Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/363

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A. D. 1707. Anno fexto Ann ^ Reginae. < C. 23. 311 ' W J. B. do fwear, That I do from my Heart abhor, deteft, and abjure, as impious and heretical, that

  • I damnable Doitrine and Pofition, That Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, or any Au-

' thority of the See of Rome, may be depofed or murdered by their Subjects, or any other whatfoever. And ' I do declare, That no Foreign Prince, Perfon, Prelate, State, or Potentate, hath or ought to have any ' Jurifdiition, Povi^er, Superiority, Pre-eminence or Authority, Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual, within this ' Realm. So help me God. And fhall alfo make, repeat, and fubfcribe the Declaration following, zidelicet : ' TJ.B. do folemnly and fmcerely, in the Prefence of God, profefs, teftify, and declare. That I do be- ^"^ fubfcribe ' J lieve that in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper there is not any TranCubftantiation of the Elements ^^^ '^';'l»""o ' of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Chrift, at or after the Confecration thereof by any Per- ' fon whatfoever; and that the Invocation or Adoration of the Virgin Mary, or any other Saint, and the ' Sacrifice of the Mafs, as they are now ufed in the Church of Rofne, are fuperftitious and idolatrous. And ' I do folemnly, in the Prefence of God, profefs, teftify, and declare. That I do make this Declaration,

  • and every Partthereof, in the plain and ordinary Senfe of the Words read unto me, as they are commoniy
  • underftood by Englijh Proteftants, without any Evafion, Equivocation, or mental Refervation whatfoever,

' and without any Difpenfation already granted me for this Purpofe by the Pope, or any other Authority ' or Perfon, or without any Hope of any fuch Difpenfation from any Perfon or Authority whatfoever, or ' without thinking that I am or can be acquitted, before God or Man, or abfolved of this Declaration, or ' any Part thereof, although the Pope or any other Perfon or Perfons, or Power whatfoever, fliould dif- ' penfe with, or anul the fame, or declare that it was null and void from the Beginning. And alfo take and fubfcribe the Oath following, videlicet : I A, B. do truly and fmcerely acknowledge, profefs, teftify, and declare in my Confcience, before God •A" ^"° "^ and the World, That our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne is lawful and rightful Queen of this Realm, '^e^^o'lowmg and of all other her Majefty's Dominions and Countries thereunto belonging. And I do folrmnly a:'id fmcerely declare, That I do believe in my Confcience, the Perfon pretended to be Prince oi TVaks, du- ring the Life of the late King James, and fmce his Deceafe pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the Stile and Title of King oi England, by the Name of James the Third, or oi Scotland, by the Name of James the Eighth, or the Stile and Title of the King oi Great Britain, hath not any Right or Title whatfoever to the Crown of this Realm, or any other the Dominions thereunto belonging : and I do re- nounce, refufe, and abjure any Allegiance or Obedience to him. And I do fwear, 'I'hat I will bear Faith and true Allegiance to her Majefty Queen Anne, and her will defend to the utmoft of my Pov/er againft all traiterous Confpiracies and Attempts whatfoever which fhall be made againft her Perfon, Crown, or Dignity. And I will do my utmoft Endeavour to difclofe and make known to her Majefty and her Succellbrs all Treafons and traiterous Confpiracies, which I fhall know to be againft her or any of them. And I do faithfully Promife, to the 'utmoft of my Power to fupport, maintain, and defend the ' Altered by Succeflion of the Crown againft him the faid James, and all other Perfons whatfoever, as the fame is i^eo i. c. 13.' and ftands fettled by an Ait, intituled. An A£i declaring the Rights and Liberties of the SuhjeSi, and fettling i W & M. ff. 2. the Succejfion of the Crown to her prefent Majefty, and the Heirs of her Body, being Protejiants; and as the ^- *• fame by one other Aft, intituled. An Ait for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better fecuring the '* * '3 ^' 3' Right and Liberties of the SubjeSf, is and ftands fettled and entailed after the Deceafe of her Majefty, and *' for Default of Ifiue of her Majefty, to the Princefs Sophia, Ele£trefs and Dutchefs Dowager of Han- nover, and the Heirs of her Body, being Proteftants. And all thefe Things I do plainly and fmcerely acknowledge and fwear, according to thefe exprefs Words by me fpoken, and according to the plain and common Senfe and Underftanding of the fame Words,, without any Equivocation, mental Evafion, or fecret Rtfervation whatfoever. And I do make this Recognition, Acknowledgment, Abjuration, Re- nunciation and Promife, heartily, willing y, and truly, upon the true Faith of a Chriftian. . So help the GOD. IV. And that fuch Peers that live in Scotland, but fliall not be prefent at fuch Meeting fo appointed. How Peers living .may take the faid Oaths, and make and fubfcribe the faid Declaration in any Sheriff's Court in Scotland, '" Scotland or ^and every Sheriff, or his Deputy, before whom fuch Oaths, and fuch Declaration Iball be fo made, fub- "^'"b >" Eng- fcrib-.d and repeated, fhall and is hereby required to return the original Subfcription of fuch Oath and arEleiiTor^inay Declaration, figned by the Peer who took the fame, and make a Return in Writing, under his Hand take the Oaths, and Seal to the Peers (o aflembled, of fuch Peers taking the faid Oaths, and making and fubfcribing the &c. faid Oath and Declaration, and fuch Peer fhall be thereby enabled and qualified to make a Proxy, or to And be thereby ■fend a figiied Lift, containing the Names of fixteen Peers of Scotland, for whom he giveth his Vote; and qu I'lfied to make fuch of the Peers of 5irs//i7«^/, as at the Time of iffiiing fuch Proclamation, raMe m England, may take * ^"'"y* *^'^* and fubfciibe the iaid Oaths, and make, repeat, and fubfcribe the faid Declaration in her Majefty's High Court of Clmncery of England, her Majefty's Coi»-t of ^een's Bench, Common Pleas, or Court of Exchequer .in England, vnch. being certified by Writ to the Peers in Scotland at their Meeting, under the Seal of the . Court where fuch Oath and Declaration (hall be made, repeated and fubfcribed, fliall be fufficient to en- . title fuch Peer to make his Proxy, and to fend a figned Lift, as aforefaid; and in cafe any of the faid Peers of Scotland, who at any Time before the ifliiing of fuch Proclamation, have taken the faid Oaths, and made and fubfcribed the faid Declaration in England or Scotland, to be certified as aforefaid, and if taken 3 in