Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/234

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i82 C. 10. Anno tertio & quarto Ann ^ Reglnse. A. D. 1704.

  • exorbitant and arbitrary Rates, to the great Prejudice and Difcouragement of the Trade and Navigation
  • of this Kingdom, may be provided in a more cert£;:n and beneficial Manner from her Majcfty's own
  • Dominions : And whereas .her JVIajefty's- Colonies and Plantations in America were at firft fettled, and

' arc ftill maintained and protefted, at a great Expence of the Treafure of this Kingdom, with a Defign ' to render them as ufeful as may be to England., and the Labour and Induftry of the People there, profi- ' table to themfelves : And in Regard the faid Colonies and Plantations, by the vaft Traits of Land ' therein, lying near the Sea, and upon navigable Rivers, may commodioufly afford great Quantities of ' all Sorts of Naval Stores, if due Encouragement be given for carrying on fo great and advantageous an

  • Undertaking, which will likewife tend, not only to the further Imployment and Increafe of £«^///& Ship-

' ping and Seamen, but alfo to the enlarging, in a great Meafure, the Trade and Vent of the Woollen Enconragement ' and other Manufactures and Commodities of this ]&igdom, and of other her Majefty's Dominions, in to rinpo^^t^ N«d c Exchange for fuch Naval Stores, which are now purchafed from foreign Countries with Money or Bul- El'i^^Planutioni ' I'on : And for enabling her Majefty's Subjects, in the faid Colonies and Plantations, to continue to , in Americi. ' make due and fufficient Returns in the Courfe of their Trade ;' Be it therefore enaded by the Queen's ' •Farther Encon- moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Mgement Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That c'ery Perfon 8 Anna, c^ij- ^^ Perfons that fliall, within the Time appointed by this A<51, import or caufe to be imported into this i.^c.'je.* See'g Kingdom, direftly from any of her R4ajefty's Englifl} Colonies or Plantations in America., in any Ship or Ships Geo! I.e. II. that may lawfully trade to her Majefty's Plantations, manned as by Law is required, any of the Naval f. 4- ■ Stores, hereafter mentioned, {hall have and enjoy, as a Reward or Pramium for fuch Importation, after Rates allowed to and according to the feveral Rates for fuch Naval Stores, as follows, [yix..) t'Tr'"Ta"'4l. pet ^^' ^'^'^ S°od and merchantable T-at per Tun, containing eight Barrels, and each Barrel to gage thirty- Xun. one Gallons and an half, four Pounds. Fjtcli 4I. par For good and merchantable Pitch per Tun, each Tun containing twenty Grofs hundreds (Net Pitch). Tun. to be brought in eight Barrels, four Pounds. Rozin or Tut- Yot good and merchantable Rozin or Turpentine per Tun, each Tun containing twenty Grofs hun- ^tr'run ^ ' dreds (Net Rozin, or Turpentine) to be brought in eight Barrels, three Pounds. Hemp 61. pet For Hemp, Water rotted, bright and clean, per Tun, each Tun containing twenty Grofs hundreds. Tun. «Conti- fix Pounds. jiued, '.s to For all Mafts, Yards, and Bow'fprits, per Tun, allowing forty Foot to each Tun, Girt Meafure, ac- Hempby t^ cording to the cuftomary Way of meafuring round Bodies, one Pound, 8 Ceo. i.e. 'i2^' mf- Which feveral Rewards or Pmmiufns, for each Species afore-mentioned, fhall be paid and an- ^'.' fwered by the Commiflioners or principal Officers of her Majefty's Navy, who are hereby impowered Mails, &c. 20s. and required to make out Bill or Bills, to be paid in courfe for the fame, upon Certificate of the refpec- per Tun. ~ tiyg Chief Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, in any Port of this Kingdom where fuch Naval Stores (hall

  • 'aw'b'"comrtiif- imported as aforefaid ; fuch Bill or Bills to be made out and given to the Perfon or Perfons importing

fioriers'ofthr " ^^^ i^vci& as aforefaid, within twenty Days after the Difcharge or unlading of the Ship or VefTel, Ships or' Navy. Veflels, in which fuch Stores {ball be imported, upon a Certificate or Certificates, to be produced to the • Reftiiftions of Chief Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms (which Certificate or Certificates fhall be under the Hand and fuch Certificates Seal of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Colleftor of her Majefty's Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, or

  • °g'o /" iT' ^"y ^^° of them, refiding and being within any of her Majefty's faid Colonies or Plantations) That be-

i. i6°'i7- ' f*^^ ^^^ Departure of fuch Ship or VefTel, Ships or. Veflels, the Perfon or Perfons, Merchant, Trader $ Geo. I. c, II. or Faitor, loading the fame, had made Oath before them. That the faid Naval Stores, fo fhipt on board f. 4. were truly artd hoyia fide of the Growth and Produce of her Majefty's faid Colonies tod Plantations (which ©ath tobernade, Qath the faid Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Colledtor of her Majefty's Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, Stores were Jf ° ^"7 ^^^ of them, are hereby authorized to adminifter) as likewife, upon Oath to be made within any the Growth of Port in England, by the Mafter or Mafters of fuch Ship or Veffel, Ships or VefTels, importing fuch Na- the Plantations, val Stores, that the fame were truly laden on board fuch Ship or VefTel, Ships or VefTels, within fome of her Majefty's Colonies and Plantations in America., and that he or they know oi believe that the faid Na- val Stores were the Produce of the faid Colonies and Plantations. Provifo. IV. Provided always, That the Reward or Pramium, hereby granted, fliall not be allowed or paid for the Importation of fuch Mafts, Yards, Bowfprights, or other Naval Stores, as are already contrafted for by the Commiffioners of her Majefty's Navy, Commiflioners V. And to the End a particular Benefit may accrue hereby to her Majefty's Royal Navy, and for the of the Navy to better Supply of the fame with Naval Stores ; Be it further enadted, That upon the importing of any if ccintrafted for Tender, the faid Commiffioners (hall not contraft or bargain for the fame, it fhall and may be lawful fof. within 20 Days the Importer or Importers, Owner or Owners, of the faid Naval Stores, otherwife to difpofe of the fame after Tender, for his or their heft Profit and Advantage. Penalty on fcl- VI. And for the better Prefervation of all Timber fit for the Ufes aforefaid ;. Be it further ena£led and ling or deftrcying ordained by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons within her Majefty's Colonies of A'i'Ef Pitch, Pine Hampjhire, the Majjachufets Bay, Rhode Ijland, &nd Providence Plantation, the Marraganfet Cniniry, or PwEif Und ^'".f^ Province, and Connecticut in New Eiigland, and New York, and New Jerfey, do or (hall prefume to ^ew ngan , ^^^^ ^^jj^ ^^ deftroy any Pitch, Pine Trees, or Tar Trees, not being within any Fence or aAual Inclo- fure, under the Growth of twelve Inches Diameter, at three Foot from the Earth, on the Penalty or For- feiture of five Pounds for each Offence, on YvQoi thereof to be made by one or wore credible WitnefTes on