Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/9

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Publick and Private Statutes,
The TITLES of the ACTS from the First Year of the Reign of James I.
to the Tenth Year of the Reign of William III.

Anno secundo [vulgo] primo Jacobi Regis.

  1. A Most joyful and just Recognition of the immediate, lawful and undoubted Succession, Descent and Right of the Crown.
  2. An Act authorizing certain Commissioners of England, to treat with Commissoners of Scotland, for the Seal of both Kingdoms.
  3. An Act against the Diminution of the Posessions of Archbishoprics and Bishopricks, and avoiding of Dilapidations of the same.
  4. An Act for the due Execution of the Statutes against Jesuits. Seminary Priests, Recusants.
  5. An Act to prevent the Over-charge of the People by Stewards of Court-Leets and Coart-Darons.
  6. An Act made for the Explanation of the Statute made in the fifth Year of the late Queen Elizabeth's Reign, concerning Labourers.
  7. An Act for the Continuation and Explanation of the Statute made in the thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, intituled. An Act for Punishment of Rogues, Vagabonds, and sturdy Beggars.
  8. An Act to take away the Benefit of Clergy from some Kind of Manslaughter.
  9. An Act to restrain the inordinate Haunting and Tippling in Inns, Alehouses, and of Victualling-Houses.
  10. An Act for the better Execution of Justice.
  11. An Act to revtrain all Persons from Marriage, until their Former Wives and former Husbands be dead.
  12. An Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft, and dealing with evil and wicked Spirits.
  13. An Act for new Executions to be sued against any which shall hereafter be delivered out of Execution by Privilege of Parliament, and for Discharge of them out of whose Custody such Persons shall be delivered.
  14. A Remedy for a Freeman of London to recover a Debt not exceeding forty Shillings owing to him by another inhabiting within the said City or the Liberties: A Penalty if the Debtor do not appear before the Commissioners upon Warning ; or if the Creditor or Debtor do , not perform their Order; or if the Creditor, being a Freeman of London, do sue any other Freemen out of the same City, for a Debt under forty Shillings.
  15. An Act for the better Relief of the Creditors against such as shall become Bankrupts.
  16. An Act concerning Wherrymen and Watermen.
  17. An Act for the better Execution of former Laws touching the making of Hats and Felts, and for the more Restraint of unskilful and deceivable Workmansship therein used, to the Wrong of all Sorts of the People of this Realm.
  18. An Act for avoiding of Deceitful felling, buying or fpending corrupt and unwholesome Hops.
  19. An Act for the well Garbling of Spices.
  20. An Act for Redress of certain Abuses and Deceits used in Painting.
  21. An Act against Brokers.
  22. An Act concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and ether Artificers occupying the Cutting of Leather.
  23. An Act for the better Preservation of the Fishing in the Counties of Somerset, Devon, and Cormvall, and for the Relief of Balkers, Condors and Fivhermen, against malicious Suits.
  24. An Act against the deceitful and false making of Mildernix and Powle Davies, whereof Sail-Cloths for the Navy and other Shipping are made.
  25. An Act for continuing and reviving of divers Statutes, and for repealing of some others.
  26. An Act for the Continuance and due Observation of certain Orders for the Exchequer, first vet down and establivhed by Virtue of a Privy Seal from the late Queen Elizabeth.
  27. An Act for the better Execution of the Intent and Meaning of former Statutes, made against shooting in Guns, and for the Preservation of the Game of Pheasants and Partridges, and against the destroying of Hares with Hare-pipes, and tracing Hares in the Snow,
  28. A Confirmation of the Kind's Letters Patents, bearing Date at Westminster 30 Die Aprills, Anno 2 Regis Jacobi, granted to the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses of the Borough of Berwick upon Tweed, and of the Franchises, Liberties and Customs of the said Borough.

29. To