Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/488

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43 6 C. lo. Anno nono Ann^ Regina;. A.D .iyi(^. Pod as aforefaid, according to the feveral Rates and Smns of lawful BritiJJj Money hereafter mentioned not to exceed the fame : (that is to fivy) For the Port of every fingle Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from any Place not exceeding eighty EngU/h Miles diftant from the faid General Port- Office in London and within that Part of Gr^tf/ fitvW/z called England, and not coming from or diredled on Shipboard three By 6 Geo. I. c. Pence ; and for the like Port of every double Letter, fix; Pence ; and fo proportionably • unto the BilisofEx- ^^^^ Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters ; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs chansje, and fe- Deeds and Other Things, after the Rate of twelve Pence of Britijh Money for every Ounce veral Letters on Weight ; and for the Port of every fmgle Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from any Place above eighty one Paper, are to fuch EngUJh Miles diftant from the faid General Poft-Office, and within that Part of the King- dV^'^a^L'^ " ^'^^ °^ (j'r(?(7^ Britain called England, or to the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and not coming from or 1 in etters, j|;j.g£^gj ^jj ghipboard, four Pence; and for the like Port of every double Letter eight Pence- and fo proportionably unto the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters ; and for the like Port of Raus for Scot- g^g^y Packet of Writs, Deeds and other Things, after the Rate of one Shilling and four Pence Britijh Moi.ey for every Ounce Weight : And for the Port of every fingle Letter or Piece of Paper, from the faid General Poft-OfEce in London unto the City oi Edinburgh, in that Part oi Great Britain called Scotland or from thence to the faid General Poft-Office in the City oi London, and to and from Dumfreys or Cockburn- ■ fi>eth,- and between either of thofe Places and the faid City of Edinburgh, not coming from, or directed on board any Ship, fix Pence ; and for the like Port of every double Letter, twelve Pence ; and fo propor- tionably unto the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet ofLetters; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds and other Things, after the Rate of two Shillings Britijh Money for twe-rv Ounce Weight ; and for the Port of every fingle Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from the chief Poft-OfHce in the faid City of Edinbmgh, to or from any Place not exceeding fifty fuch Englijh Miles diftant from the faid chief Poft-Office in Edinburgh, and within that Part of the Kingdom of Great, Britain called Scotland ■and not coming from or direfted oh board of any Ship or VelFel, two Pence Britijh Money; and for the like Port of every double Letter, four Pence of like Money ; and fo proportionably to the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters ; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds and other Things, after the Rate of eight Pence Britijh Money for every Ounce Weight ; and for the Port of every fingle Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from any Place above fifty fuch Miles diftant from the faid chief Office in Edinburgh, and not exceeding eighty fuch Miles, and within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and not coming from or direded on Ship-board, three Pence; and for the like Port of every double Letter, fix Pence ; and fo proportionably to the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters - , and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds and other Things, after the Rate of twelve Pence Britijh Money for every Ounce Weight ; and for the Port of every fingle Letter or Piece of Paper to or from any Place above eighty Englijh Miles diftant from the faid chief Office in Edinburgh, and within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and not coming from or direfted on Ship-board, four Pence Britiih Money ; and for the like Port of every double Letter, eight Pence ; and fo proportionably to the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet ofLetters; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds and other Things, after the Rate of one Shilling and four Pence Brit'Jh Money for every Ounce Weight • Rites for Ire- And for the Port of every fingle Letter or Piece of Paper, from the faid General Letter Office in London •^^^ unto the City of Dublin in Ireland, or from the faid City of Dublin m Ireland, unto the faid General Poft-Office, and not coming from or direfted on board of any Ship, fix Pence of ^77/?yZi Money ■ and for the like Port of every double Letter, twelve Pence Britijh Money ; and fo proportionably unto the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters ; and for the like Port of every other Packet of Writs Deeda and other Things of greater Bulk, two Shillings of Br itiJI} Money for every Ounce Weight; and for the Port of fuch Letters or Packets as fhall be conveyed or carried from the chief Poft-Office in the faid Ct<f of Dublin unto any other Place or Places within the Kingdom of /;v/tf»^, or from any other Place within the faid Kingdom, not coming from or direiSed on Ship-board, according to the Rates and Sums of Britijh Money hereafter following, {viz. ) For the Port of every fingle Letter from the chief Poft-Office in the faid City of Dublin, to or from any Place not exceeding forty Englijh Miles diftant from the faid chief OfRce in Dublin, and within the faid Kingdom of Ireland, not coming from or directed on Ship- board, two Pence ; and for the like Port of every double Letter, four Pence ; and fo proportionably unto the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters ; and for the like Port of every other Packet of Writs Deeds or other Things, after the Rate of eight "Pence for every Ounce Weight ; and for the Port of every fingle Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from any Place above forty Englijh Miles diftant from the faid chief Office in Dublin,^ and within the faid Kingdom of Ireland, and not coming from or direfted on hoard of any Ship or Veflel, four Pence; and for the like Port of every double Letter, eight Pence; arid fo pro- portionably unto the faid Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters ; and for the like 'Port of every Rates for Let- Packet of Writs, Deeds and other Things, after the Rate of one Shilling and four Pence for every Ounce teis on boaiA Weight : And for the Port of all and every the Letters and Packets ofLetters diredied on board, or fetched anySbip. ^^ brought from on board any Ship or Veffel, riding or flopping in any Port within her Majefty's Domi- ■PennyPoft. nions, the Sum of one Penny, over and above the Rates granted in and by this Afl: : And for the Port of all and every the Letters and Packets, paffing or repaffing by the Carriage called the Penny-Poft eftabli- fhed and fettled within the Cities of London and Wejiniinjhr, and Borough of Southivark, and Parts adja- R'atesforFo- cent, and to be received and delivered within ten Englijh Miles diftant from the faid General Letter-Office leitaLetters. jj^ London, one Penny : And for the Port of all and every the Letters, Packets and Parcels of Good? that fhall be carried or conveyed to or from any of her Majefty's faid Dominions, to or from any other Parts- or Places beyond the Seas, according to the feveral and refpeftive Rates followingj the fame being rated either by the Letter or by the Ounce j That is to fayj. AU /