Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/391

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A. D. 1708. Anno feptimo Ann^ Reginse. C. i — 5. 339 Anno Regnl ANN^ Reglnas feptimo,

  • A T the Parliament fummoned to be held at Wejlminjler the eighth Dayof y«/y, Anno Dom. 1708. in
  • f_ the feventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, by the Grace of God, ci Gi-eat
  • ■ Britain, France, and Ireland, Qiieen, Defender of the Faith, ^c. and by feveral V/nts of Prorogation

' begun and holden, on the fixteenth Day of November 1708, * being the firft Seflion of this prefent « * n theRe- ' Parliament.' cord is addtd,* and farther continued by feveral Adjournments till the twenty-firft Day of April, in the eighth Year of her Majefty's Reign; C A P. I. An A£t for granting an Aid to her Majefty to be raifed by a Land Tax in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and nine. 4 s. in the Pound. EXP. CAP. n. An A£l for the fpeedy and efFeftual recruiting her Majefty's Land Forces and Marines, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and nine. EXP. c A P. in. An Act for charging and continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Ser^'ice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and nine. ' XIIL AND whereas feveral Doubts have been made, and Difputes have arifen and may arife, whether Inferior OiHcers ' XJL on the Death or Demife of his late Majefty King William the Third (of glorious Memory") Commiffions^not ' the Commiffions granted to the Colleftors, Supervifors, Gagers, or other inferior Officers of the Exxife, I'g'^Kin-'VDe- ' before his faid late Majefty's Demife, fhall have Continuance longer than fix Months after the Death ^ifj^ ° ' or Demife of his faid late Majefty :' For fettling whereof, Be it declared by the Authority aforefaid. That no Commiffion to any Sub-Commiffioner, Colleilor, Supervifor, Gager, or other inferior OlHcer, that hath been conftituted in purfuance of any Commiffion under the Great Seal o^ England, by the Chief Commiffioners and Governors of and for the Receipt of the Excife, {hall be determined, or made void by Reafon of the Death or Demife of his faid late Majefty ; but that every fuch Commiffion doth remain in full Force and Virtue, until the Authority and Conftitution of fuch Officer were or fhall be revoked or annulled by the Chief Commiffioners of the Excife for the Time being.

  • ' Purchafers of Annuities on 6 Annae, may have their quarterly Payments due between Chrijlmas 170S.
  • ' and 30 Sept, ijio. advanced, allowing Difcount at 4/. per Cent.

CAP. IV. An Aik for punifliing Mutiny and Defertion, and falfe Mufters, and for the better Payment of the EXP. Army and Quarters. C A P. V. An A& for naturalizing Foreign Proteflants. ^ WJ H ER E A S the Increafe of People is a Means of advancing the Wealth and Strength of a Na- ., ^ tion ; and whereas many Strangers of the Proteftant or reformed Religion out of a due Confide-

  • ration of the happy Conftitution of the Government of this Realm, would be induced to tranfport
  • themfelves and their Eftates into this Kingdom, if they might be made Partakers of the Advantages and . -
  • . Privileges which the natural-born Subjeits thereof do enjoy ;' Be it enadled, tfc.

" All Perfons taking the Oaths, and making and fubfcribing the Declaration appointed by 6 Anns, c. 23, ". fliall be deemed natural-born Subjects. No Perfon to have the Benefit of this Ad, unlefs he have

    • received the Sacrament, iifc.

_ III. And be it further enacted by the Authority afoVefaid, That the Children of all natural-born Sub- Children of natu- 'ijefts born out of the Ligeance of her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, fhall be deemed, adjudged, and ral-born Subjicls taken to be natural-born Subjeds of this Kingdom, to all Intents, Conftruftions, and Purpofes what- l'"? ^^•°f> ^° (- o 7 3 1- te deemed natu-

  • 1 L C Lv

IV. And be it further enacHied by the Authority aforefaid, That all Perfons born out of the Ligeance of jefts ; explained her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflbrs, who Ciall qualify themfelves in the Courts of Cl-aicery, ^/een's h ^G'^°-'^-<^-^'- Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer, within the Kingdom of Ireland, or at fome General Quarter-Seffions ThisAatoex-

iof the Peace, to be_held for rhe County where he or they do or ftiall inhabit, refide, or fectle within the tend to Ireland.

faid Kingdom, in like Manner as Perfons are by this Ait required to downthin the Kingdom of Great Bri- Sec farther con- tain, all and every fuch Perfons fhall be deemed, adjudged, and taken to be her Majefty's natural- born f£™»^A^^««-«- iizatio/jf iCeo. i. c. 4. J3 Ceo, 2. c, 7. 10 Ceo, a. c, 44. 21 Geo. 7.. c. 45. ^e Ga. 2. c. 39. X X 2 Subjeds