A. D. 1698. Anno nono & declmo GuLiELMi Iir. C. 44. 735 cntred or regiftred at large in the Books of the faid General Society, and fhall alfo take a corporal Oath, enter their M- before two or more of the Truftees of the faid General Society, that fuch Perfon trading by fuch Licence """«. &<:. and fhall be faithful to the faid General Society, and will not at any Time or Times fliip, lade, fend, direft, J^'^ " ^^ ' or caufe to be fent, to the Eaji Indies^ or other Places within the Limits aforcf lid, any Goods, Coins, or other Merchandizes of greater Value than what he or flie may lawfully fend thither by virtue of this kii ; ig fuch Time as he or ihey refpectivcly „ j. , , fliall continue a Member or Members of fuch Company or Corporation, fhall trade otherwife than in the wifc th'a/in' tu' Joint Stock of fuch Corporation, of which he or they are Mcinbers refpectively ; and every fuch Member jointStock or Members, before he or they (hall be allowed to receive any Benefit, in or by fuch Corporation, or to thereof. . do, or intermeddle in any of the Affairs of the fame, ihall take a corporal Oath before two or more of the Every Member,- Truftees, or other Perfons, who fhall have the Direction of the Affairs of any fuch Company or Corpo- Oathnott^o^ trade ration (who have hereby Power to adminiflcr the faine) that he or flie fliall be faithful to fuch Company tohe"ind'icf, or Corporation, and (according to thebefl of his or her Skill and Underftanding) give his or her Advice, &c. on any p'i- Counfel, and AlTvftance, for the Support and good Government of the faid Company or Corporation ; and "t= Account, that he or fhe, during his or her Continuance, in fuch Company or Corporation, v/ill not at any Time or Times fliip, lade, fend, direft, or caufe to be fent from England, or any other Country, to the Eqjl Indies, or other Parts within the Limits aforefaid, for his or their private Accounts, any Goods, Coins, or other Merchandizes, contrary to this Ad-; and that no Perfon or Perfons, that fhall have the Order, Rule, Di- reftion, or Management of the Voyages, or other Afl^airs of the faid Company or Corporation, or that fhall be intrufted or employed to trade upon the Joint Stock, or for a Company, as aforefaid, fliall be allowed to fhip, or caufe to be fhipped, laded, or put on board, or to fend or caufe to be fent from tlie Eafl Indies, or other Parts, within the Ijimits aforefaid, any Goods, Foreign Coins, or other Merchandizes whatfoever from England, or any other Country, until he or they refpeilively fhall have taken a corporal Oath, be- fore two or more of the Truftees, or other Diredors of fuch Company, or before the Carons of the Ex- chequer for the time being, or fome of them, that he or they relpeftively will be faithful to fuch Company or Corporation, and (according to the beft of his or her Skill and Underftanding) give his or her Advice, Counfel, and Afliftance, for the Support and good Government of the fame, and that he or fhe, during his or her Continuance in fuch Company or Corporation, will not at any Time or Times, fhip, lade, fend, diredt, or caufe to be fent from England, or any other Country for the EaJi Indies, or other the Parts within the Limits aforefaid, any Goods, Coins, or other Merchandizes, but fuch as he or fbe may law- fully fend thither, for the Account of fuch Company, according to this Aft. LXV. Provided always. That fuch Perfons as are known or commonly reputed to be fakers, inftead of Qn^Iters may any Oath or Oaths by this hSi prefcribed, fhall and may make a folemn Declaration in Writing to the ^^^^^^lil'^'^ fame EfFeft, and in the fame Manner; and every fuch Declaration in Writing fhall be of the fame Vali- dity, as if he or they had taken a corporal Oath, as aforefaid ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. LXVL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons All Perfons whatfoever, that fhall or may, in purfuance of this Adt, trade or fend, or caufe to be fent any Goods, Fo- trading in pur- reign Coins, or other Merchandizes, for the EaJl Indies, or other the Parts within the Limits aforefaid, be- fiance of this fore fuch Goods, Foreign Coins, or other Merchandizes, or any of them (the Goods, Foreign Coins, or ^^' ^t' c^ other Merchandizes of fuch Company as fhall or may be ereded, if any fuch be, to trade with a Joint they^jLorr&c. Stock, as aforefaid, only and always excepted) fhall be fhipped, laded, or put on board any Ship, or into any Lighter, Boat, or other Veflel for that Purpofe, fhall make, or caufe to be made an Entry or Entries of the fame, in a Book or Books for that Purpofe, fpecifying in fuch Entry or Entries, the true and full Quantities, Kinds, and Values of al) the Goods, Foreign Coins, or other Merchandizes fo intended to be fent for the Eajl Indies, or other the Parts within the Limits aforefaid, from England, or from any other Country whatfoever, with the Name of the Ship, and of the Commander or Mafter thereof; to the end it Perfons con- may be feen by Infpeftion of fuch Book or Books to which all Perfons concerned fhall have free Accefs at cerned m^y view all feafonable Times, without Fee or Charge) from time to time, whether fuch Traders do or do not fend tlie Books, &c. more Goods, Coins, or Merchandizes in the faid Trade than they refpedtively are allowed to fend by this Aft ; and all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, upon fuch Entry or Entries made, from time to time, fhall The faid Entries- make and fign an Affirmation in Writing, in which he or they fhall declare or affirm (upon the Oath or oath ^a^" °"' folemn Declaration which he or they fhall previoufly have taken or made, as aforefaid, in that Behalf ) that ' fuch Entry or Entries do contain the true and full Value and Values of all the Goods, Coin, or Merchandizes, to be fhipt by or for him or them on fuch Ship for that Voyage; all which Entries and Affirmations fhall Entries and Af- be made before two or more of the Truftees for the General Society aforefaid, and in Books to be kept by firmations how them for that Purpoie, until a Company with Power to trade upon a Joint Stock fhall be eredted, as to be made, aforefaid ; and after fuch Company fhall be eredled, then the fame fliall be made before two or more of the Diredlors or Managers of fuch Company, and in Books to be kept by them for that Purpofe. LXVIL And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and General Sociei)-, for His Majcfty, by His faid Charter or Charters of Incorporation, to impower the faid General Society, &c. may make and their Succeffors, and fuch Company as fhall be eredled to trade with a Joint Stock, as aforefaid, and By-laws, their Succeffors, or either of them feverally, to make reafonable Laws, Conftitutions, Orders, and Ordi- riances, from time to time, for the good Government of the faid Trade to the EaJl Indies, and other the Parts aforefaid, and of the Traders, Faftors, Agents, Officers, and others concerned in the fame, and to inflift reafonable Penalties and Punifhments, by Imprifonments, Mulfls, Fines, or Amerciaments, for any Breach or Breaches thereof, and to levy fuch Muldts, Fines, or Amerciaments to the Ufe of fuch General Society or Company refpedively. t vttttt a , LitVili, And