2C4 c. t. TWefam«ri>ldl>)r the Truftcet Co IJr. William King, Lord Archbifhop of Dublin, and his Heirs. JI & II W. 3. G, 1. "G. ^7. . ' Aiino quarto Ai^iJ;? Regmfe. A.I^. 17P5. of his late Majefty King Wji,LtAM the ^hird, intituled, An Aft for Jtranting em Md to his Maie/ly ,by Sale of the forfeited and other E/iates and Interejls In Ireland, and by a%(fnd~tax, for the fever alPurfofet therein mentioned^ the faid Archoiftiop of Dublin was put out ofPofleffion of all and angular the laid Premifles, and the fame, were expofed and put to Sale by the faid Truftees, as the Eftate of the fajd Bartholomew Rujfel: And whereas by Indenture bearing Date on or about t^e t/enty-thlrd Day of juat in the Year of our Lord one thouland feven hundred and three, made, or mentioned to be made, ;^fi- tween Sir Cerytl /i?^cA Knight, Francis Annefy Ef(j; fohn Baggs^ Efq; Joh;n Trenehard Efq; j^ahn l/ha/n I Anns, ftat. 2. c, 11. For 31051, Ster- ling. PR. ohn Cary Gentleman, {enry Shere Knight, Thomat PR. Efq; Henry Langford "E^ifW James Hooper Y,ic^; ^ ^ , .- . ^ . -^ • - — Harrifon '£{({•, l^illi am Fellows Efq; and Thomas Rawlins Efq; furviving Truftees, nominated and ap- pointed for putting in Execution the Powers and Authorities relating to the forfeited and other Eftates and Interefts in Ireland, enafted in and by the aforefaid Aft, intituled. An ASt for granting an Aid tt his Majefty by Sale of the forfeited and other EJlates and Interejis in Ireland, and by a Land Tax, for the Jevefal'Pur&ifes therein mentioned, of the one.Part, and the moft Reverend Father in God, Do£lor Ivdliam King, Lord Archbifliop of Dublin, of the other Part, the faid Sir Ceryll IVych, Francis Anncjly, John Bi7ggs, John Trenchard, John IJham, Henry Langford,fJames Hooper, John Cary, Sir Henry Shere, Thomas Harrifon, William Pillows, ?Lni Thomas Rawlins, purfuant to.the faid Aft of Parliament, and to anq^^r Aft of Parliament then lately made, intituled. An A£t for ^yarning the Sale of the forfeited EJiafes in Ireland, and for vejling fuch as remained unfold by the then Trtt/iees, in her Majejly, her Heirs and Sue- ceffors, for fuch TJfes as the fame were before vejied in, the faid Truftees, and for the more effeSlual felling and jetting, the faid EJiates in Protefiants, and for explaining feveral A£ls relating to the Lord Bophin and Sir Redmund Everard, and in Execution of the Powers and Authorities to theni thereby given," ahJ'in Confideration of the Sum of three thoufand one hundred and five Pounds Sterling, paid and fecured to be paid by the faid Doftor TVilliam King, Lord Archbifliop of Dublin, in fuch Manner as therein is mentioned, for the abfolute Purchafe of the Lands therein and herein after mentioned, , they the/ faid Truftees did bargain and fell unto the faid Doftor William King, Archbilhop of Dublin, afl that'Smd thofe the Town znd h^mds of Seatown, containing by Ettimation two hundred thirty-four Acres, 'and thirty-two Perches profitable Land, Plantation Meafure, more or lefs ; Newtown containing one hun- dred and feventeen Acres, and lilce Land and Meafure, niore or lefs; Blackhall and Gamble, containing one hundred and feventy Acres, and like Land and Meafure, mpre or lefs ; and. all thofe. Landa^knpwn by the Name of Smith's Land, with the feveral Gardens, Plots, and. Cabins' in the 'fown of Sv/frat; "ahd all that Parcel of LandJn Broad Meadow, containing two Acres, three Roods, and fixteen Pefches profitable Land, Plantation Meafure, be the fame more or lefs ; lateiy. belonging to.thefame Bat^olo- mew RufTel, attainted as aforefaid ; with all Mefluages, Edifices, Ways, Waters, Watercourles, Woods, Underwoods, Commons, and all other Rights, Members, Appendances, and Appurtenances there* unto belonging, or in any wife appertaining, and the Reverfions and Remainders thereof, to hold to the faid Doftor William King, LovA Archbiihop of Dublin, his Heirs and Affigns, fubjeft to a yearly CJuit Rent of nine Pounds eighteen Shillings eleven Penes Halfrpenny referved to her Majefty, ;h«r Heir and SuccefTors, as by the faid recited Letters Patents, Deed and other Proceed ings^ Relation .be- ing thereunto had, may more at large appear : And whereas by virtue of the faid laft recited Indenture, the Inheritance of the faid Town and Lands herein laft^mentioned, was vefted in the faid Lprd Ai:ch- bifliop of Dublin, and his Heirs, in his natural Capacity, the Benefit of which Grant and Conveyapee 1 (although the fame is of very great Advantage) he the faid William Lord Archbiihop of i)«W/« is, will- ing to quit, fo that the faid Lands may be reftored to the Church : Tp the Intent therefore that .the > pious Intentions of their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, in granting the faid TpvvH, I^ands, and Premifles to the See of Dublin mzy take Eiieft, May it, pleafc; your molt Excellent Ms- jefty, That it may be enafted, ^c. • ' ■ • "Town and Lands, bfc. fold by Truftees, isfc, vefted in the laid Archbifliop, ajid his Succeflbrs for " ever, and annexed to the Revenues of the See. Subjeft to the yearly Rent to the Queen. Archbifliop " to be reimburfed his Purchafe-money, by Army Debentures. Leafes of Lands, ijfc. vefted. in . Arch- bilhop ftiall be made at the improved Rent, and to Proteftants only. Leafes made at lefs. than full " yearly Rent, Succeflbr,may.avcjid,:tbe fame. , '-i,-; r: ■ .:. :v.:. T,.-^ '.' :, ":CAP. XXVIL •,:,.;:,■;:■.,,:,■-..,■,,.,'-:• ■'Ah A^ for the impropriate Tithes of the Pariflt of Szint Bridget ali^ Brides, London. • Xn tJie Roll it h added,' and ..■!! .'to I Anno l^egni AI^NiE Regin je"qtiinto.
- A X '^"^ Parliament fummoned' to be held at Wefminjler the fourteenth T>3.y of June^ Anno Dom, 1705-
' /jL in the fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, by the Grace of God, .of ' England, Scotland, Prance, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, £?'<:. And from thence cohti-
- nued by feveral Prorogations, to the five and twentieth Day of Oif?ai^/- 1705 ; and then .begun aoJ
' holden, being the firft Stflion of this prefent Parliament. And from thence continued'hyfeveralPrg- ' rogations to the third Day of December 1706, * being the fecond Seflion of this prefent Parliament. fittther co8tinu4id by A,djour,nnicnti liU the eighth Day of Aptil in the fixttvYear of^hsf Mijefty's Reign. _ -'^cA'i^:' I.