Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/300

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248 Claimers of feized Alamodcs to give Security only to pay Colls if nonfuited, Sec, 33 Pieces of fo- reign Luftrings condemned, &c. may be fold in England. 3&4Ann»,c.i3. Provifo, Farther Proiji- Jiom coKCErning S'tlkfSjinii.c.ig, 1 Geo, I., c. 36. 8 Geo, I. r. 15. 9C11). 1. c. 8, I Geo, 2, c. 17. 13 Geo. a. c. 9 ©" zo, and 26 Geiit z. c. 11.. I X P. <^ Anns, c>;7a PR. 3 & 4 AnniS; a & 3 Anns?, Corporation of the Bounty of Queen Anne. a5H. 8. c, 3. 1 Eliz. c. 4. C. 2 1 — 24. Anno quinto Ann^ Rcglnse* .A. D. 1706. ' nalties and Forfeitures incurred by the faid Ait: And the Security on fuch Claim cannot be difchargcd ' by yielding the Claiiner's Body to Prifon, which is found a great Difcouragcir.ent to fair Traders dcal- ' ing in Englifl} Alamodes and Luftrings :' For Remedy whereof, be it enaiSed by the Authority aforefuij. That when any Perfon or Perfons claim any Alamodes or Luftrings feized, it (hall be fufficicnt that fuch Perfon or Perfons give good Security in the Court where fuch Claims fhall be made, to anfwcr and pay the full Cofts of Suit only, in cafe a Verdift fliall pafs agaiaft him, her or them, or the Claimer fhall be nonfuited, or a Judgment pafs by Default. ' V. And whereas ftnce the making the faid KSt of Prohibition of Trade and Commerce with France,, ' thirty-three Pieces of foreign Luftrings have been feized and condemned, being imported contrary to ' the faid Aft, and fold to Mr. David Martin, Merchant, to be ufed in England,, and have not been fealed ' and marked with the Cuftom-houfe Seal and Mark ;' it is hereby further enabled, That the faid thirty- three Pieces of foreign Luftrings may be ufed in England, and that the fame (hall not be feized or for- feited ; provided that the Poflefiors thereof refpeftively do on or before the firft Day of Alay one thoufand feven hundred and feven, bring the faid thirty-three Pieces of Luftrings, or fuch Part thereof as remain undifpofed of, to be fealed and marked at the Cuftom-houfe with the Seal and Mark ufed for fealing Ala- modes and Luftrings imported, and Oath being made, that fuch Silks are the iame individual thirty- three Pieces of Silks, or Part thereof, fo fold at the Cuftom-houfe, and the Commiffioners of her Ma- jefty's Cuftoms are hereby irapowered and required (fuch Oath being made) to caufe the faid Silks to be fealed and marked accordingly; any Law to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ' C A P. XXL An hEk for repairing the Highway between Fornhill in the County of Bedford, and the Town of Sion-j Stratford in the County of Buckingham.. CAP. XXIL An Acl to explain and amend an Act of the laft Seffion of Parliament, for preventing Frauds frecjuently committed by Bankrupts. CAP. XXIIL An A61 to fubjefl: the Eftate of Thomas Brerewood to the Creditors of Thomas Pitkin, notwithftanding any Agreement or Compoljcion niade with the Creditors of the faid Thomas Pitkin. CAP. XXIV. An A(9: for difcharging fmall Livings from their Firft Fruits and Tenths, and all Arrears thereof. L Ecdefiaftical Be- nefices not ex- ceeding 50 1, per Annum, dif- «harged from Payment of Firft Fruits, - . &c. for ever. Enforced by 6 Annw, c. 27, & I Geo. 1, ftat. z. c. 10. PI ERE AS purfuant to an Aft of Parliament made in the fecond Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A3 for ike making more eff'el^ual her Majcjiys gracious Intentions for the ' Augmentation of the Adaintenance of the poor Clergy, by enabling her Majiifty to grant in Perpetuity the Reve- ■* lines of the Firjl Fruits and Tenths^ and alfo for enabling any other Perfons to make Grants for the fame Pur- ' pofe ; the Queen's moft Excellent Majelty, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the third Day ot November ' in the third Year of her Majefty's Reign, did make, appoint, nominate, conftitute and eltablifh certain ' Perfons and Officers therein named, to be one Body Politick and Corporate, by the Name of The Bounty

  • of J^een Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy ; and did thereby give and
  • grant to the faid Governors all the Revenues of Firft Fruits and yearly perpetual Tenths of all

' Dignities, Offices, Benefices, and Promotions fpiritual whaL^bever, payable to her Majefty, her Heirs ' and Succeflbrs, by virtue of an Aft of Parliament made in the twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of King ' Henry the Eighth, or by virtue of an Aft of Parliament made in the firft Year of the Reigii of the ' late Queen Elizabeth, for Reftitution of Firft Fruits and Tenths to the Crown, or by 'irtue of any ' other Aft or Afts of Parliament vv'hatfoever, and all Arrears of the faid Firft Fruits and Tenths then

  • due and undifcharged (except as therein is excepted) to be applied and difpofed of to and for the Aug-
  • m.entation of the Maintenance of fuch Parfons, Vicars, Curates, and Minifters, officiating in any
  • Church or Chapel within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of IFales, and Town of Bcrv.ick upon
  • Tweed, where the Liturgy and Rites of the Church of England, as now by Lav/ eftabliftied, iiiall be
  • ufed and obferved, under fuch Rules, Reftriftions and Direftions, and in fuch Manner and Foifti, a-s
  • fhould be eftablifned purfuant to thofe Letters Patents : And whereas it is thought that the Payment of
  • Firft Fruits and Tenths for fmall Livings with Cure of Souls, is a very heavy Burden upon the poorer

' Clergy, for whom her Majefty's unparalleled Bounty was defigned ; and that the imn-cdiate difcharging ' of the faid Firft Fruits i'.nd Tenths, and the Arrears thereof, of the faid fmall Livings, will be a prcfcnt ' proper Augmentation of the fame (fcveral whereof by reafon of the faid Charges are now htkl in Se- ' queftration by temporary Curates, without being regularly filled with Inftitution and Induftion)' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Coiifeiit of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aftembled, and by the Autho- rity of the fame, That all Ecclefiaftical Benefices with Cure of Souls, not exceeding the clear yearly Value of fifty Pounds by the improved Valuations of the iame (the Tenths whereof are by the faid re- cited Charter veftcd in the faid Corporation) and the Licumbents thereof for the time beir.g, and every of them, their refpeftiye Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflbrs, and Sureties, fhall be free ad clearly