Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/248

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196 C. 7,8. Anno quarto Ann^ Reginse. A. D. 1705. Parties who hath or fhall have fo paid the fame, his, her, or their Executors or Adminiftrators, without Ifnotpaid, tobe any further or other Demand whatfoever; neverthelefs it is hereby declared. That in cafe any of the in Force. Bonds before-mentioned (hall not be fatisfied within the Time by this A£t limited as aforefaid, or in cafe any Payment to incur or grow due after the faid fixth Day of February one thoufand feven hundred BriftolMer- and five, by the Condition of any Bond taken or to be taken for the Cuftoms, additional Duties, Impo- chants provided fitions, or Other Duties of any Goods or Merchandizes imported, or hereafter to be imported as aforefaid, for by 5 Anns, fh^ll not be duly paid, according to Condition of every fuch Bond refpedtively : In all and every fucli c. zg. i. i3. Cafe and Cafes, the Penalty of every fuch Bond fhall not be difcharged, either in Lav/ or Equity, with- out the full Payment of the principal Monies, together with Intereft, after the Rate of fix Pounds jd^r dntum per Annum, to be reckoned from the Day on which fuch principal Monies become due, until the Lord Trearurc, aftual Payment thereof, befides Colls of Suit, unlefs the Lord Treafurer, or any three or more of th; &c. may remit Commiffioncrs of the Treafury for the Time being, upon any Reprefcntation of the Commiffioners of tlio Ktercft, &c. Cuftoms for the Time being, or any three or more of them, fhall judge it reafonable, in any particular Cafe or Cafes, to remit the faid Intereft and Cofts, or any Part thereof; this Aft, or any other Law or Statute whatfoever to the contrary notwitliftanding. Bonds for Com- XXXVI, Provided always. That this Aft,' or any thing therein contained, fhall not extend to dif- panifsDa its, charge the Intereft upon any Bond or Bonds, entred into for the Duties of any Goods or Merchandizes not toted;!- imported by any Corporation or Company of Merchants trading by any Charter upon a joint Stock ; any c irged. thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. vn. ■i-. An A(5t for making the Town of New Rofs, in the County of Wexford in the Kingdom of 'j'^ ^l^ Ireland^ a Port for the exporting Wool from Ireland into this Kingdom. ' WJ HEREAS by an Aft palTed in this Kingdom in the tenth and eleventh Years of the Reign of «io>itW3. ' VV his late Majefty King William the third, intituled. An Ja to prevent the Exportation of JVool «■ JO.' ^ out of the Kingdoms a/'Ireland and England into foreign Parts, and for the Encouragement of the Woollen Ma~ ' nufaiiures in the Kingdom a/"England, it is, amongft other Things, enafted. That all the Wool and the ' Manufaftures thereof, in the faid Aft particularly fpecified, as fhould, from Time to Time be export- ' ed from the faid Kingdom oi Ireland into the Ports of this Kingdom or Dominion o{ Wales, fhould be ' fliipped off, and entred at the Ports oi Dublin, Waterford, Youghall, Kingfale, Cork, and Drogheda iii ' the faid Kingdom of Ireland, and at or from no other Port or Place within the faid Kingdom, under ' great Penalties to every Offender againft the faid Aft : And whereas the Town of New Rofs, in the

  • County of JVexford in the faid Kingdom Ireland, is in the fame Harbour with the Port of the City of
  • Watnford, and before the paffing of the faid Aft hath always had Liberty to export the faid Commodi-

' ties direftly into this Kingdom ; but the faid Town not being particularly named in the faid Aft, fome ' Doubt hath a' ifen whether the faid Commodities may be exported thence :' Therefore to prevent all Doubt for the future concerning the fam.e, be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent R-Iajeffy, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament afTem- 12 Car. 3. f. 32. tj]j.(j^ gjj(j ijy (.j^g Authority of the fame. That at all Times from and after the four and twentieth Day of Rois made a" fune One thoufand feven hundred and fix, it fhall and may be lawful to and for all and every Perfon and Port for export- Perfons whomfoever, to fliip off, enter, and export, from the faid Tov/n oi New Rofs, all the faid Com- ing Wool from niodities in the faid recited Aft particularly mentioned, and to import the fame into any of the Ports of Ireland. Biddeford, Bamflabk, Minhead, Bridgivater, Brijlol, Milford Haven, Chefier, z.ViA Leverpoole, in the fame Burn, V. 2. 583, jyjaj^j^gj-^ 33 if the faid Town oi Rofs had been particularly named for Exportation of the faid Commodir Tarthcr Prruifi- ties in the faid former Aft ; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Qns cwcerning Wool, 3 Ceo. 1. c. 21. 4 Cot. i. c. iz. 5 Geo. i. c. 11. 12 Geo. i. c. 34. 13 Geo, 1. c. 23. 5 Geo, 2. c, 25, 12 Ceo. 2. e. 21. J5 Ceo, 2. c, 27, 25 Cfs. 2. f. 14. 26 Cm. 2. f. 8 CSf II. 29 Geo. I.e. 33. 30 Geo. 2. f. 12. CAP. VIII. An Aft for the better Security of her Majefty's Perfon and Government, and of the Succeffion to the I W. & M. (T. Crown of England, in the Proteftant Line. Perfons who by Writing, iffc. fhall declare, isc. That the

  • •'•*• ^ ^ Queen is not lawful Queen, or that the pretended Prince of Wales hath any Right to the Crown, ^c,

J2& 13 w. 5, guilty of High Treafon. Perfons who by Preaching, i^c. fhall declare and affirm the Queen not law- ful Queen, feV. to incur the Penalty of Pnsmunire, Parliament not diffolved by the Queen's Death, j6R. 2. c. 5. j,m (-Q continue for fix Months after, &c. Parliament to meet immediately after the Queen's Death. 6&7W.3,c.2. In cafe of no Parliament, the laft preceding to meet. Not to abridge the Qiieen's Power to prorogue 6 Anns, c. 7. or diffolve Parliaments, bfc. Privy Counfel not to be difTolved by the Queen's Death; nor the Places ^ c'^'^Vfta^ of the Great Ofhcers; nor any Officers Civil or.Military ; but to continue for fix Months, i^c. The 2'. c] 23. ^ " Great Seal, is'c. to be ufed. LTpon Queen's Death, Privy Council to caufe the next Proteftant. Suc- "i w.&M. f. I. ceifor to be proclaimed, on Penalty of High Treafon. In cafe the SuccelTor be out of the Realm, at c. 8. * the Qiieen's Death, feven Lords Juftices appointed. The Succeffor by three Inftruments, may add fe- j Ann», flat, J. ' ^en Others. The three Inftruments to be tranfmitted into England, and to be feverally fealed up, and c, 2a. - depofited, bfc. Perfons opening any of the faid Inftrurnents, ifft-. guilty of a Prcemunire. Any one of the Inftruments produced to Privy Council, to be efFeftual. Lords Juftices not to diffolve the Parlia- ment without Direftion, i^c. Nor alter tlie Aft 13 & 14 Car. 2. c, 4. on Penalty of High Treafon. 3 Lords