making of Silver and EXP. Gold Thread, and to prevent the Abufes of Wire-drawers. [Continued for feven Years, and amended isGco. j.cio, by I Annas, ftat. i. cap. 17.] Weight of Silver Wire drawn for making Gold and Silver Thread, £sV. No gilt Wire to be coloured with Verdigreafe, is'c. Six Ounces of Plate to cover four Ounces of Silk, &c. Allowances for Gold and Silver Thread made finer, ^'c. Gold and Silver Plate to be fpun clofe on light dyed Silk, ^Jc. (except Froft.) All Metals inferior to Silver (hall be fpun on Thread, (Jc. Importation of Gold or Silver Thread, Lace, tfc. arc made of Copper, Brafs, &'c. prohibited. Suit to be commencpd in fix Months after Offence. A£i: to continue for three Years. C A P. XL. An A<51 for the Explanation and better Execution of former Afts made agalnft Tranfportation of Wool], Fullers Earth, and Scouring Clay. WHEREAS feveral Laws have been made to prevent the Exportation of Wooll and Fullers Earth ^'"'". ^- *• s^Jj out of this Kingdom, yet neverthelefs the faid Exportation is ftill notorioufly continued, to the '^' great Prejudice and Difcouragement of the Woollen Trade and Manufacture of England : And whereas in the firft Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty King William and the late Queen Mary, there pafled an A£t, intituled, Jf« A5i for the better preventing the Exportaiimi ofTVool, and encouraging f/i^ ' W. &M. ff. i. Woollen ManufaEinres of this Kingdom; which Act was continued by one other KSt made in the fourth "^^ 3*' and fifth Years of their faid Majefties Reign, intituled, An AStfor reviving, continuing, and explaini?jg fe- 4 & 5 W. & M, veral Laws therein mentioned, which ivere expired and near expiring ; which faid A£t was further continued in <;• 24- the feventh Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, with fome Alterations, intituled. An ASlJor the more effec- 7 & 8 W. 3. tual preventing the Exportation of Wooll, and for the encouraging the Importation of JVooll from Ireland, c. zS. which A^ is now near expiring : And whereas for preventing the faid Mifchiefs it is necelfary that the laft mentioned Aft, with Ibme convenient Alterations, fhould be continued, and alfo that there fliould be fome more efFeftual Remedies than have been hitherto provided ;' Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid laft mentioned Aft, made in the feventh Year of His Majefty's Reign, and intituled. An ASi for the more effec- y & S W. 3; tual preventing the Exportation of Wooll, and for encouraging the Importation of Wooll from heland, and every '^•^S. Claufe, Matter, and Thing therein contained, except what is hereby otherwife altered, explained, en- larged, or repealed, Ihall continue and be in full Force, as if the fame were herein and hereby particularly recited and mentioned. ' II. And whereas under a Pretenfion of carrying Fullers Earth and Scouring Clay into Ireland, the fame 3 Geo. t. c. n.

  • is conveyed into Scotland, and other foreign Parts, to the further Prejudice of the Woollen Manufafture 4 Geo. i. c. n.
  • of this Kingdom ;' Be it further enafted. That from and after the four and twentieth Day of fune one 5 Geo. i. c. u.

thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, no Fullers Earth or Scouring Clay ftiall be exported out of this King- J,*^"' "' '^' ^ dom. Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, into Ireland or Scotland, or any other foreign Penalty" cne'xV Parts, upon any Pretence whatfoever, but that the Exporters, being legally convifted, fhall be liable to porting Fuiiets the Forfeitures of one Shilling for every Pound Weight. • . -Eanh or Scour^ ' III. And whereas it is a common Praftice in Romney Marjh and other Places adjacent, for evil difpofed '°8 Clay.

  • Perfons to ftieer their Sheep, and lodge Wooll near the Sea Side, and foraetimes to bring Wool out of the

' Country more remote, and lodge it as aforefaid, where by Fraud and Force in the Night Time, the ' faid Perfons do caufe the lame to be tranfported to France, to the Increafe of the Trade of that Kingdom,

  • and the Deftruftion of the Trade of England ■' To prevent thefe Praftices for the future. Be it further

enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Owner and Owners of Wooll fhorn or houfed, OwnersofWooil laid up or lodged, within ten Miles of the Sea Side, within the Counties of Kent and ^ijfex, ftiall be obliged within 10 Miics to give an exaft Account in Writing, within three Days after the ftieering thereof, of his, her, or their P*" fl"^ ^' ^'"^"^j Number of Fleeces, and where lodged or houfed, to the next adjacent Port or Officer of His Majeity's J-"^ to"'""^ ^" Cuftoms, and the like Notice before he, ftie, or they ftiall prefume to remove any Part or Parcel thereof, Acauift of the' of the faid Number of Fleeces and Weight, and the Name and Abode of the Perfon or Perfons to whom it Number of is difpofed, and the Place to which it is intended to be carried ; and to take a Certificate from the Officer Fleeces, and ' "- who firft entred the fame, upon the Penalty of forfeiting all fuch Wooll as fhall not be fo entred or other- ^'^■^ lodged, wife difpofed of, and the Owner or Owners alio to be liable to the further Penalties of three Shillings for pj^jUy^ every Pound Weight of all fuch Wooll, as if the fame had been aftually tranfported ; which faid Account officertogive - the Officers refpeftively are hereby required to take gratis, and to give fuch Certificate or Certificates, with- Certificate, Sc- out Delay, to the Party or Parties demanding the tame, and fliall therein fpecify the Name or Names of the Owners and Buyers thereof, and limit it to fuch Times and Places to b& removed ; for which*Duty and