Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/236

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1S4 C, 16-— 1 8', Anno tertio& qtrarto AffE^. Regto. A. D* ijo^. 4 & 3 Annse/ e. 2o. II W. 3. c. 8. 13 W. 3. c. I, 5 Annas, c. i&. 13 & 14 Car. 2, £.3. T fc S W. 5. c. 6.

  • for recovering

fmall Tithes,' and further con- tinued by to Si. li W. 3. c. 15. made perpetual. g&gW. 3. c. . 31.* for the ea- fier obtaing Par- titions of Lands in Coparcenary, ■X:c,' made per- netual, '+ & 5 W, & M, cap: xvl An Aft fof p'uniiliing Mutiny and'Defertfon, and falfe MufterSj and' for die feetferPaymenf of the Army^ and tkeir" Quarters. Mutineers and Deferters, (sfc- to^ fufFer Death. The Queeni may grant Com- miflions to her Generals to call Courts-martial. Courts-martial not tfO confift of Itfs than ij CorrA rniffion Officers. Prefident to be a Field Officer. Soldiers not exempt from the ordinary Procefs o^ Law. Aft not to extend to Militia. Every Member of Court-martial to be fworn.. No Sentence of Death to be given, unlefs nine Officers concur. Penalty on falfe Certificates, to ex-cufe Soldiers from. Mufter. Penalty on Officers malcing falfe Mufters. Muflier Rolls tO' be figned by the Mayor, i^fc. Penalty On Mufter Mafter negletJfeing to give .Notice. Penalty upon Perfons falfly muftsred. Horfes falfly muftered to be forfeited.- Penalty on Agent, &'c. detaining Officer's or Soldier's Pay. Penalty en Agent difobeying Orders of Qgeen or Lord Treafurer. Officer to bring a Certificate of Men Sick,. isfc.' Penalty on Officer muliering Servants, b'tv No Soldiers to be quartered on pTivate Houies. Penalty on' Conftable, &c^ quarteri'ng Soldiers othervifife than by this Act. Officers and Soldiers to pay reafonable Rates for their Provifions. Juftices to fet the Rates.. Penalty rn Officer taki'ng Money to excufe frofti quartering^- No Paymafter, &c. to make Dedu£i:ions out of Officer's or Soldier's Pay, Lord Trea:furer may i'flue the Money due for Clothing every two Months. Paymafters to deduct th; ■ Off- reckonings. Charge of Arms, Stores, &c: to be tranfmi'tted to Paymafters, ©"iv Rates of Sub- fiftence to be paid to Innkeepers, 6'*:. for Soldiers Quarters. Penalty on Officer not paying Subfiftence-- money. No Mufters in Weflmhifter and SouthwarH, but in the Prefence of two Jufticcs. All Clothes, i^c. to be bought in England. Mufter Rolls to be clofed on the Day of Mufter^ and returned to the Paymafter of the Forces,- i^c. Jufti'ces to iffue out Warrants to- the Conftables to provide Carriages.. Penalty on Officers forcing Waggon to travel more than one Day's Journey, fife, or obliging Con- ftables to provide Saddle Plorfes. Soldiers Wives, iSc. not to be quartered without Confent. Penalty On Officer or Soldier deftroying the Game. ' Penalty on Perfons concealing Deferter, or buying his Arrhs, Clothes, &e. No SoMiers to be Billeted in Epfom, '&c. Officers or S'oldiers' correfponding v/itE the Queen's Enemies guilty of High Treafon, Soldiers refifting Officer, Felony. All Trials for Trea- fon, I'elony, &(. may be determined in the ^len's Bench. AiSl not to abridge the Queen's Power of making Articles of War, isfc. Queen may grant Commi'ffi-ons for holding Co-a'rts-martial'. Defertcf to be returned to his own Regiment, there to be puniflied. Bat one Trial for the fame Offence. No- Attainder to extend to Corruption of Blood, iffc. Trial of a Peer to be by his Peers. Perfons tried for Treafon on this A£l: to have the Benefit of the Aft 7 W. 3. c. 3. Officers and Soldiers of the Marine Regiments fubjeft to this Aft. Felons may be lifted on the Qaeen's Warrant figned for their Pardoin. Aft to extend to Mutineers- ai>d Deferters in Ireland.' Perfons not tried before 34 March 1704. may be tried now by Court-martial. Penalty on Officer refufing to give a juft Account of Debentures. E X P- CAP. XVIL An Aft for raifing. the Militia for the Year one thoufand feven hundred a-nd five^ although the Montb'^s Pay formerly advanced be not repaid. EXP. CAP. XVIII. An Afl for making perpetual an Ad for the more eafy recovery of fmall Tithes ; and alft> an A& for the more eafy obtaining Partition of Lands in Coparcenary, Joint Tenancy, and Tenancy in Common •, and alfo for n-)aking more effeftual and amending feveral Ads re- lating to the Return of Jurors* < TT HERE AS divers Temporary Lavrs, which by Experience have been found beileficial and ufe- ' W ful, are expired, or near expiring;' Therefore for continuing the fame, be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, hy and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame,- That afi Aft made in the Seffion of Parliament held in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign of the late Kiri^. William the Third, intituled, JnJif/ar the more enfy Recovery of fmall Tithes i which was to cofttinue for three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, which Aft was further con- tinued by an Ait fnade in the tenth and eleventh Years of the Reign of the faad King William the? Third, for feven Years from the Expiration thereof, which will expire at the End of thene:it Seffion of Parliament after the Year one thoufand feveri hundred arid five, fliall be, and is hereby continued, and fliall be in force,- and be made perpetual. - IL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft fiiade in the Seffion of Parlia- ment held ift the eighth and ninth Years of his faid late Majefty King WuliaM the Third, iiitituled, An An for the eafter obtaining Partitions of Lands in Coparcenary, Jointenancy, and Tenancy in Common, which will expire at the End of the next Seffion of Parliament after the firft Day of iW^;; one thou- fand feven hundred and four, fliall be, and is hereby continued, and ftiall be in force, and be made perpetual. ' ' r -v^ r ■■ III. And whereas in an Aft made in the Seffion of Parliament held in the fourth and fifth Years of ' the late King William and Queen Mary, intituled. An AS for reviving, continuing, and explaining fe-' ' Viral Laivs therein mentioned, which arc expired and near expiring, there are feveral good Claufes and Pro- vifions