Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/506

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454 C. II. Anno nono Ann^ Reginae. A.D. After Duty for Stock is paid, Hide, &c. 10 be marked. No Tee for En- Two Ju dices may iica urmine. I Jac. z. c. 21. 1710.- be paid or fecured, fliall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized by any of her Majefty's Officers as aforc- faid, for her Majcfty's Ufe. XXXIV. And it is hereby further cnafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the Duties of the faid Stock of any Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, Vellum and Parchment, fhall be paid or fecured as aforefaid, the Officer or Officers for the faid Duties fhall caufe every fuch Hide or Skin, and every Piece of a Hide or Skin, and all Vellum and Parchment, whereof the Duty fliall be fo paid or fecured as aforefaid, to be marked with fuch diftinfl: Mark as this A£t direfts to be provided and ufed to denote the paying or fecuring fuch Duty as aforefaid. XXXV. Provided always, and be it further enailed by the Authority aforefaid. That no Fee or Re-. ward fiiall be had or taken by any of the faid Officers, from any of the faid Tanners, Tawers, Curriers, Dreffers,' or Sellers of Hides or Skins or others, for any Entries, Accounts, Permiffions, Certifi- cates, Marks or Receipts before in this A<St mentioned, or any of them, under the Penalty of five Pounds to be forfeited to the Party grieved for every fuch Offence. XXXVI. And be it further enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and randde- for any two or more of -the Juftices of the Peace for the Time being, refiding near to the Place where any Forfeiture upon this Aft fhall be incurred, or any Offence againit this Aft fhall be committed, in any v/jfe relating to the faid Hides or Skins, or Pieces of Hides or Skins, Vellum or Parchment, chargeable by this Act, or any the Duties thereupon, or the Powers and Authorities hereby granted, or where any Offence fhall be committed againft the faid recited Aft of the firfl: Year of the Reign of King James the Firft, to hear and determine the fame : Which faid Juftices of the Peace, are hereby authorized and re- quired, upon any Information exhibited, or Complaint made in that Behalf, within three Months after any Seizure made, or fuch Offence committed, to fummon the Party accufed, and alfo the Witneffes on either Side, and upon the Appearance or Contempt of the Party accufed, in not appearing, (upon Proof of Notice given) to proceed to the Examination of the Witnefs or Witneffes upon Oath, (which Oath they are hereby impowered to adminifter) and to give Judgment or Sentence accordingly ; and where the Party accufed fhall be convifted of the Offence alledged againft him, to award and iflue Warrants under their Hands for the levying any Pecuniary Penalty or Penalties fo adjudged, on the Goods of the Offender, and to caul'e Sale to be made thereof, in cafe they fhall not be redeemed within fix Days, rendring the Appeal to Quar- Party the Overplus (if any) : And if either Party fhall find himfelf aggrieved, or remain unfatisfied in the ter-SefConsfinal. jmig^ngnt of the faid Juftices, then he or they fhall or may, by Virtue of this Aft, complain or appeal to, the Juftices of the Peace at the next General Quarter-SefTions for that County, Riding or Place, who are hereby impowered to fummon and examine Witneffes upon Oath, and finally to hear and determine the fame, and in cafe of Conviction, to iffue Warrants for levying the Penalties as aforefaid. Juftices ir.aymi- XXXVII. Provided neverthelefs. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid refpeftive Juftices, tjgate Penalties, where they fhall fee caufe, to mitigate or leffen any fuch Penalties, in fuch Manner as they in their Dif- cretion fhall think fit, the reafonable Coft and Charges in the Officers, as well in making the Difcovery as in the Profecution of the fame, being always allowed over and above fuch Mitigation, apd fo as fuch Mitigation do not reduce the Penalties to lefs than one fourth Part thereof, over and above the faid Cofts and Charges ; any Thing contained in this Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. ComfniiTioners XXXV III. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted, That fuch Corrimiflioners or Perfons as fhall to have the fame be appointed in Purfuance of this Aft to be the Commiffioners for the faid Duties upon Hides and Skins, Power as the tanned, tawed or dreffed in Gfeat Britain, fhall and may have and exercife the fame Jiirifdiftion, Power, and Authority, and fliall and may adjudge, determine, mitigate, and order in all Cafes and Matters rela- ting to the faid Duties on Hides and Skins, and Pieces thereof, tanned, tawed or dreffed in Great Britain, and to the faid Duties on Vellum and Parchment, made in G/'eat Britain, as the Commiffioners of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, may or lawfully can exercife, adjudge, determine, mitigate or or- der, in the like Cafes and Matters relating to the faid Duties of Excife, by any Law or Statute now in Force. XXXIX. And to the End that all and every Perfon and Perfons, who fhall export any Hides or Calve- fkins, tanned, tawed or dreffed, which fhall have been duly marked with fuch Mark or Stamp as aforefaid, denoting the charging of the Duty payable by this Aft for the fame as oforefaid, (any Hides or Calve- fkins, being Part of the faid Stock in Hand always excepted) and that all and every Perfon and Perfons, who fhall export any Boots, Shoes, Gloves or other Manufaftures, made of any Kind of Leather charge- able by this Aft to pay a Duty by Weight, may refpeftively upon the Exportation of fuch Hides or Calve-fkins or any fuch made Wares as are laft mentioned, receive fuch refpeftive Allowances as are herein after exprefl'ed ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That upon the fhipping of any fuch Hides or Calve-fkins, (except before excepted) or any of the made Wares laft mentioned, for Ex- Calve-flcins, or portation jnto foreign Parts, and upon fufficient Security to be firft given to the Cuftomer or Colleftor of Leather Manu- j^g Cuftoms of the Port from whence fuch Exportation fliall be made, (which Security they have hereby tadlures, on Se- pg^^g^ (q take in the Name and to the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors) that fuch Hides, Calve-fkins and fuch made Wares laft before mentioned, fo (hipped or any Part thereof, fhall not be re- landed or brought on Shore again, in any Port or Part of Great Britain, the faid Cuftomer or Colleftor fliall give to the Exporter thereof a Certificate or Debenture in Writing of the Kinds and Quantities and Weight of the Hides, Calve-fkins, and fuch made Wares lb exported, for which Security (hall have been given as aforefaid. For il)c Drawback on tanned Leather exported, fee ^^ Anns, Stat. 2. c, ^, §. 64. CommiiTioners of Excife. Matters in this SeiSion farther provided for by JO Annse, c. 26, On 'Exportatiois of Hides or curity, &c. ftumer, &c. to give the Expor tcr a Certificate of the K-inds, Q^an ities and Weigh