Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/515

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A. D. 1710. Anno nono Ann^e Regmas. C. 13,14. 4^3 o [Continued by i Geo. i. flat, 2. cap. 2. till the hr&oi Juguji 1715, and made perpetual by i Geo. i. ftat. 2, Farther Pro^ifi- cap, 12. feet. 5.] "'" ""'■■mng Hcf, 6 Geo I, c, II. f. 40. 6 Geo. I. c. 21. /. 25. 6 Gw. 2. c 37./. 6. (which is made perpetually Ji (7«. i. c. 42 ^ 7 Gw, 1. c. igv CAP. XIII. An Aft for the taking, examining and ftating the publick Accounts of the Kingdom. ' "ITTHEREA S many Aids and Provifions have been raifed and afligned for the neceflary Defence ' VV of your Majefty and thefe Kingdoms, in this great and important War, and for the Support of ' the Government; to the end therefore, that both your Majefty and this whole Kingdom may be fatis- ' fied, and truly informed that the fame have been applied to the Ufes and Purpofes for which they were

  • given and granted;' May it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enaded, ^c, EXP.

CAP. XIV. An Kd: for the better preventing of exceffive and deceitful Gaming.

  • "T7 HE RE AS the Laws now in Force for preventing theMifchiefs which may happen by Gaming, •^-^H.t.c.g.

' W have not been found fufficient for that Purpofe ;' Therefore for the further preventing of all 2 is" 3 p. ©"if. exceflive and deceitful Gaming, be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the '^•9- Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af- ^(Z"^'^'^' ^' fembled, and by Authority of the fame. That from and after the firft Day of ^M/y one thoufand feven jju. MNotet hundred and eleven, all Notes, Bills, Bonds, Judgments, Mortgages or other Securities or Conveyances &c. Mortgages, whatfoever, given, granted, drawn or entred into, or executed by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, &<:. where the whole or any Part of the Confideration of fuch Conveyances or Securities, (hall be for any Mo- where the Con- ney, or other valuable Thing whatfoever, won by gaming or playing at Cards, Dice, Tables, Tennis, M7ney°v/oa by Bowls or other Game or Games whatfoever, or by betting on the Sides or Hands of fuch as do game at gaming, any of the Games aforefaid, or for the reimburfmg or repaying any Money knowingly lent, or advanced or for Repay- for fuch gaming or betting as aforefaid, or lent or advanced at the Time and Place of fuch Play, to any ment of Money Perfon or Perfons fo gaming or betting as aforefaid, or that (hall, during fuch Play, fo play or bett, fhall ^™' at fuch ga- be utterly void, fruftrate, and of none EfFeft, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever; any Statute, Law, fta"f 'be vdd or Ufage to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding ; and that where fuch Mortgages, Securities And where fucli or other Conveyances, ftiall be of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or fhall be fuch as incumber or Mortgages, &c. afFefl: the fame, fuch Mortgages, Securities or other Conveyances, fliall enure and be to and for the fole (hall incumber Ufe and Benefit of, and ftiall devolve upon fuch Perfon or Perfons as fliould or might have, or be intitled H^ ^^"Ji'^^'^' to fuch Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, in cafe the faid Grantor or Grantors thereof, or the Perfon ^^^^ ^^ [^^{^ or Perfons fo incumbring the fame, had been naturally dead, and as if fuch Mortgages, Securities or other Perfon as fliouM Conveyances, had been made to fuch Perfon or Perfons fo to be intitled after the deceafe of the Perfon or have been inti- Perfons fo incumbring the fame ; and that all Grants or Conveyances to be made for the preventing of *}^^ " J.^™' fiich Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, from coming to or devolving upon fuch Perfon or Perfons Gran^r'had hereby intended to enjoy the fame as aforefaid, {hall be deemed fraudulent and void, and of none EfFecSl, been dead, &c, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. And ail Convey- ances to hinder fuch Lands from devolving, &c, fliall be voii II. And be it further enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid firft Day of May TheLoferofioJ. one thoufand feven hundred and elven, any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, who ftiall at any Time or Sit- at Cards, &c. ting, by playing at Cards, Dice, Tables or other Game or Games whatfoever, or by betting on the Sides ^^'^^"^^"t'^h'i^ or Hands of fuch as do play at any of the Games aforefaid, lofe to any one or more Perfon or Perfons fo th°ee'Moiitlis! playing or betting in the whole, the Sum or Value often Pounds, and fliall pay or deliver the fame or any Part thereof, the Perfon or Perfons, fo lofing and paying or delivering the fame, ftiall be at Liberty within three Months then next, to fue for and recover the Money or Goods fo loft, and paid or delivered or any Part thereof, from the refpeftive Winner and Winners thereof, with Cofts of Suit, by Adlion of Debt founded on this Aft, to be profecuted in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record, in which Ailions or Suits no Eflbin, Protetlion, Wager of Law, Privilege of Parliament, or more than one Imparlance ftiall be al- lowed ; in which A£tions it fliall be fufiicient for the Plaintiff" to alledge, that the Defendant or Defen- dants are indebted to the Plaintiff^, or received to the Plaintift^'s Ufe, the Monies fo loft and paid, or converted the Goods won of the Plaintiff" to the Defendant's Ufe, whereby the Plaintiff's Adion ac- ^n<J ifthetofers crued to him, according to the Form of this Statute, without fetting forth the Special Matter; and in cafe ^onottae.&c. the Perfon or Perfons who fhall lofe fuch Money or other Thing as aforefaid, ftiall not within the Time ^J ° " ^"-'^ aforefaid, really and bona Jide, and without Covin or Collufion, fue, and with Effeft profecute for the ' Money or other Thing, fo by him or them loft, and paid or delivered as aforefaid, it fliall and may be and recover with lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, by any fuch Aftion or Suit as aforefaid, to fue for and recover "„°^Mc^^!"^' " the fame, and treble the Value thereof, with Cofts of Suit, againft fuch Winner or Winners as aforefaid ; ^he inforifter" the one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of the Perfon or Perfons that will fue for the fame, and the other Moiety the other to the to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifli where the Offence ftiall be committed. Poor. III. And for the better Difcovery of the Monies or other Thing fo won, and to be fued for and reco- The Perfon fued vered as aforefaid, i,t is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Perfon ftall anfwer upon or Perfons, who by Virtue of this prefent Ad fliall or may be liable to be fued for the fame, fliall be Oath, to difco^er X ' obliged ""' '^"^^ '"'°*