Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/379

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A. D. 1,70 7* Anno iexto Ann^ Reginae. C. 32, 33. 327 withftanding: And if any Adion fliall be brought for any thing done in purfuance »f this Aft, the De- fendant may plead the General Ifi'ue, and give this A6t in Evidence, and in cafe the Plaintiff become non- fuit, or difcontinue his Adlion or Suit, or if a VerdiiS: pafs againft him, the Defendant fhall recover tre- ble Cofts. ■ . . . VII. Provided, That nothing in this. Aft contained, fliall extend to defeat or make void any Contraft Not to void Con- or Agreement made between Landlord arid Tenant. l"^!*'"^*'"!* VIII. Provided always neverthelefe, 'i'hat fo much of this Aft as relates to the Indemnity of any Per- Tenant' fon in whofe Houfe or Chamber any Fire fhall accidentally begin, fhall continue for the Space of three ciaufeof Indem- Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seflion of Parliament, and no longer. nity to continue for three 'i'ears, CAP. XXXII. f'UVX" An A&: for regulating the Qualifications of the Eleftions of the Governor, Dejjuty Governor, Direflors, and Voters, of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England.

  • WT I^ E I^ E A S by a;n Aft of Parliament made and pafTed in the fifth Year of her Majefty's Reign, s Aanx, c ij.
  • W intituled, An A3 for continuing the Dutiez upon Houfes, to fecure a yearly Ftmd for circulating Exche-

' qmr Bills, whereby a Sum not exceeding fifteen hundred thoufand Pounds is intended to be raifed for carrying on ' the JVar, and other her Majejly's Occajions, it is provided and enafted. That it (hall and may be lawrful for ' the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeflbrs, for the better circulating of ^^"^ "^ E°P ' the faid Exchequer Bills, from time to time when they fhall fee Occafion, to call in or direft to be paid '*"'^* ' unto the faid Governor and Company, and their bucceffors, from and by the refpeftive Members of the

  • faid Company for the time being proportionably, any Sum and Sums of Money, which the faid Gover-
  • nor and Company in a General Court, from time to time fliall think neceflary for the faid Circulation^
  • and fliall accordingly order to be called in, as by the faid Aft (amongft divers other Things therein con-

' tained) more at large may appear : And whereas an Enlargement of the prefent Capital Stock of the ' faid Governor and Company, will reftore feveral Members of the faid Corporation, who have paid or ' may hereafter pay in ajiy Money for the Circulation of the faid Exchequer JBills, to fuch Capacities of ' being elefted Governor, Deputy Governor and Direftors, and voting at General Courts, as their Charter ' requires, and v/hich by dividing of their late engrafted Stock, many of them now want ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's moft: Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parliament allembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all fuch Sums of Money as the faid Governor and Company have heretofore called', or fhall j**" Momies rat- hereafter from time to time call in, from their refpeftive Members, for the Circulation of the faid Exchequer [^^ c^cuiatine"* Bills (hall, as the fame have been, or fliall from time to time be received by the faid Governor and Company, Exchequer Bills and their Succeflbrs, as far as and not exceeding one million one thoufand one hundred feventy-one Pounds to be taken as ' ten Shillings in the whole, be taken and deemed as and for Capital and Principal Stock for the qualifying Stock for quaJi- or capacitating any Perfon or Perfons interefted therein, to be elefted Governor, Deputy Governor, Di- ('"'f n'j'?-^ '" reftor or Direftors, or to vote at General Courts, and to or for no other Intent or Purpofe whatfbever. ^^^' ^DLeaM"" II. Provided always. That nothing herein contained fhall extend or be conftrued to prohihit or reftrain &c.' the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeflbrs, from calling in ot receiving from their Members, Pro/ifo. any further or other Sum and Sums of Money, which by virtue of the faid laft recited Aft, orotherwife, they lawfully may or can do. CAP. XXXIII. An A<5t for the Importation of Cochineal from any Ports in Spaift, during the prefent War, and fix Months longer.

  • W 7 H E R E A S Cochineal being of the Growth of the Spanijh Wefi Indies is of princrpal Ufe in dying Cochineal of the
  • VV of Clothes, and other the Woollen Manufafture of this Kingdom, Scarlets, Purples, and other Growth of the

' Colours called Grain Colours, to the great Improvement thereof, and Employment of great Numbers of ^paniffv Weft

  • her Majefty's Subjefts, in finifliing and perfecting fuch Woollen Manufafture : And whereas by the ^°<«='
  • Laws in being. Cochineal cannot be imported but from the Places of its Growth, although the fame is

' now fold at cheaper Rates in feveral Parts of Europe, and ufed as well in dyin» the faid Matiufaftures &f ' this Kingdom abroad, as alfo foreign Manufaftures at lower Prices than her Majefliy's Subjefts can, to

  • the Encouragement of foreign Woollen, Manufaftures, the CTeat Prejudice of our own, and Impoverifh-

' ment of many of her Majefty's Subjefts imployed therein ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Queen's moft: Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the fix and twentieth Day of March which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and Mart'i eight, k fhall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons who fhall refide in her Majefty's Do- i7o3, may b; minions, to import and bring Cochineal into this Kingdom in any Ship or Ships, Veiiel or Veffels be- '™P'«Ed. longing to any Kingdom or State in Amity with her Majefty, Spimijh ,':hi:ps or Veflels, or fuch as are deemed Spani/h Ships or Veflels, failing with Spanijh Pafs or Pafles and Colours, from any the Ports or From any of the Places following (viz.) Cadiz, Se-vill, Port St. Mary, St. Lucar, 7xiA Gibraltar, or any other Ports in the ^""^ "f Spsin Kingdcm of Spain, during this prefent War, and fix Months after; any thing in the Aft for encouraging ^^'"^.^j_"^^"' , and increafing of Shipping and Navigation made in' the twelfth Year of the Reign of King the a. is.^ Second, or any other Aft, to the ^OBlraxy notwuhftaadiflg. [Made perpetual by 12 Annae, ftat. r. c. i8. feft. 3.] 6 L f CAP. XXXiV.