Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/276

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2 24 C. 8. Anno quinto Ann^ Reginae. A. D. 1706. iw. &M.(r. c. 1^ ble to inherit, pofTefs, or enjoy the Imperial Crown o^ Great Britain^ a.nd the Dominions thereunto be- longing, or any Part thereof; and in every fuch Cafe the Crown and Government {hall from time t» time dcfcend to, and be enjoyed by fuch Perfon being a Proteftant, as (hould have inherited and enjoyed the fame in cafe fuch Papiil or Perfon marrying a Papift, was naturally Dead according to the Provi- fion for the Defcent of the Crown of England, made by another A61 of Parliament in England in the firft '•• Year of the Reign of their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, intituled, Jh Aa declaring the Rights and Liberties of the SubjeSf, and fettling the Succeffion of the Croivn. ARTICLE III. One Parliament. T^^at the united Kingdom of Great Britain be reprefented by one and the fame Parliament, to be filled. The Parliament of Great Britain. ARTICLE IV. Freedom of That all the SubjeiSs of the united Kingdom of Great Britain (hall, from and after the Union, have J/ilrRillt &c, ^^^l Freedom and Intercourfe of Trade and Navigation to and from any Port or Place within the faid ■^ * ■ united Kingdom, and the Dominicans and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Commu- nication of all other Rights Privileges, and Advantages, which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom ; except where it is otherwife exprefly agreed in thefe Articles. ARTICLE V. Scots Ships to be That all Ships or Veffels belonging to her Majefty's SubjetEts of Scotland, at the Time of ratifying the Britift Ships. Treaty of Union of the two Kingdoms in the Parliament of Scotland, though foreign built, be deemed, and pafs as Ships of the Kuilt of Great Britain ; the Owner, or where there are more Owners, one or more of the Owners, within twelve Months after the firfl: of May next, making Oath, That at the Time of ratifying the Treaty of Union in the Parliament of Scotland, the fame did, in Whole or in Part, belonc . to him or them, or to fome other Subjeft or SubjecSs in Scotland,- to be particularly named, with the- Place of their refpedtive Abodes ; and that the fame doth then, at the Time of the faid Depofition, wholly belong to him or them ; and that no Foreigner direftly or indireftly, hath any Share, Part, or Intereft, therein ; which Oath ftiall be made before the chief Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, in the Port next to the Abode of the faid Owner or Owners ; and the faid Officer or Officers fliall be impowered to admi- nifter the faid Oath ; and the Oath being fo adminiftred fhall be attefled by the Officer or Officers, who adminiftred the fame ; and being regiftred by the faid Officer or Officers, fhall be delivered to the Mailer of the Ship for Security of her Navigation ; and a Duplicate thereof fhall be tranfmitted by the faid Of- ficer or Officers, to the chief Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms in the Port ofEdinburgh, to be there eir- tred in a Regifter, and from thence to be fent to the Port of London to be there entred in the General Regifter of all Trading Ships belonging to Great Britain, See 5 Geo. 1i c. 20. &9 Geo. z. c, zi. Scots Cattle. Importation of Vifluals. Altered by 14 Geo- 2. c. 7. fiir llcenftng the importalion in Cafe of Dearth, Excifes. See 5 Geo. I. c. 20. Explained by 12 Geo. I. c, 4. . fea.. 62. ARTICLE VI. That all Parts of the united Kingdom for ever, from and after the Union, fhalT have the fame Allow- ances, Encouragemxcnts, and Drawbacks, and be under the fame Prohibitions, Reftriitions, and Regula- tions of Trade, and liable to the fame Cuftoms and Duties on Import and Export; and that the Allow- ances, Encouragements, and Drawbacks, Prohibitions, Reftriftions, and Regulations of Trade, and the Cuftoms and Duties oH Import and Export, fettled in England when the Union commences, fhall, from and after the Union, take Place throughout the whole united Kingdom ; excepting and referving the Duties upon Export and Import of fuch particular Commodities, from which any Perfons, the Subjedls of either Kingdom, are fpecially liberated arid exempted by their private Rights, v/hich, after the Union, are to remain fafe and entire to them in all Refpe£ts, as before the fame. And that from and after the Union, no Scots Cattle carried into England, fhall be liable to any other Duties, either on the publi- k ij or private Accounts, than thofe Duties to which the Cdttle of England are or fhall be liable within the faid Kingdom. And feeing by the Laws of England, ther« are Rewards granted upon the Exporta- tion of certain Kinds of Grain, wherein Oats grinded or ungrinded are not expreffed ; that from and^afiter the Union, when Oats lli^ll be fold at fifteen Shillings Sterling ^^'r Qtiarter, or under, there fhall be paid l| two Shillings and fix Pence Sterling for every Quarter of the Oatmeal exported in the Terms of the Law, whereby and fo long as Rewards are granted for Exportation of other Grains, and that the Bear of Scotland have the fame Rewards as Barley : And in Refpecft the Importation of Viftual into Scotland from any Place beyond Sea, would prove a Discouragement to Tillage, therefore that the Prohibition as now in Force by the Law of Scotland, againft Importation of Vifluals from Ireland, or any other Place be- yond b'ea into Scotland, do, after the Union, remain in the fame Force as now it is, until more pro- per and efFeilual Ways be provided by the Parliament of Great Britain^ for difcouraging the Im- portation of the faid Vi(3;uals from beyond Sea. ARTICLE VIL That all Parts of the united Kingdom be for ever, from and after the Union, liable to the fame Excifes upon all excifeable Liquors, excepting only that the thirty-four Gallons Englijh Barrel of Beer or Ale, amounting to twelve Gallons Scots prefent Meafure, fold in Scotland by the Brewer at nine Shillings fix Pence Sterling, excluding all Duties, and retailed, including Duties and the Retailers Profit, at twa Penpe 4