Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/169

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A.D. I70I* Anno primo Ann iE Reginas. Stat. 2. C. 7,8. 117 CAP. VII. An Aft for explaining and making effetStual a late Statute concerning the Haven and Piers of the Burgh loW. 3. c. 5; of Great Yarmouth^ and for confirming the Rights and Privileges of the faid Burgh. When the Name PR. and Stile of the Corporation of Great Yarmouth fhall be altered, is'c. the Mayor, &c. fhall have and enjoy the fame Rights, Wc. as Bailiffs, &c. Mayor, &c. liable to account for Monies colledted, and pay the like Fee-farm Rents, Wf. as the Bailiffs, 6^c. twelve Commiflioners to infpect the Accounts, who may call before them the CoUeftors, and order Monies refting due to be laid out, iSc. CAP. viir. An Aft for Explanation of a Claufe in one Aft made in the feventh Year of his lateMajefty's Reign relating to Borelaps, and to take off the additional Subfidy upon IriJhLAnsn, WHEREAS in and by an Adl of Parliament made in the feventh Year of the Reign of his late Majclly King William the Third, of bleffcd Memory, intituled, Jn Jjf for continuing Jivcral AChakin Duties gratited by former Jits upon Wine and Vinegar, and upon Tobacco, and Kafi: India Goods, and other 1^- Z'^- io» Merchandizes imported, for carrying on the War agairjjl France, it is therein recited. That whereas feve- ral Merchants trading with the United Provinces in feveral Sorts of coarfe Linen, commonly called Bore- laps, had then of late been compelled to pay Cullom for the fame as Hollands, which came to above thirty-five Pounds per Centum; whereby the faid Trade, fo ufeful to the poorer Sort of People, was not only likely to be loft, but the Cuftoms thereby much abated : It was therefore enafted. That all fuch Linen Cloth, known or comm.only called by the Name of Borelaps, not exceeding twenty-eight Inches and a Half in Breadth, nor tv/elve Penc€ an Englifi Ell in Value, fhould be entred ad valorem during the Continuance of that Aft, and pay all other Duties accordingly : And v/hereas fome Doubt hath been made, whether the faid Claufe concerning Borelaps be yet in Force, and is to continue for fuch """^"^j"! ^u' Time and Term of Years, as other Claufes in the faid recited Aft are by fubfequent Afts now in Force tigj^' &,. toe u continued ;' Be it therefore declared and enafted by the Queen's moll Excellent Majefty, by and with Force till 1710. the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com.mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Claufe concerning Borelaps, and the Duties and Cuftoms payable for the fame ad Valorem, is and fhall be in full Force and Effeft to all Intents, Con- llruftions and Purpofes whatfoever, until the firft Day oiAugiiJi one thoufand fevcn hundred and ten. EXP. ' II. And whereas by one other Aft made in the feventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King VVil- 7 W'. 3. c 39. ' LIAM the Third, intituled, An A Si for encouraging the Linen ManufaSiure o/'Ireland, and bringing Flax

  • and Hemp into, and the -making of Sailcloth in his Kingdom, it is enafted. That it ftiall and may be lav/ful

' to and for any Native or Natives of England, or Irelajid, to import into England, direftly from Ireland, ' any Sorts of Hemp or Flax, and all the Prcduftion thereof, as Thread, Yard, and Linen, of the ' Growth and Manufafture oi Ireland, free from all Manner of Cuftoms, Duties, and Impofitions what- ' foever, upon producing fuch Certificate, and making fuch Oath, as in the faid Aft is mentioned : And ' whereas by one other Aft made in the eighth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty, intituled. An SW.3,c. 24. ' AB for granting to this Majejly a further Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage upon Merchandizes imported, for ' the Term of two Years and three ^tarter s, and an additional Land Tax for one Year, for carrying on the War ' agai njl Frdnce, a further Subfidy of Poundage was granted to his Majefty after the Rate of twelve ' Pence for the Value of every tv/enty Shillings, upon all Manner of Goods and Merchandizes imported ' or brought into this P^ealm, or any the Dominions to the fame belonging, at any Time after the firft ' Day of Alay one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, and before the firft Day of February one thoufand ' fix hundred ninety-nine, according to the feveral and particular Rates and Values of the fame Goods ' and Merchandizes, as the fame are particularly and refpeftively rated and valued in the aforefaid Book ' of Rates ; which faid additional Subfidy of Poundage hath been fince continued by divers Afts, and is

  • yet in Force, and to continue for and during the Term of her Majefty's Life; by reafon of which faid

' laft mentioned Aft, and the feveral Aifs for continuing the faid additional Subfidies, all Linens ' imported from Ireland do now fland charged with the faid additional Subfidy of twelve Pence for ' the Value of every twenty Shillings of the fame Goods imported, notwithftanding the faid recited Aft

  • of the feventh Year of his late Majefty's Reign, for encouraging the Linen Manufaftu e oi Ireland;'

Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the firft Day of i^^rcA in the Hemp or Flax, Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and two, all Sorts of Hemp or Flax, and all the Prcduftion &<=• "lay be i.ii- thereof, as Thread, Yarii and Linen, imported into England direftly from Ireland, by any Native or Na- ported from lix- tives oi England or Ireland, being of the Growth and Manufafture oi Ireland, upon producing fuch Cer- ""^^• tificates, and making fuch Oath as in and by the faid Aft of the feventh Year of his faid late Majefty was . ' and is required, fhall be free from the faid additional Subfidy of Poundage, and all Manner of Cuftoms, ^""'^1 Pi'^'^f'-^ Duties and impofitions whatfoever ; any Aft, Cuftom, or Ufage heretofore to the contrary thereof in ^"""I'^'^^^nn any wife notwithftanding. - c 8. 7^,-7. r. "7. ^oAnn. c. 19. la Jnn. ft. 2. c, 9, 19 is" 21. 1 Ga, 1, e, 36, 3 Geo, 1, f. 7 4? ai. 17 Gm. 2, c, 30. 18 Gen, 2, c, 24, 27 Of 36, 21 Geo. 2. c. 26. 24 C?«. 2, c. 46. sg Gi-t. 2, c 15. and 32 Ceo. i. t. 32. CAP.