Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/145

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•A. D. lyoi- Anno primo Ann ^ Reglnae. Stat. r. C. 13. 93 ' CXIII. And whereas the General- Society intituled to the Advantages given by an ASt of Parliament ' for advancing a Sum not exceeding two Millions, for the Service of the Crown of England, by a Cove- ' nant in the Charter to them granted by his late Majefty King William the Third, bearing Date the

  • third Day of September in the tenth Year of his Reign, is obliged to furnifli into her Majefty's Stores

' (if demanded) five hundred Tuns of Salt Petre yearly for the firft Coft, Freight, Duties, and other ' Charges thereupon, to be afcertained in the Manner therein mentioned ; and the Englijh Company tra- ' ding to the Eajl Indies, as a Member of the faid General Society, is by a Covenant in the Charter gran- ' ted to the faid Company, bearing Date the fifth Day of September in the tenth Year of the Reign of his ' faid late Majefty King William, obliged to furnilh yearly, a proportionable Part of the faid five hun- ' dred Tuns (if demanded) and the Governor and Company of Merchants oi London trading into the Eajl ' Indies, alfo as a Member of the faid General Society, are obliged to furnifh yearly another Proportion ' of the faid five hundred Tons (if demanded) and the particular Members of the faid General Society ' (other than the faid Companies) are obliged to furnifh yearly the Remainder of the faid five hundred ' Tons (if demanded) for the Coft, Freight, Duties, and other Charges aforefaid : And whereas the faid ' Governor and Company of Merchants oi London trading into the Eq/i Indies, and the faid EnglijA Com- ' pany, have agreed to unite their Capital Stock in the faid two Millions, and trade to the Eaft Indies, ' and other Parts within the Limits of their Charters whereunto they feverally are intitled, under the Act ' of Parliament of the ninth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Aii for raijing a Sum not 9 W. 3. c, 44, ' exceeding two Millions, upon a Fund for Payment of Annuities after the Rate of eight Pounds per Centum per ' Annum, and for fettlitig the Trade to the Eaft Indies, whereupon a new Charter is intended to be paffed :' Now it is hereby provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from the twenty-ninth Day of ^ '" "5 =fpf< September one thoufand feven hundred and one, until the faid Uiiion fhall be perfefted, under the Great Union of the * Seal oi England, four hundred ninety-four Tuns and one Quarter of good, clean and merchantable Salt two Eafi India Petre, fhafl yearly (if it be demanded) be delivered into the Stores of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succef- Companies be fors, at the certain Price herein after limited (that is to fay) by the faid Governor and Company of Mer- Fff^fted, 494 chants of London trading into the Eafl Indies, for their Proportion, feventy-eight Tuns and three Quarters ; ouarteTof Salt and by the faid Englifl) Company, four hundred and fifteen Tuns and a half j and that after the perfecling Petreihall bede- of the faid Union, and during the Continuance thereof in a Joint Management, the like Quantity of four iivered into her hundred ninety-four Tuns and one Qiiarter of fuch Salt Petre, fliall yearly (if demanded) be delivered into Majefty's Stores, the faid Stores by the faid Englijh Company, and its Succeflbrs, out of the faid United Trade : And after aniJ after the faid the Determination of fuch joint Management, then by the faid ^wn-Zz/Zj Company fingly, during fo ^ong ^^1°^q^^^.^^^^^ Time as the faid EngUfii Company fhall have Right and Power to trade to the Eajl Indies, under the faid yearlyr&c. Aifl of Parliament in that Behalf; and that in like Manner from the twenty-ninth Day of September one 5 Tuns and 3 thoufand feven hundred and one, the Qiiantity of five Tuns and three Qi^iarters of good, clean and mer- Quarters of Salt chantable Salt Petre, fhall yearly (if demanded) be delivered into the faid Stores at the fame certain Price,. ^^"^ ^° ^^ ^^^■' by the other Members of the faid General Society for the Time being. 'm^er Membe CXIV. And it is hereby enacted and declared. That the Price of all the fiid Salt Petre, to be ferved of the faid Gene- in Time of Peace, ftiall be five and forty 'Pounds per Tun, and in Time of War fhall fifty-three Pounds ral Society. per Tun ; and that upon the refining the faid Salt Petre, whether it be brown or white, if the Refradtion PriceofSalt be above fifteen Pounds in every one hundred and twelve Pounds Weight, then the Overplus of fuch Re- Pette. fraction, at the Rate aforefaid, fnall be repaid to her Majefty, by the faid Companies and Members re- fpeitively, out of the faid Price; and if the Refra£lion be under fifteen Pounds in every one hundred and twelve Pounds Weight, then the faid Companies, and other Members of the faid general Society, fhall be allowed and paid, at the Price aforefaid, fo much more as the Diff'erence between the real Reiraftion of their Petre, and the faid ftated Refradtion of fifteen Pounds /i^r Centum, fliall amount to. CXV. And it is hereby further declared. That in any Charter to be granted to the faid Companies, or Companies obli- either of them, they ihall be obliged by Covenant to deliver their Proportions of the faid Salt Petre, be- i^^}° deliver- ing paid for the (lime at the certain Prices aforefaid, according to this Adt, inftead of the Quantities which their Propovti the faid two Companies, or either of them, or the faid particular Members, by the faid former Charters aforefaid " are obliged to furnifh, for the firft Coft, Freight, Duties, and other Charges as aforefaid ; a;iy thing in the faid former Charters, or any of them, contained to the contrary notwithftanding, CAP. XIIL An A6b for making good Deficiencies, and for preferving the Publick Credit. WHEREAS- feveral Bills of Credit, commonly called Exchequer Bills, were made forth and iftued by divers Acts of Parliament, which were made and paffed in the Reign of his late Majefty Kinp- WiLLiAM the Third (of blelled Memory) and many of the faid Bills have been already difcharged ou't of feveral Aids or Supplies, which were provided by feveral Ads of Parliament, for or towards the dif- charging and cancelling the fame ; but over and above the Monies already applied towards the difcharg- tjons _:xty- _ _ ___. _,_ ^ „ Pence Fari:hing, to difcharge all the principal Monies contained in fuch of the faid Bills as are now ftanding out and unfatisfied, and fo much more as will be fufficient to difcharge all the Intereft due, and to grow due thereupon : And whereas it appears that the Pound Rate or Land Tax of three Shillings in the Pound, granted to his faid late Majefty, by anA<a of Parliament in the eighth Yeai" of his Reign, s W. 'bath