Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/221

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A.D.I704* Anno tertio & quarto Ann/e Reginas. C. 4. 169 of like Money for every hundred Pounds worth thereof, according to the feveral Values charged on them refpecStiveiy in the faid Book of Rates ; and for and upon unrated Drugs (dying Drugs excepted) Unrated Drugs which are or {hall be imported within the Days and Times laft mentioned, a Duty after the Rate of four 4l- P" Cent. Pounds of like Money for every hundred Pounds of the true and real Value thereof, to be afcertained as is herein after mentioned, and fo proportionably for any greater or lefTer Quantity of any the Commo- dities laft mentioned refpeftively : And it is hereby declared, That by unrated Drugs, chargeable by this What is meant Aft, are meant, all Bark called Clove Bark, all Bark called Jefuits Bark, Callabajlia, Caffena, Feechia, h unrated Brugiata, Grana Gerinanica, Gum Mountjack, JefTamine Ointment, Lapis Hyacinthia, Oil of Annifeeds, "^"■"Es- Oil of Carraway-feeds, Oil of Cinnamon, Oil of Cloves, Oil of Copavia, or Balfam of Copavia, Oil of Juniper, Oil of Lignum Rhodium, Oil of Peony, Oil of SalTafrafs, Pomatum, Sal Tamarifca, and all Chymical Salts, Snake Root, Terra Dulcis, Turpentine of G«7«(7;?y, all Chymical Preparations, Phyfical Oils and Medicinal Drugs (excepting unrated Drugs ufed for dying, and except Coffee, Tea, Choco- late, Cocoa Pafte, and Cocoa Nuts.) And it is hereby alfo declared. That by fuch dying Goods, as are by this Aft, or any other A£ls, exempted from Payment of the refpeftive Duties by this or the faid other Afts granted, are meant the Goods following (yrz.) Aqua-fortis, Argoll, Anotto, Allom of all Sorts, Archelia or SpaniJ}} Weed, Cocheneal, Cream of Tartar, Copperas of all Sorts, Gum Arabick, Gum Seneca, Sticklacic, Cakelack, Madder Roots, or Rubea TinSiorum, Saunders Red, Sal Armoniack, Sal Gem, Turnefole, Verdigreafe, Ifmg Glafs, Platain, Litharge of all Sorts, Bayberries, Antimony, Pomegra- ' By i Geo. i, nate. Pills Arfenick, Agarick, Senna, Gauls, Indico of all Sorts, Litmus, Madder of all Sorts, Or- ^^^- «• c. 43- chall, Safflore, Shumack, Cajfumha, Log Wood, Brazile Wood, Brazeletto Wood, Nickerago Wood, ^^j 3- ^=;^'?^'^? Fuftick, Red Wood, Sapan Wood, Woad, Weld, Valonia Grain or Scarlet Powder, Grain of _5«w7 in ^^ Berries, and Grains of Portugal or Rota, Englljh Berries from the Plantations, French Berries, and SaltPetre.

IX. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Duties hereby granted for and How the TDutics 

upon all white Callicoes imported, {hall be fecured, afcertained, valued, raifed, levied, colledled, ^^-°^^^^^f^ fwered and paid, according the grofs Price thereof, upon Sale at the Candle, by fuch Ways and Means, ^^^^^^ an/pald - and fubjeft to fuch or the like Allowances, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and in fuch Manner ' and Form, as the Duties of fifteen per Centum on Muflins imported, by the faid A£l of the twelfth Year iz W. 3. c. 11, of his faid late Majefty's Reign, are to be fecured, raifed, levied, collefted, anfwered or paid ; and that the faid refpeftive Duties hereby granted, for and upon the faid China or Japan Ware, and for and upon and the Duties ■ all fuch of the faid unrated Drugs, imported from the Eaji Indies, Perjia, China, or other Parts within <"» China Ware the Limits of the Charters granted to the Eajl India Companies, {hall be fecured, afcertained, valued, ?nd unrated raifed, levied, colledled, anfwered and paid, according to the Prices thereof, upon Sale at the Candle, "'^' by fuch Ways and Means, and with fuch feveral and refpeftive Allowances, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and in fuch Manner and Form, as the Duties of unrated Goods from the EaJi Indies, China, or other Parts within the Limits of the Charters granted to the Eajl India Companies, are ena£ted, prefcribed, or appointed to be fecured, afcertained, valued, raifed, levied, colledled, anfwered or paid, by an Kdi paffed in the fecond Year of her Maje{ly's Reign, intituled. An Aii for granting to her Majejly a Annar, c. 9," an additional Subjidy of Tunnage and Poundage for three Years, and for laying a further Duty upon French JViyies condemned as lawful Prize, and for afccrtaining the Values of unrated Goods imported from the Ea{i In- dies : And that the Value of all fuch of the faid unrated Drugs, as fhall be imported from any Parts or Places (other than the EaJl hidies, Perfia, China, and other Parts within the Limits of the Charters afore- faid) according to which the faid Duty of four per Centum is to be paid, {hall be affirmed by the Oaths of the Importers of fuch Drugs refpe£tively. X. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Duties of four per Centum, Importer to pay by this Aft impofed upon unrated Drugs, imported from Parts not within the Limits of the Charters '^^ +'• P"?-*"** granted to the faid Eaft India Companies, {hall be paid by the refpeftive Importers of the fame upon the JJ^fuL " ' importation thereof. XI. And it is hereby enabled. That in cafe any of the faid Callicoes, China Ware, rated or unrated Goods landed Drugs, hereby charged as aforefaid, {hall be landed or put on Shore out of any Ship or VelTel, before before Entry due Entry be made thereof at the Cuflom-houfe in the Port or Place where the iame {hall be imported, f""*""' .and before the faid Duties by this Act charged or chargeable thereupon fliall be fecured or paid, as this Aft doth require in the refpeftive Cafes aforelaid, or without a Warrant for the landing or delivering the ■fame, firft iigned by the Con'imiffioners, Colleftors, or other proper Officer or Officers of the Cuiloms refpeftively, that all fuch imported Callicoes, China Ware, and Drugs, as fhall be fo landed and put on. Shore, or taken out of any Ship or Veffel, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, or the Value of the fame, {hall be forfeited, and {hall and may be feizsd or recovered of the importer or Proprietor thereof {to wit) two Thirds of the fame to the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflbrs ({he or they bearing the Charge of Profecution) and the other Third to the tJfe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as will feize, in- form, or fue for the fame, or the Value thereof, by Aftion, Bill, Suit or Information, wherein no Ef- foin, Proteftion, or Wager of Law {hall be allowed. XII. Provided always, and be it further enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe On Exportatioa any of the faid Callicoes and China Wares, upon which the faid further Duties by this Aft granted are pay'"" ' "~ paid or fecured to be paid as aforefaid, be again exported at any Time or Times within twelve Months • Thefe twelve, by Englijh, or within nine Months by Aliens ; or if any of the faid rated or unrated Drugs, for which nine, and eigh- the faid further Duties by this Aft granted fhall be paid as aforefaid, be again exported by any £«_§•///&'=«" Months, are Merchants within eighteen Months, or. by Aliens within nine A-Ionths, to be accounted from the refpec- yearfb '"oe" tive Times of the Entry of the faid Goods inwards, and that due Proof be firft made upon Oath, that j""t '^^ ^/ Vol. IV. Z the §, lo.' ' '