Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/163

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A. D.I 701. Anno primo Ann^ Rcgina;. Stat. r. C. 32. iii .■Papift ; every fijch Leafe To made to or in Truft for any Papift, and likewife every lluch Affigiiment, fhaU ■ be void, and the fame is and are hereby adjudged and declared to be ipfofaSio null and void to ull Intents and Purpofes whatfoever : And in fuch Cafe, as well the Perfon making any fuch I^eal'e or AiEgnment, pen itv on Pcr- as the Perfon to whom, or for whofe Ufe or Benent the fame fliall be made (in cafe fach Perfoa Ihall ac- ?on actrftiro- cept fuch Leafe or Aflignment) or fhall occupy any the Lands or Tenements therein contained, fhalll-fafe in Truft forfeit treble the full yearly Value of all the Lands lb let, alTigned, or occupied ; one Moiety thereof to ^°' Vi.^iSk, &c. •her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon (being a Proteflant) who fhall fue for the fame in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Dublin, by any Bill, Plaint or Infor- ■mation, wherein no Effoin, Protedtion, Wager of Law, or Imparlance iliall be allowed. X. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft contained iliall extend to make void any Leafe, that is Ait not to mnke or fhaJl be made of any Cottage or Cabin, under the yearly Value of thirty Shillings per Annum, to any void any Cuttage Day Labourer whatfoever. • heAe, &c. XL Provided alfo, That nothing in this Aft contained fhall be conftrued to extend to any F^eftories nor to extend to Impropriate, or Vicarages, Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, Glebes, or other Things, to the fame Rec- '^^'^^riesimpro- tories or Vicarages feverally and refpeftively belonging or appertaining, which were by a Claufe in the Pf'^>> ^'^• aforefaid Aft, veiled in the TrUitees in the faid Aft named, to the Uies, Litents and Purpofes therein mentioned ; but that all i'uch Reftories and Vicarages, Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, Glebes, and other Things thereunto belonging, with their Appurtenances, iliall IHU continue to be veiled in the faid Truitees, to fuch Uies as are in and by the faid Aft direfted and appointed ; any thing in this Aft to the ■contrary in any wife notwithflanding. But in fuch Cafe, the faid Truftees are to make a Deduftion and Truflers (o de- Allowance, after the Rate of thirteen Years Purchafe," out of the Purchafe-money to belaid unto them dua lor Juch for fuch Reftories or Vicarages, or other Matters aforefaid, to all and every Perfon or Perfons who had 1^'=^°""^ *'^- |)urchafed the fame, their Heirs or AlTigns. XIL Provided alfo, and be it further enafted, That the Truftees in the faid Aft named for Sale of an^ tedircharged the forfeited Eftates in Ireland, fhall be and are hereby acquitted and difcharged of and from all P>.ents or ^r'/w Rents, is- Profits, or other Sums of Money, by them, or any for or under them, received or to be received, ibr or bef me' Payment out of any the Lands, Tenements and PremiiTes aforefaid, at any Time before the Payment of the Re- of the Remaiu- mainder of the faid thirteen Years Purchafe, by the faid Purchafers refpeftively, and of and from all <ierofthei5 Aftions, Suits and Demands for or in refpeft thereof. , Yeais, Pur- Xin. Saving neverthelefs to her Majefly, her Heirs and SuccefTors, all Rents iiTuing and payable out ^1^' *'^" •of or for the faid Premifles, and alfo faving to all Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs and Succef- ?^™S '° ^ fors, and to all and every other Perfon and Perfons, their Heirs, Executors and Adminiftrators (other than R^Jnt" &c. the faidTruflees in the faid Aft named) all fuch Eilate, Right, Title, Intereft, Claim and Demand what- ' foever, of, into, and out of the faid PremiiTes, as they or any of them might have had in cafe this Aft had not been made ; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any v/ife notwithitanding. XIV. And for the better Prefervation and Encouragement of the Proteftant Interefl: in the faid King- dom of /r^/(7»^, and to the End that none of the Honours, Manors, Baronies, Caftles, MeiRiages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Services, Remainders, Pofleffions, Royalties, Franchifes, Jurildiftions, Privileges or Appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wife appertaining. Rights of Entry, Rights of Aftion, Titles, Conditions, Ufes, Trufts, Powers or Authorities, Leafes for Life, Lives, or Years, Penfions, Annuities, Rent Charges, or Hereditaments, whether Freehold, Copyhold, or of what N ature or Kind foever they be, within the faid Realm of Ireland, nor any of the Eftates or Interefts whatfoever in the faid Kingdom of Ireland, which by an Aft made in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled. An ASi for grar.iin^ an Aid to his Majejly by Sale of the for- „ y/^ ,_ j. 2, felted and other EJiates and Interefts in Ireland, and by a Land Tax in England, for the fever al Fur-pofes therein mentioned, were vefted and fettled in the Perfons in that Aft named (Truftees nominated and ap- pointed for putting in Execution the Powers and Authorities in the faid Aft enafted, relating to the faid forfeited and other Eftates and Interefts in Ireland') and their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Af- figns refpeftively, or which by'the faid Aft, or by any fubfequent Aft or Afts, are ordered or direfted to be difpofed of or fold by them, or any of them, for the Purpoies the faid Aft or Afts mentioned, may ever hereafter defcend or come by Limitation, Purchafe, or otherwiie, to any Papift or Papifts, or Perfon or Perfons profefling the Popiih Religion;, but that the fame forthwith, from and after the Dilpo- fition and Sale thereof, may be pofleiTed and enjoyed, and from thenceforth for ever hereafter delcend, come and remain, to be held and enjoyed by Proteftants, for the ftrengthning and fupporting of the ^w^/z/^ Intereft, and the Proteftant Religion in Ireland; Be it enafted by the Authority aforeiaid, That all All Sales of Difpofitions and Sales of all and every the faid Eftates and Interefts, which fhall be made by the faid ^ft^ti^S) ^5;- Truftees, or any of them, fliall be made unto Proteftants only ; and that every Perfon being a Papift, ^jj"^^)^ ^l^ or profefling the Popifti Religion, ftiall be difabled, and is hereby made incapable to purchafe, either in proteftants only, his or her own Name, or in the Name of any other Perfon or Perfons, to his or her Ule, or in Truft for Papifts made in- him or her, any of the Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Royalties, Franchifes, and other Here- capable to pur- ditaments, of what Nature or Kind foever, vefted in the faid Truftees, in order to the felling the iarae, ^^'^' *'• or any Rents, Profits, Terms for Years, or other Interefts whatibever, in or out of the fame ; and that all and fmgular Eftates, Terms for Years, Interefts, or Profits whatibever, in or out of the fiid Premiifes, and all Conveyances and Declarations of Truft concering the fame, which ftiall be made, fuftered, or done to or for the Ule, Benefit or Behoof of any Papift, or Perfon making Profeilion of the Popilli Re- ligion, iliall be utterly void and of no EfFeft, to all Intents, Purpofes and Coaftrultions whatfoever. XV. And for preventing the faid Premiifes, and every Part thereof, at all Times hereafter, from com- ing into the Hands of Papifts, or Perfons profefling the Popiih Religion; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid.