Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/126

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C. 12.
Anno duodecimo & decimo tertio Gulielmi III.
A.D. 1700.

nor if the TellersXI. Provided also, That it shall not be interpreted any undue Preference to incur any Penalty in pay subsent Point of the Payment last mentioned, if the Auditor direct, or the Cleric of the Pells record, and the Orders, &c. Tellers do pay, subsequent Orders of Persons that come and demand their Monies, and bring their Orders, before other Persons that did not come to demand their Money, and bring their Orders, in their Course, so as there be so much Money reserved as will satisfy precedent Orders ; which shall not be otherwise disposed, but kept for them ; Interest upon Loan being to cease from the Time the Money is so reserved and kept in Bank for them.

Charge of collecting, &c. how to be defrayed.XII. Provided always, and it is hereby enabled, That the Charge of collecting, managing, and levying the said particular Branches of Excise, and other Branches and Duties before mentioned, which were li- to be defrayed, yearly Sum of seven hundred thousand Pounds, shall be born and defrayed out of the said rest and residue of the same Branches and Revenues hereby appointed for the Service of his Majesty's Houshold and Family, and other his necess}ary Expences and Occasions, as aforesaid ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Monies may be lent on the lasst 420,000 l. without staying till the preceding 400,000 l. be lent, &c. XIII. Provided also, and it is hereby enacted, that if any Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, at any Time or Times after the passing of this Act, and before such Time as four hundred thousand Pounds principal Monies in the whole shall be first lent thereupon, shall be willing to advance and lend to his's Majesty any Sum or Sums of Money, for or in Part of the Sum of four hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, being the last Part of the Sum not exceeding eight hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, authorized to be borrowed upon this Act, that then it shall and may be lawful to and for any such Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to make such Loans for or in Part of the said last four hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, without staying till the preceding four hundred thousand Pounds shall be first lent ; and that the principal Monies upon the Orders of Loan, for or in Part of the said last four hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, shall be registred and paid in Course as this Act directs, but shall take Place, in point of Registry and Payment, next after four hundred thousand Pounds principal Monies, which shall be first registred, or be reserved to be registred upon this Act ; and that the Interest of the said Loans, for or in Part of the said four hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, so to stand last upon the said Register, shall be paid every three Months from the respective Dates of the Tallies of Loans for the same, out of the said Monies to arise weekly from the said particular Branches of Excise as aforesaid, under the like Penalties, Forfeitures, and Disabilities, for not duly registring or repaying the Monies so to be lent, for or in Part of the said four hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, or for not duly paying the Interest thereof, as are by this Act provided for not duly registring or repaying any other Part of the said Monies, not exceeding eight hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, by this Act authorized to be borrowed, as aforesaid, or Interest of the same ; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.}}

Proviso concerning the Bank of England, &c. XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Governor and Coming the Bank of pany of the Bank oi England, until such Time as they shall be fully satisfied and repaid all the principal England, &c. Monies which they shall lend upon Credit of this Act, for or in Part of the said Sum not exceeding four hundred and twenty thousand Pounds before mentioned, and the Interest thereof, shall not be obliged to make any Dividend or Dividends of the Monies, which hereafter shall become due and payable to, and be received by, the said Governor and Company, their Servants and Agents, out of the Exchequer, or any publick Office, upon or by virtue of any Tallies or Orders subscribed into the capital Stock of the said Governor and Company, pursuant to the Act of Parliament made in the eighth Year of his Majesty's Reign 8. W. 3. c. 20., intituled, An Act for making good the Deficiencies of several Funds therein mentioned, and for enlarging the capital Stock of the Bank of England, and for raising the publick Credit, but at such Times only as shall be ordered by a general Court of the said Governor and Company ; any Clause or Clauses, Matters, or Things whatsoever in the Act last mentioned, or in one other Act of the ninth Year of his Majesty's Reign 9 W. 2. c.3, intituled, An Act to give further Time for the administering of Oaths relating to Tallies and Orders, and for the easier Dispatch of the publick Business in the Exchequer, and in the Bank of England, or in any other Act or Acts of Parliament whatsoever contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

In Lieu of the perpetual annual payments out of the Excise granted by King Charles 2. the Heridatry Excise after 25 Dec. 1705 shall stand charged with the yearly payments of 3l per cent.[ruff 1] XV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, rhat in Lieu and Discharge of Certain perpetual annual Payments,, and of all Arrears thereof, granted by his late Majesty King Charles the Second, by Letters Patent, out of the said Hereditary Revenue of Excise, in Satissaction of certain Principal Sums mentioned in the said Letters Patent to be then due from his said late Majesty to the respective Patentees therein named, the said Hereditary Revenue of Excise shall, from and after the twenty-sixth Day of December one thousand seven hundred and five, be and stand charged and chargeable for ever with the Payment of annual Sums after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, for the principal Sums mentioned in the said respective Letters Patent, to be issued and paid out of the said Revenue by quarterly Payments, out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer, by the Officers of the same, unto the respective Owners and Proprietors of such annual Sums, and to their Heirs and Assigns for ever, without any Fee or Charge, and any further or other Warrant, to be issued forth, had, or obtained in that Behalf ; the said annual Payments, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum, to be fubject nevertheless to be redeemed upon Payment of a Moiety of the principal Sums mentioned in the said respective Letters Patent.

Claufe in 11 &12 W. 3.c. 10 XVI. And whereas by the Act passed in the Parliament held in the eleventh and twelfth Years of his present Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for the more effectual employing the Poor by encouraging the Manufactures of this Kingdom, all wrought Silks, Bengalis, Stuffs mixed with Silk, Herba, of the Manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, are prohibited to be worn after the nine and twentieth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and one, unless the same be before that Time made up and used


  1. See 13 Geo 1. c. 3. §. 7.