Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/22

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Augustine Briggs, Receiver General for the County of Norfolk and City of Norwich.

19. An Act to impower the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury to compound with Sir Michael Biddulph, Baronet, as he was one of the Sureties for Morgan Whitley, Esq; Receiver General for the Counties of Chester and North Wales.

20. An Act for settling of the Tithes of certain Lands in Francton, in the County of Warwick, upon Simon Biddulph, Baronet, and his Heirs, and for settling a Rent charge in lieu thereof, upon the present Rector there, and his Successors for ever.

21. An Act for the Augmentation of the Vicarage of Gainsborough, in the County of Lincoln.

22. An Act to empower the Lord High Treasurer, or Commissioners of the Treasury, to compound with Thomas Whitley, Esq; as he was one of the Sureties for Morgan Whitley, Esq; late Receiver General for the Counties of Chester and North Wales.

23. An Act for Sale of the Estate of Ambrose Scudamore, Esq; deceased, for Payment of the mortgage money and Debts thereupon, and placing out the overplus Money to the Uses therein mentioned.

24. An Act for Sale of certain Lands and Tenements in Heston in the County of Middlesex, late the Estate of Matthew Lister and his Wife, and Timothy Whitfield and, his Wife, for the Purposes therein mentioned.

25. An Act to enable James Lockart, Esq; and his Wife, to sell certain lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the County of Essex, late of Sir Thomas Luckin, Baronet, deceased, for Payment of their Debts, and to purchase other Lands with the Overplus of the Money, to be settled to like Uses.

26. An Act for raising Money by a Mortgage of a Plantation in the Barbadoes, to pay the Debts of Robert Hooper.

27. An Act for sale of Part of the Estate of Edward Baines, Gent. for discharge of a Mortgage thereupon, and making Provision for his Daughters.

28. An Act for severing and disuniting the Church or Chapel of Horne, from the Church or Chapel of Blechingley, in the County of Surrey.

29. An Act to enable Trustees to raise Money to pay the Debts of Marie Delves, Esq; deceased.

30. An Act for Sale of several Lands and Hereditaments of Thomas Goddard of Rudlow, in the County of Wilts, Esq; deceased, for Payment of his Debts, and for settling the Overplus upon Ambrose Goddard, for the Purposes therein mentioned.

31. An Act for Sale of several lands and Hereditaments of George Nodes, Esq; in the County of Hertford, for Payment of his Debts, and the Debts of George Nodes, Esq; Father, deceased, charged thereupon.

32. An Act to enable Joseph Hinxman of North Hinton, in the County of Southampton, Esq; to sell some Estates in Andover, in the said County; and for the settling other Estates in Christ Church Twineham in the said County, of a better Value, to the same Uses.

33. An Act for Sale of several Lands in the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, late of Patricius Grow, Esq; deceased, for the raising the Portions charged, thereupon for his younger Children.

34. An Act for vesting an estate mortgaged in Fee by Thomas Burr, to Anthony Tomkins (now an Infant) in Trustees, to reconvey the same to the said Thomas Burr, or as he shall appoint, upon Payment of all the Monies due on the said Mortgage.

35. An Act for confirming and making good the last Will, and Testament of Hugh Nanney, Esq; deceased.

36. An Act to impower the Lord High Treasurer, or Commissioners of the Treasury, to compound with John Mason, Gent, who was Receiver General for the County, University, and Town of Cambridge, and Isle of Ely; and also with John Pickering, Silkman, one of the said John Mason's Sureties, as he was such Receiver.

37. An Act for Sale of the Estate of Charles Bludworth, Esq; deceased, for Payment of his Debts.

38. An Act for vesting the Estate late of Thomas Guy, Gent, deceased, for Payment of his Debts.

39. An Act to enable John Procter, of Rock in the County of Northumberland, Esq; to sell or otherwise dispose of his Lands in Shawdon, Shawdon Woodhouse, and Crawley, upon settling Lands of like Value in the said County, in lieu thereof.

40. An Act for Sale of Part of the Estate of John Sands, Esq; in the County of Surrey, for Payment of his Debts, and raising a Portion for his Daughter.

41. An Act for Sale of the Estate of Richard Ball, in Little Appleby and Great Appleby, in the Counties of Derby and Leicester, and for laying out so much of the Money as will purchase another Estate of equal Value, to be settled to the same Uses, and the Residue in making Provision for younger Children.

42. An Act to enable Edmund Waller, Esq; to charge his Estate (not settled on his Wife in Jointure) with a Sum of Money for Payment of his Debts.

43. An Act for raising Money for Payment of the Debts of Thomas Hatcher, Esq; by Sale or Mortgage of some Part of his Estate, and for the better Execution of several Powers in his Marriage Settlement.

44. An Act to enable John Green, of Gavellacre in the County of Southampton, Clerk, to sell some Estates in Hackleston, in the County of Wilts; and for the settling other Estates in Gavellacre, in the County of Southampton, of a better Value, to the same Uses.

45. An Act to naturalise Margarita Cecilia Cadogan, Wife of Brigadier General Cadogan, Gilbert Alfleck, and John Herman Louis.

46. An Act for enabling Trustees to make Leases of Part of the Manor of Dingley, and Lands there, for Payment of the Debts of James Gryphon, Esq; and raising Portions for younger Children.

47. An Act for the better Explanation of the Settlement of the Estate of William Trafford, Gent, and Clare his Wife, and William their eldest Son, and for making more effectual a Provision for younger Children, according to Agreements between them.

48. An Act for vesting the Equity of Redemption of the Manor and capital Messuage of Latchford, with the Appurtenances, and diverse Freehold messuages, Farms, and Lands, in Latchford and Hasely, in the County of Oxon, late the Estate of William Lenthall, Esq; deceased, in Trustees, to be sold for discharging of Encumbrances thereupon.

49. An Act to enable William Cavendish, Esq; to make a Settlement in Jointure upon any Wife he shall marry, and for the better raising the Portions charged upon his Estate, and for confirming Infranchisements of several Copyhold Estates made by his Father, within the Manor of Dovebridge in the Counties of Stafford and Derby.

50. An Act to enable Sir George Warburton, Baronet, to sell the Manor or Lordship of Pulford in the County of Chester, to perform an Agreement made upon his Marriage for Payment of several Portions charged upon his Estate; also to pay some Debts which his Father had Power to charge.

51. An Act for Sale of several Lands and chattel Estates, in the County of Devon, and City and County of Exon, of Joseph Price, for Payment of his Debts and Legacies charged upon his Estate, and for a Provision for himself, his Wife, and Family.

52. An