A. D. lyor. Anno primo Ann^ Reginae. Stat. i. C. 7. 87 ' ceipt of the Exchequer, by fuch feveral and refpedive weekly Payments, and in fuch Manner and ' Form, as in the faid Act are particularly mentioned, for the Purpofes by the faid Act directed : And it ' is thereby further enafted, That all the Reft and Refidue of the faid particular Branches of Excife upon ' Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, which (hould from Time to Time remain after the faid weekly Pay- ' ments fhould be made out of the fame, and the Revenue arifing in the General Letter Office or Poft Of- ' fice, or the Office of Pofl: Mafter General, and by the faid further Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, ' and by the fmall Branches of his Majefty's Revenues herein after particularly expreffed, that is to fay, ' The irrft Fruits and Tenths of the Clergjr, the Fines for Writs of Covenant and Writs of Entry, pay- ' aWe in the Alienation Office, the Poft Fines, the Revenue of Wine Licences, the Monies arifuig by
- SherifFs Profers and Compofitions in the Exchequer, and by Seizures of uncuftomed and prohibited
' Goods, the Revenue of the Duchy of Cornwal, and any ether Revenue arifing by the Rents of Land ' in Endand ■SiViA JVales, and for Fines of Leafes of the fame, or any of them, and t*ie Duty of four and ' an half ^t'r Centmn in Specie arifing in Barhadocs and the Leeward Iflands in America, and all other the ' Branches and Revenues therein mentioned, v/hich were before chargeable with the yearly Sum of feveii ' hundred thoufand Pounds therein expreffed, fliould from Time to Time, during the Life of his faid late ' Majefty King William, be for the Ufe and Service of his faid late Majefty's Houftiold and Family,, ' and for other his neceffary Expences and Occafions : And it is thereby further enacted, That in Lieu ' and Difcharge of certain perpetual annual Payments, and of all Arrears thereof, granted by his late Ma- ' jefty King Charles the fecond, by Letters Patent, out of the faid Hereditary Revenue of Excife, ia ' Satisfadtion of certain Principal Sums mentioned in the faid Letters Patent, to be then due from his faid. ' late Majefty King Charles the fecond, to the refpe£live Patentees therein named, the faid Hereditary^ ' Revenue of Excife ftiould, from and after the twenty-fixth Day oi December one thoufand feven hun- ' dred and five, be and ftand charged and chargeable for ever with the Payment of the annual Sums, after ' the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, for the Principal Sums mentioned in the fiid refpedfive- ' Letters Patent, to be iffued and paid out of the faid Revenue by quarterly Payments out of the Receipt ' of his Majefty's Exchequer, by the Officers of the fame, unto the refpeftive Owners and Proprietors of
- fuch annual Sums, and to their Heirs and Affigns for ever, in the Manner in the fame Aft mentioned ;.
' the faid annual Payments, after the Rate of three Pounds ^cr Centum, to be fubjeil: neverthelefs to be re- ' deemed upon Payment of the Moiety of the Principal Monies mentioned in the faid refpeftive Letters ' Patent; as by the feveral Afts afore recited (Relation being thereunto refpeftively had) may moreHxiIly ' appear:' Now we your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons oi E7idahd in Parlia- ment affembled, well knowing that the Security, Peace, and Profperity of your Majefty's Realms and Dominions are concerned in fupporting the Honour of the Crown of England, by fettling a Revenue fuit- able to the neceflary Expences of the fame; and with due Gratitude to Almighty God (by whofe Good- nefs your Majefty happily fucceeds to the Royal Dignity of thefe Realms after a King that conftantly maintained the true Religion, Laws and Liberties therein eftabliftied) reflefting upon your Majefty's moft Excellent Difpofition to preferve and continue your People in the full and free Enjoyment of the fame Religion, Laws and Liberties, and of all other Bleffings which good Subjects can hope for in the moft" aufpicious Reign, whereby our Hearts are inflamed with a dutiful Affeftion to your Majefty ; and being, defirous of fettling upon your Majefty, for the Expences of our Civil Government, a Revenue equal at leaft to the Revenue enjoyed for that Purpofe by any of your Royal Predeceffors, to make a fpecial Ac- knowledgmeat to your Majefty for your great Grace and Favour to us your Commons, have therefore freely and unanimoufly refolved to give and grant, and do hereby give and grant to you our moft- Gracious Duties granted' Sovereign Lady Queen Anne (whom God long preferve) the feveral Rates, Duties, Impofitions and [°^ ^^. Qh^^"'* Charges herein after mentioned, during your Majefty's Life; and do moft humbly befeech your Majefty ' ^' '"^• that it may be enacted ; and be it enadted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- jrcife on Beer,, vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- Als,&c grantl bled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the ninth Day oi March in the Year of =fi 'o K.'"S Wil- our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and one, for and during the Term of the natural Life of her Maje- 'j^*" ^""^ ^^,'^" fty Qvieen Anne (whom God long preferve) the faid Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and -^jf'^ " "^' otherLiquors, granted to his faid late Majefty King Charles the fecond, by the faid Adl made in the i^car. 2. c 13-, twelfth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King Charles the fecond, intituled, A Grant of cer- 2 W. &M. (i; Unn Impofitions upon Beer, Ale and. other Liquors, for the Increafe of his Majejl-fs Revenue during his Life, and '• ^- 3- which were granted to their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary_, by the i^iid Adl made in (E'<"p' S^-. =_ the fecond Year of their Reign, for their Lives, and the Life of the Survivor of them (other than and ex- ga^Bee") and"" cept the faid Duty of fix Pence for every Barrel of Vinegar Beer granted by the fame A£ls} and alfo the 6d. Part of the Aiid Duty of fix Pence, Part of the faid Duty of eight Shillings, granted to his late Majefty King Willi- Duty of 8s. per AM, for and upon every Barrel of Vinegar, Vinegar Beer, or Liquor preparing for Vinegar, which fliall Barrel for Vine- be brewed or made of any Englifi Materials by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever for Sale, and fo in Pro- ^^"^j^ granted portion for a greater or leffer Quantity, by the faid A£l made in the tenth Year of his Reign, fhall be le- f '° .j-c.zr.^ vied, colletEted and paid to her Majefty, in the fame Manner and Form, and by fuch Rules, Ways, *" 'T'"^'^'^"™'^' Means and Methods, and under fuch. Penalties and Forfeitures, as are meiUioned and expreffed in the be- i^j^.'^" ^ * fore mentioned Ads, or any of them, relating to the faid Duties of Exciie, or any of theiri, or by a"y ^hlJ^^s of Ex- other Law now in Force relating to the Revenue of Excife; and that all and every the faid Laws relating ^ife to be in. to the Revenue of Excife fhall be of full Force and Effeift to all Intents and Ptirpofes, for the Irvyiag, re- Forces ceiving, afcertaining and recovering the faid Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and oth'T Liquors he;eby granted, in the ratrxe Manner as if the fame were repeated and eua6i:ed in the Body of this prefent Act. IL And