Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/372

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320 C.26. Anno fexto Annje Reg-inse. A. D. 1707. Barons to pafs SherilTa Ac- COUJllSj anil charge and difcharge them, and reafonable, and to proceed and a£t therein, and give Difcharges thereupon, in fuch Sort and Man- ner as hath been and is ufed and pra£tifed in the lilce Cafes in and by the Court of Exchequer in England; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XVI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Barons of the Court o( Exche- qur)- in Scotland, fiiall have full Power and Authority by virtue of this Aft, to take and pafs the Ac- counts of all Sheriffs, and other Officers in Scotland, who have or fhall have the Execution of any the Procefs iffuing out of and returnable in the faid Court of Exchequer,^ for the levying of any Revenue or Money for the Crown, and to charge and difcharge them according to Right and Juftice, and that in fuch Manner and Form, as the faid Sheriffs and Officers before the faid Union were ufed to be charged and difcharged, and to have their Accounts paffed, or as the Barons of the faid Cowrt oi Exchequer ihdM order, diredt, or appoint. XVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Aft and Afts of Parlia- ment made in England, and in Force there, touching and concerning any Cuftoms or Subfidies there, and alfo all and every Afl and AiSs of Parliament made in England, and now in Force, touching and concern- Afls of Pailia- snent made in England, con- otSabldies there, '"g ^^Y Excifes there, and all and every the Authorities, Powers, Jurifdiftions, Qualifications of Officers or Excife, &c. not contrary to the Articles of Union to extend to Scotland, and cognizable in the Court of Exchequer, and.Seizers, Diredtions for Navigation, and for carrying Goods Coaftwife, Forfeitures, Penalties, Duties, and the V/ays and Means for the recovering of them, or any of them, and all other Matters and Things in them, or any of them contained, which are not contrary to or inconfiftent with the aforefaid Articles of the Union of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, or any of them, flaall extend to Scotland, ' and fliall and may be cognofcible in, and put in Execution by the Court of Exchequer in Scotland as to all Matters and Things happening or arifmg in Scotland, as fully and amply, to all Intents and Pur- pofes, as the fame, or any of them, do extend, or may, or might be put in Execution, as to any Mat- ■ ter or Things touching and concerning Cuftoms and Excifes, or any other the Matters or Things afore- faid, happening or arifing in England; and all Offences and Offenders in any the faid Matters, fhall and may be fued and profecuted for the fame in the faid Court of Exchequer in Sco'land; and the Merchants and other Perfons entitled to any Benefits, Allowances, Advantages, or Remedies touching or concerning any the faid Cuftoms or Excifes in Scotland, fliall have and enjoy the fame in Sctland, as fully and amply, to all Intents and Purpofes, as they may or might if the fame were or arofe in England; and the Officers of the Cuftoms and Excife in Scotland are required to make and allow the fame accordingly; and the Ba- rons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland are required and enabled to caufe Right to be done by and to all Perfons concerned therein. XVIII. And for the better and more effcftual afcertaining the Ports, Members, Creeks, and Havens in Scotland, where Goods and Merchandizes have been or may be exported and imported, and the feve- ral Key's Wharfs, and other Places where the fame may be put on board any Ship or Veffel for Tranf- portation, or be unfhipt or unladen upon Importation; Be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, Thar the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, fhall and may, from time to time, by Commiffion or Commiffions out of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, affign and. appoint all fuch further Places, Ports, Members, and Creeks in Scotland, as fhall be lawful for the landing and difcharging, lading, or fhipping of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes in Scotland, and to what ancient and head Ports re- fpe£lively fuch Places, Members, or Creeks fl^.all refpeftively appertain; and where any fuch Place, Member, or Creek fhall be fo appointed, as aforefaid, the Cuftomer, Colleftor, Comptroller, and Searcher of the head Port, fhall by themfelves, or their fufficient Deputy or Deputies, Servant or Ser- vants, refide and inhabit, for the entring, clearing and paffing, fhipping and difcharging of Ships, Goods, and Merchandize, and by virtue of the faid Commiffion or Commilfions may likewife fet down and ap- point the Extents, Bounds, and Limits of every Port, Haven, or Creek in Scotland, whereby the Extents, Limits, and Privileges of every Port, Haven, or Creek in Scotland may be afcertained and known; after ftoms to refide at which Appointment fo made, the faid Ports, Members, and Creeks fo appointed, fhall be obferved.and fuch Places. ufed for Irriportation and Exportation, in the fame Manner, and fubjecSf to and under fuch Orders and Regulations, and to the fame Effedt, as the like Ports, Creeks, and Members appointed in England iot Exportation or Importation there, are or ought to be by the Laws of Englajid. Court impower'd ' XIX. And whereas by the aforefaid recited Article of the Treaty of Union it is provided. That the to receive Refig- ' Court of Exchequer in Scotland hsve Power of paffing Signatures, Gifts, Tutories, and in other Things nations of Baro- ' ^.s the Court of Exchequer in Scotland at the Time of the faid Treaty had;' Be it therefore enaded by the Queen to appoint what further Places, Ports, &c. in Scotland, iliall be lawful for landing or fhipping Goods, SiC. Officers of Ca- Cflurt of Exche. Time of the faid Treaty; and that Signatures, Gifts, Tutories, and other Things which were prefented,. I^^f* revifed, and compounded, or which were paffed or given by the Lord High Treafurer, or Commiffion- ers of the Treafury, or Court of Exchequer there at the Time of the faid Treaty, fhall be given in, re- figned, prefented, revifed, compounded, and expedited as formerly, with this Alteration only. That the Prefenter of Signatures fhall prefsnt the faid Signatures, Gifts, Tutories, and other Things to the faid Chief Baron and Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, who are hereby, authorized and impowered to re- vife and compound the fame, in the fame Manner, and with the fame Powers as the faid Lord High Trea-. furer or Commiffioners of Treafary of Scotland might have done, and thereafter in a. Court of Exchequer, to hear Parties concerned, and to pafs all fuch Signatures, Gifts, Tutories, and other Things aforefaid, and efpecially to declare and appoint Fines, as the Court of Exchequer might have done at the Time of the faid Treaty and fuch Signatures, Gifts, Tutories, and other Things aforefaid being paffed in the i}uer, fhall be recorded by the proper Clerks, and thereafter be expedited at the proper Seals, as at the