Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/32

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and by discharging his Power of Leasing, to secure other Lands to come into Possession to his Son in lieu thereof.

9. An Act to enable William Collins, Clerk, Thomas Parrat, and William Day, Gent, to dispose of certain Lands, for the Payment of the Debts of John Granger, and for making Provision for the Widow and younger Children of Nicholas Granger, his late Father, deceased.

10. An Act for further enabling George Penne, Esq; to sell Lands for Payment of his Debts, by enlarging a Trust for that Purpose contained in a former Act, intituled, An Act to enable George Penne, Esq, to sell Lands for the Payment of his Debts, and other Purposes therein mentioned.

11. An Act for naturalising Lewis de Rosset, Peter Brozet, and others.

12. An Act for repairing and improving of Morrisons Haven, and the Fort there, in the Shire of East Lothian, alias Hadington.

13. An Act for building a Parish Church, and Parsonage House, and making a new churchyard, and a new parish in Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, to be called the Parish of St. Philip.

14. An Act for vesting in John Duke of Newcastle and his Heirs, certain Lands belonging to the Vicarage of Walesby, in the County of Nottingham, in the lieu of an annual Rent of 10l. per Ann. payable to the Vicar of the said Vicarage, and his Successors for ever.

15. An Act to vest the Estates which came to the Right Honourable Other Earl of Plymouth, by his Mother, in Trustees, to be sold for raising Money to pay off Debts charged upon his paternal Estate, and to enable him to cut Coppices.

16. An Act for the explaining and making more effectual an Act made Anno primo Annae Reginae, intituled, An Act giving further Time to John Lord Bishop of Chichester, and his successors, to make Leases of certain Houses and Ground in and near Chancery Lane, belonging to the Bishoprick of Chichester.

17. An Act to explain a Clause in a Statute made in the 27th Year of the Reign of King Henry VIII enabling Tenants in Tail in Possession, to make Jointures to Wives, and enlarging the same, so as Richard Lord Willoughby de Broke, and others, Tenants in Tail in Possession, may make Jointures to the Wives of their eldest Sons or Grandsons.

18. An Act for vesting some Part of the Estate in the County of Lincoln, included in the Marriage Settlement of the Right Honourable William Powlett, Esq; commonly called Lord William Powlett, in Trustees, to be sold for the raising Money to discharge an Incumbrance fallen on the same, by virtue of a Decree of the High Court of Chancery; and to confirm an Agreement made by the said Lord William Powlett, with the Right Honourable the Countess Dowager of Bridgwater, and the Executor of the late Duke of Bolton, deceased, relating to such Incumbrance.

19. An Act for vesting the Barony of Wem, and Manors of Wem and Loppington, and several Lands and Tenements in the County of Salop, and the Manors of Dolby and Broughton, and Lands thereto belonging in the County of Leicester, and the Manor of Fulmer, and several Lands and Tenements in the County of Bucks, late the Estate of George late Lord Jefferies, deceased, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of Debts and Portions, and other Purposes therein mentioned.

20. An Act to enable the Honourable William Cecil, Esq; with others, to sell Lands for the Payment of several Debts charged upon his Estate by the Right Honourable John late Earl of Exeter, deceased, his late Father.

21. An Act for vesting in Trustees the fourth Part of a fourth Part (being the Share of Sir Roger Bradshaigh, Bart.) of the Estate of the late Countess of Oxford, to be sold, to pay Portions and Debts, and with the Remainder of the Money arising by such Sale, to purchase other Lands to be settled to the same Uses as his Paternal Estate is by his Marriage Settlement.

22. An Act to reverse the Outlawry and Attainder of Christopher Lord Baron of Slane in Ireland.

23. An Act for vesting diverse Manors, messuages, Lands, and Tenements of John Lacy, Esq; in the Counties of Essex, Cambridge, and Middlesex, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of his Debts, making Provision for his Children unprovided for, and other Purposes therein mentioned.

24. An Act for vesting the Site, Capital Messuage, or Farm of the Manor of South Stoke, and Lands thereunto belonging, in the County of Somerset, late the Estate of John Gay, Gent. deceased, in Trustees, to be sold for the speedier Payment of his Debts, and better Performance of the Trusts therein mentioned.

25. An Act to empower the Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain, or Commissioners of the Treasury, to compound with the Sureties of Samuel Pacey, deceased, late Receiver General for the County of Suffolk.

26. An Act to enable the Lord High Treasurer, or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being, to compound with William Mallett, Esq; for the Debt of his Father, for whom he was Surety while Receiver General of the County of Somersett, and City of Bristol.

27. An Act for better establishing certain Charities of John Pierrepont.

28. An Act for vesting the Estate of Gideon Haydon, Esq; deceased, lying in the County of Devon, in Trustees, to be sold for the Payment of the Debts wherewith it stands incumbred, and settling the Overplus to the Uses in his Marriage Settlement limited and declared.

29. An Act for the better Performance of the Will of Stephen Harvey, Esq; deceased, and making Provision for his Children.

30. An Act for the Reversal of the Outlawry of Eleanor Bagot, the Wife of John Bagot.

31. An Act to enable William How of Somerton Early, in the County of Somerset, Esq; to sell the Manor and Farm of Gunvile-Eastbury, alias Tarrant-Gunvile, in the County of Dorset, and several messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in Gunvile-Eastbury, alias Tarrant-Gunvile aforesaid, and to settle other Lands and Hereditaments of greater Value to the same Uses to which the said Manor and Premises in Gunvile-Eastbury, alias Tarrant-Gunvile, now stand limited, in lieu thereof.

32. An Act to enable John Elye Esq; to raise Monies out of his Estate to pay his Debts, and for settling the Residue thereof, together with the Estate of Elizabeth his Wife, to the Uses intended by his Marriage Settlement.

33. An Act for Sale of certain Lands and Annuities late the Estate of John Coldham, of Tootin Graveney, Esq; deceased, for raising of Portions for his Grand Children, according to his Will.

34. An Act to make the Ships, the Barclay Castle, and James, of Montrose, Free Ships.

35. An Act for the Payment of the Debts of Sir John Bolles, Bart. a Lunatic.

36. An Act to enable Thomas Bulkeley, Gent, to sell Part of the Estate comprised in his Marriage Settlement, to pay off Debts which were precedent to, and do affect the said Settlement.

37. An Act for the Relief of the Non commission Officers