Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/112

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the fame, and have 6 d. per Pound Troy. C. 5, 6. Anno duodecimo 8c decimo tertio Gulielmi III. A. D. 1700, the Touch) and Ihall then bring or fend the fame to fome City or Place where an AfTayer is or Ihall b^ appointed, eledled, or chofen, and the fame fhall be there affayed according to this Aft; and if by the If Standard, Af- faid Affayer it fhall be found to be of the Finenefs of the Standard, which for the Time being is or fhall fayers to mark be by Law appointed for wrought Plate, then the fame fhall be marked by the faid Affayer, as he is by »>,» r„„. ,nj jj^jg j^^ required to mark the Plate of the refpeftive Company by which he fhall have been chofen an Affayer ; and fhall be allowed, fatisfied and paid towards his Charge and Trouble in making fuch Aflays, by the Owner cr Owners, Bringer or Bringers of fiich Plate fo allayed, a Sum not exceeding Six-pence for every Pound Troy, and fo proportionably for every greater or lelTer Qiiantity of Plate fo allayed and ?c|ia!tyonGold- marked ; and if any fuch Goldfmith, Silverfn-iith, or Plateworker fliall work or make, or caufe to be raith, Sic. v/rought or made any Silver Velfel, Plate, or Manufafture of Silver lefs in Finenefs than according to the Standard, which for the Time being is or fliall be by Law appointed for Wrought Plate, or fhall put to fale, exchange, or fell any Silver Veifel, Plate, or Manufadture of Silver, made after the faid nine ajid twentieth Day of Siptcmhcr (unlefs it be fuch Things as in refpeft of their Smiallnefs are not capable of reeeiving a Touch) before fuch Veffel, Plate, or IVlanufadlure of Silver fhall be affayed and marked as aforefaid, every fuch Goldfmith, Silverfmith, and Plateworker fo offending, fhall forfeit the faid Plate, ©r the Value thereof, to be recovered and difpofed as aforefaid. CAP. V. An A61 for continuing a former A£t to prevent falfe and double Returns of Members to ferve in Parliament. . WHEREAS in the firft Seffion of the Parliament, begun the two and twentieth Day of Novem-' ber'm the feventh Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, an Adt was made, intituled, J>i ASi to pre- vent falfe and double Returns of Members to ferve in Parliament., which is thereby ena£ted to continue for the 1'erm of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer ; which faid A<El has been found by Experience to be very ufeful for the Prefervation of the Rights of the feveral Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of this Kingdom, in the EletStion of Members to ferve in Parliament ;' Be it enafted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid A£t, and every Claufe therein contained, fhall hereafter remain and be in full Force, and is hereby continued, for and during the Term and Space of eleven Years, and from thence to the End of the jirfl Seffion of the next Parliament, and no longer. 7W.3. Continued for eleven Years, An Aft for continuing the Afls, therein 13 & 14 Car. 2. j8 Car. s. c. 3. «  A P. VI. mentioned, for preventing Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders of England. H E R E A S in the Seffion of Parliament, holden in the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of our late Sovereign King Charles the Second, an AS was made, intituled. An ASl ' f<>' P'^'Vi'nting of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders ^/"England, which was thereby to continue in Force for and during the Term of five Years ; And whereas another Aft was made in the eighteenth ' Year of the faid late King, intituled. An Aift to continue a former AH, to prevent Theft and Rapine upon " ' the Northern Borders isfEngland ; both which Afts were revived and continued by another Aft, made in sg&'soCar. a. ' the twenty-ninth and thirtieth Years of the Reign of the faid late King, intituled. An ASi for continuing e.-2. ' of two former ASls for prevejiting of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders «/" England, for and during ' the Space and Term of feven Years, and alfo from thence until the End of the firft Seffion of the then J Jac. s. c. 14. ' next Parliament ; which three aforementioned Afts v/ere continued by an Aft made in the firft Year ' of the late King James the Second, for and during the Space and term of eleven Years, and alfo from 'thence until the End of the firft Seffion of the then next Parliament; and were further continued by 7 & S W. 3. ' another Aft made in the feventh and eighth Years of his prefent Majefty's Reign, for and during the o 17. ' Space and Term of five Years, and from thence to the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parlia- ' ment ; which Lav/s have been found neceffary for the Prefervation of thofe Places from that great ' Number of lewd, diforderly and lawlefs Perfons, that ufually frequented and infefted thofe Parts, and ' are now near expiring :' Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com.mons, in Parliament affembled, and ContSnaed for by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Afts, and all and every of themj and all and every Matter, eleven Years, Claufe and Claufes therein contained, and all and every the Powers and Authorities thereby given, be and continue, and are hereby continued in full Force, from and after the Expiration of the jaft mentioned Aft, for and during the- Space and Term of eleven Years, and from thence to the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliamxent, and no longer, and deemed H. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Afts fhall be ac- PubhckAfls, cepted, taken and reputed to be General and Publick Afts of Parliament, of M'hich all and every jQ.Geo. I, c. 17. ^^g Judge and Judges of this Kingdom in all Courts fhall take Notice on all Occafions whatfoever, as if they were Publick Afts of Parliam.ent relating to the whole Kingdom j any Thing therein con- tained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. 3 CAP.