240 C. 19. Anno quinto Ann^ Reginas. A. D. 1706. CAP. XIX. An A6t for continuing the Duties on Low Wines and Spirits of the firfl; Extraftion, and the Duties payable by Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty Chapnnen, and Part of the Duties on iVampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, and the late Duties on Sweets, and the one third Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and for fettling and eftablifhing a Fund thereby, and by the Application of certain Overplus Monies, and otherwife, for Payment of Annuities , to be fold for raifing a further Supply to her Majefty, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and feven, and other Ufes therein expreffed. Mojl Gracious Sovereign, Kor chs Appiita W 7 -^ your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons of England in Parliament aflembled, Twn of 40000 !. W confidering the great Cliarges neceflary for carrying on the War, and how far your Majefty's Subjefts per Ann. out ot are at prefent burthened with Taxes already laid for that Purpofe ; and being therefore willing, by fuch rhe Surplus ari- ^afy and eftedlual Ways and Means as in this A(3: are exprefled and. intended, to raife a Sum of Money Jing from this j^qj exceeding one Million and one hundred and twenty thoufand Pounds, Part of the Money neceJary to Sce6Annx.c. 5. '^^ 1"^°^^^'^ in this Seflion of Parliament for your Majefty's Supply, and a further Sum not exceeding §. I, z. ' ' thirty-tive thoufand Pounds, to be applied in fuch Manner as is herein after mentioned, tov/ards making I'liooool. and good the Payment of the Annuities to be purchafed upon this Aft, have for that End and Purpofe checr- 35000 1. to be fully and unanimouily given and granted, and do by this AiSi: give and grant unto your Majefty the Rates Duties oh Lev ^"^ Duties upon Low Wines, and Spirits of the firft Extraction, and the Duties to be paid by Hawkers, Wines, Haw- Pedlars, and Petty Chapmen, and the Rates and Duties upon Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, and rhe kcrs. Vellum, Duties upon Sweets, and the additional Subfidies of Tonnage and Poundage, and other Duties hereafter &o. granted. in this A(5l expreffed or referred unto, for and during fuch Term and Terms of ^ears refpeftively as are .S«5 Amte, jj-^ j-]-|jg ji^^^ mentioned in that Behalf; and do moft humbly bcfeech your Majefty to accept thereof, and c 27. /..18. j.]^^|. jj. ^^^y i^g ena£ted ; and be it enacted by the Qiieen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- Low Wines, bled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all and every fuch or the like jjuties for and upon all Low 'V«:4Ann*, Wlncs, or Spirits of the firft Extraftion, as by the A£t of Parliament made and pafied in the third Year C.-4' ■• of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, AriASi fo-r continuing Duties upon Low TVines, and upon Coffee^ Tea, Cho- rnade perpetual colate, Spices, and Pictures, and upon Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty Chapmen, and upon Mujlins, and for ■^ 1°'%%^ 'granting new Duties upon Jeveral of the faid Commodities, and alfo upon Callicoes, China Wares and Drugs, 1 Geori. c. 16. were continued or granted until the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and ten, fhall, by Virtue of this Aft, be further continued and be paid and payable to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon all Low Wines, and Spirits of the firft Extraftion, to be made or drawn by any Diftiller, or other Perfons making or drawing Spirits or Strong Waters for Sale or Exportation, within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Ttveed, from the three and twentieth Day oijune, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten, for further co t'. -^^'^ Term of ninety-fix Years, from thence next and immediately enfuing, for the Ufes and Purpofes in , cd for 96 Years' "^^is Aft expreffed : And that all and every fuch and the like feveral Duties, Impofitions, and Sums of Mo- made perpetual ' ney, to be paid by every Hawker, Pedlar, Petty Chapman, and fuch other Perfons as are dcfcribed in one by I Geo. I. flat. Aft of the ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, of glorious Memory, 2. c. 12. §. 8. fQ,. ]jcenfmg Hawkers and Pedlars, and all the Powers for granting I;icences, and other Powers, and all PedTars" Claufes, Direftions, Allowances, Penalties, Forfeitures, Articles, Matters, and Things therein contain- 9&io'w. 3. ed, relating to the faid Duties payable by Hawkers, Pi-dlars, Petty Chapmen, and other Perfons defcri- , e. 27. bed in the faid Aft, which by the faid Aft of the third Year of her Majefty's Reign hath Continuance un- ' tci.A n '• ^^^ ^^^^ ^°"' '^^ twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and ten, flrall be further continu- c. 4. "" ' ed, and be paid and payable, and be praftifed, obferved, and put in Execution, by Virtue of this Aft, firt'her continu- from the three and twentieth Day of June which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven ed; hundred and ten, for the like Term of ninety-fix Years from thence next and immediately enfuing: The made perpetual i;tid feveral Duties, Impofitions, and Sums of Money, for and upon all Low Wines, Spirits of the firft c i°'h% "' Extraftion, and upon all Hav/kers, Pedlars, Petty Chapmen, and all other Perfons defcribed as aforefaid, to be paid during the faid rcfpeftive Terms of ninety-fix Years, and to be afcertained, fecured, raifed, le- ]n what Manner viej^ recovered, anfwered, paid, and accounted for, to the Ufes and Purpofes in this Aft expreffed, by P"'^'" '^" ^ fuch Rules, V/ays, Means, and Rdethods, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fuch Dif- tribution of the faid Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fuch Power of Mitigation, and fubjeft to fuch Drawbracks, Allowances, and Repayments, and in fuch Manner and Form in all Refpefts, as the like Duties, Impofitions, and Sutns of Money refpeftively granted or continued by the faid Aft of the third
- '^4AnnE, Year of her Majefty's Reign are thereby, or by any other Aft of Parliament whereunto the faid Aft hath
' Reference, or by any other Law now in Force, prefcribed, enafted, or appointed to be afcertained, fe- cured, raifed, levied, recovered, anfwered, paid, and accounted for during the Continuance thereof refpedtively. II. And it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch of the Powers, Direftions, Pe- nalties, and Forfeittues, Claufes, Matters, and Things provided, fettled, or eftabliflied by the faid Afts, or any of them, or by any other Aft now in Force, whereunto the f^me, or any of them have or hath Relation,