Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/182

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130 C. 23, 24. Anno primo Ann^ Regina;. Stat. 2. A. D. 1702. on the firft Day_ of Augtijl, and be delivered to the faid Auditors, or one of them, before the five and twentieth Day oi Deccnibcr, and profecuted, fo that the fame may be finifhed before the firfl: Day uf May Penalty. yearly, during the Continuance of the faid Duties, unc'er the Penalty of forfeiting his OiEce, and the Sum of one hundred Pounds, one Moiety thereof to the Queen, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons who will inform or fue for the fame, to be recovered in Manner aforefald. Penalty on re- XL Provided always, That if any fuch Comptroller and Accountant General fhall wilfully and know- tgrningReceivcr, ingly return any Receiver, Diftributor, or other Perfon, infuper, for any Monies or Stamps duly anfwcr- &c. iniuper tor ^^^ paid, or accounted for by fuch Receiver, Diftributor, or other Perfon refpeftively, whereby he or onies pai . ^^^^ ^^^jj j-^fj.j^jj^ ^j^y J)amage or Prejudice; then and in every fuch Cafe, fuch Comptroller and Acco'jn- Taitber Pramfi- ^^^^^ General ftall be liable to anfwer and pay treble Damages to the Party grieved, to be recovered by " 'ouna, Adlion of the Cafe, in any her Majefty's Courts of Record at Wcfiminjlcr, with full Cofls of Suit, ia 4_4m. i:.ia.§.9. which Aclion no Eflbin, Protedtion, Wager of Law, or mere than one Imparlance fliall be granted or 5 Ann. c. 19. allowed. 9 Ann, c. 23. 10 ^nn. £■. 19 Sf 26. XI. Am. fi.1. c. r, ii Ann. Jl. i. c. q. i Geo. i. Jl. z. c, ii. 5 Geo. I, r. 19. 6 (7«. I, f. 4 S" II. llG«.l.c.S, izGee.t.. c. 33., 9 &Vo. 2.A 32. i6 Geo, 2, c. 1.6. 29 Geo. 2. c. 12 ©" 13. 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. an^^ 32 Gca. 2. c. 5 j, CAP. XXIIL I-; & 14 Car. J. An ACx for raifing the Militia of this Kingdom for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and three, not- ■^^ 3- withftanding the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid. If it be neceflary, Queen may draw ■ out the Militia any Time before 24 Ju/ie 1704. notwithftanding the Month's Pay be not repaid, EXP. CbiiresinTo& 'II, AND whereas fome Doubts have arifen concerning one Claufe in one other Aft made in the u. w^. 3. c. II.. ' J-y^ tenth and eleventh Years of King William the Tnird, intituled, yh Act for j-aijing the Militia ' for the Tear ane thoufand fix hundred nirzety-nine, altho' the Month's Pay forinerly advanced he not repaid, re- ' lating to fuch Perfons as are Contributors to the finding of Horfes, Horfemen, and Arm.s, and Foot ' Soldiers and Arms ;' Be it enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Claufe was in- tended to be, and fhall be deemed and taken to be perpetual. ' III.. And whereas by Virtue of a Claufe contained in the faid Aft made in the tenth and eleventh 10& II W. }.. ' Years of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled, An AB for raiftng the Militia for the Year 0. 12. ' one thoufand fix hundred r.inety-nine, although the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid, the Lieute- ' nant or Lieutenants, or in their Abfence three or more ot the Deputy Lieutenants for fuch County, ' Riding, Divifion, or Place where the Eflates of Papifts and reputed Papifts, or other Perfons refufuig '■ to take the Oaths mentioned in an Aft of Parliament made in the firfl: Year of KingWiLLiAM and Qiieen 1 W. & M.ffi-- ' Majry, intituled. An ASi for abrogating the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy ,, and appointing other Oaths, ^^' *• . '■ when lawfully tendred to them, fhall or do lie, are impo.vered to nominate and appoint fuch Perfon or . ' Peifons as they fhall think moft meet and proper to furnifn or fet forth one or more Florfes, Horfemen^ ' and Arms, or Foot Soldiers and Arms, for the fame Eftates, and are impowered to charge the faid ' Eftates. with the Payment of the yearly Sums therein mentioned, to fuch Perfon and Perfons as fliall, ' furnifn and fet forth the fame, with fuch Remedies for the Recovery thereof, as are in the faid Claufe ' exprelTed : And v/hejeas fome Doubts have "arifen concerning the faid Claufe ;' Be it therefore enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Claufe in the faid ■ Aft made in the tenth and' aiade perpetual, eleventh Years of the Reign of King. William the Third, was intended to be, and fhall be deemed and taken to he perpetual. Trophy Money. iV.. And be it further enafted, That the faid Lieutenants,, or their. Deputies, fhall not iiTue out War- TanherPrmli- '"•^'""^^ ^O ^^ rr.iiing any Trophy Money, till the Juftices of the Peace, or the major Part, of fuch Juftices, untrekiinglcrl't,^^ their fevcrai and rcfpeftive General Qnarter-Seffions for their refpeftive Counties, Ridings, Divifions, J Geo, I. f. 2. and Places, fliall. have examined, ftated, and allowed the Accounts of the faid Money fo raifed, levied, and c. 14- colJtfted for the Year then next and immediately preceding, and certified fuch Examination of the f«.iJ ^Geo. I. e. 8. Accounts, under the Hands and Seals of four or more fuch Juftices, 7 Ceo. 2, e. 25. -' , 3oG«. 2. c. 25. 31 Gt-s. 2..C. 26.. 32 Geo. 2.. c.20i 33 Geo. 2. <■. 2. 22fif 24.. CAP. XXIV. >3 w. 3. c. 1. An Aft to oblige Edward. Whiiaker to account for fuch Sums of publick Money as hath been receivedby hjm. EXP.. Anno fecundo & terti'o ANN JE Reginae., A T the Parliament begun at IVeflmlnfler the twentieth Day of Augufl, Anno Dom. 1702. in the firft j_ Year of the Reign of our Sovereign hzdy A'NNE, fay the Grace of God, of En^lmd, Scot/and, France, :^r.d Irrland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c,_ And from thence continued by feveraf Pro-

  • ' In the Record' rogations and Adjournments to the ninth Day of November 1703, * being the fecond Seffion of this

it is 1 3 Apr. .' prefent Parliament. 3 Anns.' C A P. I. [l^^.'.u^ An Aft for granting an Aid to her Majefty by a Land Ta; A S, III ins ^ ^ lllly" Po^ni,' hanored, and lOur, '""^•^■.k. An Aft for granting an Aid to her Majefty by a Land Tax, to be raifed in the Year one thoufand feven AS. ID tile ^ ^ illly" ^ - hiinnred n^nd rnnr. CAP.