Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/357

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A. D. 1707. Anno fexto Ann^ Reginae. C. 20, 21. 305 and for Payment of Invalids for the faid Year, beginning from the faid three and twentieth Day of De~ Invalids, cember one thoufand feven hundred and feven ; and for or towards the defraying the Charges of her Ma- Armies in Ger- jefty's Army, and fuch Forces as are or fliall be added thereunto in the Low Countries or Germany, within many and the or for one Year, to be reckoned from the faid three and twentieth Day oi December one thoufand fe- Low Countries, ven hundred and feven, and the contingent Charges thereunto belonging ; and for or towards her Ma- iefty's Proportion of the Charge of three thoufand Palatines formerly taken into the Service of her Ma- 3000 palatines. jefty and the States General, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and eighty and for or towards her Majefty's Proportion of the Charge of four thoufand fix hundred thirty-nine Saxons formerly taken into 4^39 Saxons, the Service of her Majefty and the States Gen ral, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and eight ; and for or towards her Majefty's Propurtion of the Charge of Bothmars Regiment of Dragoons, coniifting of Bothmar'sDra- eight hundred Men, formerly taken into the Service of her Majefty and the States General, for the Year S"^""^' one thoufand feven hundred and eight ; and for maintaining her Majefty's eftablifhed Forces to ferve in Spain and Par/a^^/ including the Pay of General Officers, and the Charge of Contingencies, and for For- ^"^"^'"u^^^ rage. Waggon Money, and Baggage Money, and for the Charge of the Garrifon of Gibraltar, and for the Garrifon"(f/Gi- 'Augmentation of her Majefty's Forces, in order toftrengthen the Army of the Duke oi Savoy, for making brahar. good the Alliances with the King of Portugal, and for the effeftual carrying on the War for Recovery of the Forces in Savoy. SpaniJI) Monarchy to the Houfe oi Atijlria ; and for and towards the Payment of her Majefty's Proportion Alliances with of the Subfidies due upon Treaties made or to be made with her Majefty's Allies, and other Charges for p°^'" ■' e the Service of the War, for any Time before or until the five and twentieth Day oi December one thoufand SubMes'to'the feven hundred and eight ; and for the Payment of a Year and a Quarter's Intereft further on the unfatif- Allies. fied Debentures charged upon the /r/,'S Forfeitures ; and for or towards the Tranfportation of Land intereft on unfa- Forces performed and to be performed ; and for or towards difcharging the Premiums and other Charges "sfiedDeben- for circulating for another Year the Bills commonly called the Exchequer Bills, which were iflued before the Xr^n'r laft Seflion of Parliament ; and for and towards the paying of an extraordinary Subfiby to the Duke of Exchequer Bills. Savoy for efpecial Service, in profecuting the War againft France, in the Year one thoufand feven hundred Extraordinary nnd feven ; and for or towards the making good of a Suni not exceeding twenty-two thoufand nine Subfidies to the hundred fifty-feven Pounds two Shillings, to complete the Sum of forty-two thoufand nine hundred fifty- Dukeof Savoy, feven Pounds two Shillings, for an additional Subfidy to the Landgrave oi Heffi Cajfel, for augmenting his '^° tli« Land- Troops, and marching them into Italy, and for defraying their Expence of Bread, Waggons and Car- caffcl" liages, and of Hofpitals for their fick and wounded, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hun- idred and feven ; and for or towards the making good a Sum not exceeding twelve thoufand two hundred Fortifications, eighty- four Pounds nineteen Shillings and eight Pence Half-penny, to defray the Charge of the Forti- &c. of Gibraltar, iications, and other Services of the Garrifon at Gibraltar, in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and iix, and to no other Ufes, Intents, or Purpofes whatfoever ; provided always. That out of the Monies to be iffued to the Guards and Garrifons, as aforefaid, there fliall and may be taken aiid applied any Sum fxot exceeding eighty feven thoufand one hundred twenty-five Pounds and ten Shillings, towards the 87115!. 10 s; Charge of maintaining the Soldiers raifed and to be raifed for Sea Service, with their Officers, and the ^'"■^^^^^'""^ contingent Charges thereunto belonging ; and out of the Monies to be ilTued for the Service of the Navy and Sea-Service, as aforefaid, there fhall be taken and applied fuch Sums, as together with the faid Sum not exceeding cighty-feven thoufand one hundred twenty-five Pounds and ten Shillings, fhall be necelTary (for the Charge of maintaining the faid Soldiers for Sea Service, with their Officers, and the contingent Charges thereunto belonging ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XX. An Acl for continuing an KSt made in the third Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, An AB for pu- EXP. nijhing Mxttiny and Dejertion andfalje Mujlers^ and for the better Payment of the Army and ^carters, CAP. XXL An A£l for tire avoiding of Doubts and Queftions touching the Statutes of divers Cathedral a;)d Collegiate Churches.

  • I. "ITT H E R E A S feveral Doubts and Queftions have arifen, and may hereafter arife, in Relation to

■* j the Validity and Force of the Statutes of divers Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, founded by ' King Henry the Eighth, of famous Memory, which Doubts and Queftions have been occafioned, ' partly by a Temporary A6t of Parliament made in the firft Year of the Reign of Queen Mary the Firft, i M. i. Seff. 3.

  • in Relation to fuch Statutes made by the faid late King Henry the Eighth, and in order to defeat the

' true and pious Ends and Defigns of the faid Foundations, and partly by Reafon of the known Lofs ' of many Records. and Evidences during the late Rebellion in this Kingdom : And whereas the faid

  • Doubts and Difputes may in Time not only turn to the great Difquiet and Prejudice of the faid Foun-

' dations, but may prove a manifeft Obftru£tion to the Peace, Order, good Government and Difcipline ' of the Church, imlefs fome fpeedy and effectual Remedy be provided;' Be it therefore enadled and de- Statutes ofCa- clared by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiri- thedral andCoI- tual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the legiate Churches fame. That in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, founded by the faid King Henry the Eighth, fuch pra^ifedfince Statutes as have been ufually received and praitifed in the Government of the Jame refpeftively, fince the rfK^'p'l"^'"" late happ^ Reftoration of King Charles the Second, and to the Obfervance whereof the Deans and to be"|cod"and* . , Rjr Prebendaries, valid.