Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/210

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158^ C.I 8. Anno fecimdo & tertio Ann^ Reginse. A. 0.1703.

  • France, or at any Time before the making of the faid A£V, in the Manner and Form thereby prefcribed ;
  • and that every fuch Charge fliould be examined by the Entries and Vouchers in the Jleceipt of the Ex-

' chequer, before the refpedtive Account or Accounts of the faid Treafurers, Paymafters, or other Offi- j AnnaE,ftat, I. ' cers fhould be declared; and by an A£t of the firft Year of her Majefly's Reign, intituled, An AStfor «• 13. ' making good Deficiencies, and for preferving the puhlick Credit, It was enafted, That the refpeftive Accounts ' of any the faid Treafurers, Paymafters, or other OiEcers, of the Monies by them received for the Ser- ' vice of the faid Navy, Forces, and for Services in the faid fubordinate Offices, fhould and might be ' declared and finiftied, according to the ancient Ufage and Methods of the Exchequer, fo as before the ' declaring of the laft Accounts of the Monies by them feverally received, as aforefaid, for the faid re-

  • fpedive Services, all the faid Intereft Monies be duly examined and charged, as the faid former Aft di-
  • reeled, as by the faid feveral A£ts may more fully appear : And whereas it appears, that the Auditor of

' the faid Receipt of Exchequer doth or can charge Accountants, as aforefaid, with Intereft Monies by ' them or their Agents received, upon Tallies or Orders that are fatisfied and difcharged in the faid Re- ' ceipt ; but it is difficult to charge fuch Accountants with Intereft Money upon fuch of the faid Tallies ' or Orders, as are ftanding out and unfatisfied ; and it is utterly impoffible for him to charge upon

  • fuch Accountants the Intereft hereafter to be paid upon any fuch unfatisfied Tallies and Orders,

' until the Principal thereupon comes in courfe of Payment, and the faid Tallies and Orders, be

  • brought to the faid Receipt to be difcharged ; and it "will lie a great Detriment to her Majefty's

' Service, in cafe the final Accounts of the faid refpeftive 'I'reafurers, Paymafters, and other fub- -^

  • ordinate Officers (which contain large Sums of Money, and may have many Supers depending there- -9

' upon) fhould be deferred until all the faid Orders and Tallies be fully difcharged :' To obviate which Mifchief, be it enaiied, isfc.

  • ' Auditor to proceed in examining the feveral Intereft Accounts purfuant to the Aft i» & 13 W. 3. c. 1 1, ^

" and furcharge the Intereft Monies omitted. Lord Treafurer, bfc, on fuch Charge may proceed in '* finifhing the Accounts of the Treafurers and Paymafters of the Navy, Forces, i^c. Auditor to exa-

  • ' mine the Accountant's Intereft Accounts, and certify the Sums which ought to be furcharged for

" Intereft Money. Certificate a legal Charge againft fuch Accountant. In Cafe it appears that Intereft

    • Money charged on Accountant's was paid over to Creditors, ^c. Accountant to be allowed for fo

" much. Salaries of the Army Commiffioners to be made without Account. CAP. xviir. An KQ. for the further Explanation and Regulation of Privilege of Parliament in Relation to Perfons in publick Offices. 12 £f 13 ^, 3. ' TT THEREASitis moft juft and reafonable, that Perfons employed in Offices and Places of publick f- J. ' yV Truft, fhould at all Times be accountable for any Mifdemeanors therein, and the publick ' Juflice of the Realm requireth a vigorous Profecution of fuch Offenders :' To the end therefore that your Majefty's good Subjefts may not lie under any Doubts or Difcouragements, whereby fuch Profecu- tions might be prevented or delayed ; may it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty that it may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in -this prefent Parliament aiTembled, and by the Autho- Aflion may 1)6 rity of the fame. That any Aftion or Suit fhall and may be commenced and profecuted in any of her Place of publick or Place of Truft, or any Penalty impofed by Law to enforce the due Execution thereof ; and that no Truft, for any fuch Aftion, Suit, or any other Procefs, Proceeding, Judgment, or Execution thereupon, although Mifdemeanor, f^^-j^ Officer or Perfon fhall be a Peer of this Realm, or Lord of Parliament, or one of the Knights,

  • '• Citizens, or Burgefles of the Floufe of Commons, or otherwife intitled to the Privilege of Parliament,

fliall be impeached, ftayed, or delayed by or under Colour or Pretence of any Privilege of Par- JJo fuch Aftion 1- .. . ^ to be toyed on 'lament. Pretence of Privilege of Parliament. Aft nof to fub- II. Provided neverthelefs, and be It further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this jeft the Perfon p^Q^ ^^ extend to fubjeft the Perfon of fuch Officer, toeing a Peer of this Realm, or Lord of Padia- fitPeertoImpn- j^gj^j.^ to be arrefted or imprifoncd ; but that all Procefs fhall ifTue againft fuch Officer or Perfon, being onrn^nt. 3 Peer of this Realm, or Lord of Parliament, as fhould have iffiied againft him out of the Time of Pri- Nor Member of vilege : Nor fliall extend to fubjeft the Perfon of fuch Officer, being a Knight, Citizen, or Burgefs of the Houfe of the Houfe of Commons, to be anefted or imprifoned, during the Time of Privilege of Parliament ; and Commons. that againft fuch Officer or ether Perfon, being a Knight, Citizen, or Burgefs of the Houfe ofCom- i?...,;...D ;/:._. "• •7 1 , 11 ■ M /i_ 11 T__ tn' — j o 1 T:rL r, :_ c_:,._ „_:~:„_i T>:n c 9 Ann. c. 5. _ Court. 23. 1 Gca. I. c. 38 &? 5^. 2 €eo, ;, c. 14. 6 Geo. 2. c zj, 8 Geo, i, (, 30, 9 Geo, 2, (, 3S, ii Gia. z, c. 24. 13 Geo, z. e, 20. 1 5 Gio. z. c. 2JJ CAP. XIX. jg Gfo. 2. <;. 28. jiGw. 2,c. 14. 33 Geo. z. . 20.