Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/504

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452 C. II . Payment to be made at the next 'Market Town. Penalty on Non- payment, double the Sum, &c. Tanner not keeping juft Scales, &c. or removing his Hides, &c. before the Duty is charged. or before jnatk- and the Buyer or ContraAor, to forfeit 50I. and the I£des, &c, fa removed. Tanner, &c. to account with the proper Officer once in three Months, ^r Penalty of 50 1. Collar- makers, . &c. who drefs Skins, to be ac- counted Taweis, Anno nono Ann^e Reginae. A. D. 1710; fhall, from time to time, receive, by virtue of this Afl:, to or for the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as fliall pay the f;ime, , . XXIV. Provided always. That no Perfon or Perfons fhall be obliged, for the Payment of the. faid Duties, to go farther than the next Market Town to the refpedlive Places where the fame fhall be fo marked as aforefaid. XXV. And be it further enacEled by the Authority aforefaid. That every fuch Tanner, Tawer, Drefler, or Maker of fuch Hides and Skins, Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment, chargeable with the faid Duties, who fhall negleift or refufe to make fuch Payment as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and lofe for -every fuch Offence, double the Sum of the faid Duty whereof the Payment fhall he fo refufed or neglected : And that no fuch Tanner, Tawer, Dreffer, or Maker, or other Perfon, after fuch Default made, fliali fend, deliver, or carry out any Hides or Skins, Pieces of Hides or Skins, Vellum or Parchment, until he, {he or they have or hath paid and cleared off his, her or their Duty as aforefaid ; on Pain to forfeit double the Value of fuch Hides or Skins, Pieces of Hides or Skins, Vellum or Parchment, fo delivered or carried out. XXVI. And be it further enafbed by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Tanner, Tawer, Dreffer, . or Maker of any Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, chargeable by this Aft, fliall not at their refpeftive Yards, or other Places for drying the fame, keep juil Scales and Weights, as this Aft direfts, or Ihall not permit his, her or their Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, which are to be weighed at fuch Yards of drying Places as aforefaid, to be there weighed ; or negleft or refufe to bring the fame to the Scales, or alfift at the weighing of the fame, as this Aft requires ; or if any Tanner, Tawer, or Dreffer of Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, or any Maker of Vellum or Parchment charge- able by this Aft, fhall remove or convey, or caufe or procure to be removed or conveyed from his, her or their Yard or drying Place, any of the fiid Hides and Skins, or Pieces of Hides and Skins, or any fuch Vellum or Parchment, before the faid Duties fliall be fully charged by Weight, or Tale, or ad Va- lorem., as this Aft in the faid refpeftive Cafes doth require, and before the fame Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides and Skins, and fuch Vellum and Parchment refpeftively, fhall be marked, to denote the charging of the Duty as this Aft direfts ; or if any Buyer or Contraftor fhall take or carry away, or caufe or pro- cure to be carried away, from any fuch Yard or drying Place, any of the Kinds of Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, Vellum or Parchment, before the fame fliall be marked as this Aft direfts; that then and in every fuch Cafe, all and every fuch Tanners, Tawers, Dreffers, Adakers, Buyers, Contraftors, or other Perfons refpeftively, fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and lofe the Sum of fifty Pounds, to wit, one Moiety thereof to the Queen, and the other Moiety to him or them that will inform or fue for the fame ; and moreover, that all the Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parch^ ment, which fhall be fold or removed, contrary to this Aft, fliall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized by any of her Majefty's Officers, for her Majefty's Ufe. XXVn. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Tanner, Tawer and Dreffer of any Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, and every Maker of Vellum and Parchment in Great ■ Britain, fhall once in every three Months at the leafi-, make an Account with the proper Officer of every Divjfion or Diflrift refpeftively, of and for all the Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, which fuch Tanner, Tawer, Dreffer, or Maker refpeftively, by himfelf, or any other, within the Time of every fuch Account, fhall have taken out of the Wooze, Mill, Liquor, or Ingredients, ufed for tanning^ taw- ing, fleeping, dreffing, or making the fame, and of his Entries thereof with the Officer, and- fliall at the fame Time balance the faid Account, by Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, Vellum or Parch- ment, for w^hich the Duty fhall then have been charged as aforefaid, and by fuch Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hi Jes and Skins, Vellum and Parchment, then remaining in his Poifeffion unmarked, for which the Duty fliall not have been charged as aforefaid ; which Account (if demanded) every fuch Tanner,. Tawer, Dreffer, or Maker, fhall truly and faithfully make, from time to time, under the Penalty of fifty Pounds, to wit, one Moiety thereof to the Queen, and the other Moiety to him or tliem who will inform or fue for the fame; and that every, fuch Officer, upon the taking of every fuch Account, fhall inform himfelf concerning the Truth or Falfhood thereof, to the End and Purpofe, that if fuch Tan- ner, Tawer, Dreffer, or Maker, fhall have unlawfully conveyed away any of the faid Hides or Skins,, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, Vellum or Parchment, contrary to this Aft, or fhall have defrauded her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, of any Part of the Duties hereby payable for the fame, he may be proceeded againft in fuch Manner and Form, and for fuch Penalties or Forfeitures, as are by this Aft prefcribed for fuch Offence. XXVIII. Provided always, and be it further enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Collar-makers, Glovers, Bridle-cutters and others who drefs any Skins or Hides, or Pieces- of Skins or Hides, in Oil, Allom, and Salt, or Meal or with other Ingredients, and who cut and make the fame into Wares, fhall be accounted Tawers or Dreffers within this Aft, and fliall be fubjeft to fuch Rules and Direftions, and underfuch Penalties and Forfeitures for fecuring the Duties of the Hides and Skins, or Pieces of Hides and Skins, which they fhall fo drefs, as are by this Aft prefcribed in that Eehalf, and fhall be charged with the Duties for the fame (by Weight, Tale, or ad Valorem, as this Aft in the refpeftive Cafes doth direft) before fuch Hides and Skins, or Pieces of Hides and Skins, fhall be refpeftively cut or converted into made Wares. ' > XIX. And whereas feveral Tanners, Tawers, Dreffers, Curriers, Sellers of Hides or Skins, or Pieces ' of Hides or Skins, tanned, tawed. Or dreffed. Shoemakers, Coach-makers, Collar-a.akers, Bridle-cut- ' ters, Sadlers, Trunk-makers, Bottle-makers, Merchants, and other Dealers in Hides or Skins tanned, ' ta-A'ed, or dreffed, and feveral Makers of Vellum and Parchment, Stationers, Book-binders, the Com- ' miffioners and Officers for the Duties ou ftarnpt Vellumj Parchment and Paper, and other Traders or I Dealers