Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/176

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c. 124 C. 17. Anno primo Ann^ Reglnae. Stat. 2. A.D.1701. for holding a Court-martial in England, &c. for trying Offences committed out of the Realm, ^c. Of- ficer or Soldier deferting beyond Sea, and efcaping into England, &c. may be fent back to his Regi- ment, l^c. and there tried. No Perfon to be tried twice for the fame Offence. No Attainder for Fe- lony to corrupt the Blood of Heir, (s'c, Perfons indifted of Treafon, ^c. to have the Benefit of the A(St 7 W. 3. c. 3. Marine Regiments and Trains of Artillery fubje6t to the Penalties of this Aft, bfc. Debts owing for Quarters by the Invalids of Chelfea, fliall be paid. Felons, i^c. conviiTted, may be delivered out of Prifon, on view of a Warrant under the Queen's Sign ManuaHor for a Pardon, i£c. Pardon to be inrolled. So much as .relates to Mutineers, isc. to extend to the Forces in Irclai.d. CAP. XVII. An Acl for enlarging the Time for taking the Oath of Abjuration ; and alfo for recapacltating and indemnifying fuch Perfons as have not taken the fame by the Time limited, and fhall take the fame by a Time to be appointed ; and for the further Security of her Majefty's Perfon, and the Succeffion of the Crown in the Proteftant Line; and for extinguifhing the Hopes of the pretended Prince oUVales, and all other Pretenders, and their open and fecret Abettors. 3 W. 3. c. 6. ' "ITT HERE AS by an Aft n-ade in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majcfty King Wil- ' VV I-IAM the Third, itAz&, An Alyi for the further Securily of hh Majejlfs Perfon, and the Succeffion ' oftheCroivn tn the Potejhmt Line; and for extinguijhing the Hopes of the pretended Prince of W Alts, and all ' other Pretenders, and their open and fecret Abettors ; and by one other A£t made in the firft Year of the J Annse i?.u. 3. ' Reign of her prefent Majefty, declaring the Alterations of the Oath in the faid recited ASt contained, c. sa. ' " " ' ' feveral of her faid Majefty's Subjeds are obliged to take and fubfcribe the Oath therein mentioned, by ' certain Times limited and appointed in the faid farft recited Aft, v/ho have, through Ignorance or Mif- ' take, or by the not duly holding the Courts where the fame ought to have been taken, or for fome ' other fuch like Reafons, omitted or neglefted to take and fubfcribe the faid Oath, and are thereby fub- ' jeft and liable to the Difabilities, Incapacities, and Penalties in the faid A-fts contained;' Be it there- fore enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual a-d Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alfembled, and by Authority of the Peifons who fame. That if any Perfon or Perfons who ought to have taken and fubicribed the faid Oath, with the AI- iiugiit to have tcrations in the faid laft mentioned Aft contained, in the Manner, at the Places, and by the Times in the taken the Oath, ^j^;j j^^fl. recited Aft limited, ftiall, on or before the firft Day oi Augujl which fhall be in the Year of our T'f"!ebv'"^ Lord one thoufand feven hundred and three, take and fubfcribe the faid Oath, fo altered as aforefaid, in VAQgy'1703. fuch Manner, and at fuch Places, as in and by the faid feveral Afts is prefcrihed, fuch Perfon and Per- and be indcmni- fons is, are, and fhall be (for fuch Negleft or Om,iflioh" only) by this Aft indemnihed from and againlt fled, all the Penalties, Forfeitures,. Incapacities, and Difabilities incurred by fuch Mifl:ake, Negleft, or Omif- and recapacita- fion, and is, are, and fhall be fully and aftually recapacitated arid reftored to the fame State and Condi- ted, S:c tion, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if fuch Perfon pr Perfons had taken and fubfcribed the faid Oath, in fuch Manner, at fuch Places, and within fuch Times as by the faid feveral Afts is prefcribed, and no. fuch Miftake, Negleft, or Omiffion had been made ; any thing in the faid feveral Afts to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Except to Office, H. Provided always. That no Perfon or Perfons, who by reafon of any fuch Miftake, Negleft, or O- iic. to which an- milTion, hath or have left or forfeited any Office, Benefice, Place, Dignity, or Imploymient whatfcever, other hath been to which any Other Perfon or Perfons hath or have been preferred or promoted, fhall be reftored to fuch preferred. OlSce, Benefice, Place, Dignity, or Imploynient; any thing herein contained to the contrary not- ■withfranding. III. And for the further Security of her Majefty's Perfon, and the Succeffion of the Croyn in the Pro- teftant Line, and for extinguifhing the Hopes of the pretended Prince oilVales, and all other Pretenders,, Any Pcricn en- ^^^^ their Open and fecret Abettors ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon, Hnderth- next Or Perfons, at any Time after the firft- Day of yJfari.-/^ one thoufand feven hundred and two, fiiall endea- SucceRcr'to the vour to deprive or hinder any Perfon who fnall be the next in Succeffion to the Crown, for the Time be- Crown from fuc- ing, according to the Limitations irt an Aft, intituled, /In AB declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Sub- ^ J .^. -— j-.-j^ ^ — o r- / " — *— r -• -— ^»™x.^,, <.i,u the J2&13 VV. 3. Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, according to the Limitations in the before m.entioned €.2. A-fts ; that is to fay. Such Ifllie of hsr Majefty's Body as fhall, from TLme to Time, be next in Succef- fion to the Crown, if it fliall pleafe God Almighty to blefs her Majefty v/lth Iffue ;. and during the Time her Majefty fhall have no IfTue, the Princefs Sophia, Eleftorefs and Duchefs Dowager oi Hanover ; and after the Deceaf? of the faid Princefs Sophia, the next in Succeffion to the Crown for the Time being, ftall be deemed according to the Limitation of the faid Afts ; and the fame malicioufly, advifedly, and direftly fnall at- guiity ofHigh tempt by any Overt-Aft or Deed; every fuch Offence fhall be adjudged High Treafon, and the Offender Treafon, or Offenders therein, their Abettors, Procurers, and Comforters, knowing the faid Offence to be done, being thereof convifted or attainted, according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, fhall be deemed and fuiFer Death, ^'""^ adj_uged Traitors, and fhall fuJfer Pains of Death, and all LolTes and Forfeitures, as in Cafes of &c. High Treafon^ IV. And