Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/523

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A. D. ly^o. Anno nono Ann iE ReglnsE. C. 21. 471 eight hundred fifty-nine Pounds five Shillings and eight Pence Farthing, computed for Debts incurred "TSS^gl.'ss. becween the nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred .and ten, and the five and f' 1' •'°'"'- twentieth Day ol Dcccmhsr one thoufand [even hundred and ten, in the feveral Offices of the Navy, Vic- tualling, and Tranfport, and for Intereft on the fnid Army and Tranfport Debentures in that Time ; and the Sum of nine thoufand three hundred feventy and five Pounds, to fatiyfy llie Money due upon Ac- 937-!. fTano- count of Subfidies to the EleiJtor oi Hanover and Duke of Zi?//, purfuant to a 'fVeaty, bearing Date the ver Sui^fidy, Fourteenth Day oi May one thoufand fix hundred ninety and fix: Ail whicii feveral Sums io. computed to be due sPid owing, as aforcfaid, do amount in the whole to the Sum of k'^Kiw millions one hundred twenty- eight thoufand five hundred feventy-one Pounds ten Shillings and eleven Pence, and the interefi: of fuch Piu'C of the faid feveral Debts as do carry Interefi from the faid five and twentieth Day of D^c^sZw one thoufand feven hundred and ten, to the five and twentieth Day of £>£W»/Z'«- one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, are computed to amount to the Sum of eighty five thoufand Pounds ; which being added to S-cool. In- the faid Sum of feven millions one himdred twenty-eight thoufand five hundred fevcnt5r one Pounds, ten '='"*• Shillings and eleven Pence, makes I'le Total of the faid Debts amount to the Sum of feven millions two hundred and thirteen ilioufand five hundred and feventy-one Pounds ten Shillings and eleven Pence: And whereas there has been lent and advanced into the Receipt of your Majefl;y's Exchequer, purfinnt s Annce, 0,13, to an Aifl made in the faid eighth Year of your Majefly's Reign (among other Things) for continuing feveral Impofuions, additional Impolitions and Duties upon Goods imported, to raife Money by way of Loan, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and ten, the Sum of one million tv/o hundred ninety-fix thoufand five hundred fifty-two Pounds nine Shillings and eleven Pence three Far- things: And whereas the Funds by the faid laft-nicntioned Aft fettled for Payment of the Interefi of the faid A'loney lent, in Purfuance of the faid Act, do not yet take place, fo that no Interefi- hath yet been paid upon or for the faid Money lent or advanced in purfuance of the faid A6t, and the Interefi due upon the f'.id Money on the and twentieth Day o^ March one thoufiind f ven hundred and eleven, is com- puted to amount to the Sum of feventy-four thoufand eight hundred feven ty-five- Pounds nineteen Shil- lings and one Penny Farthing; and the faid Principal and Interefi Money, fo lent and due on the faid lafi:-mentioned Aft, do amount together, by Computation, to the Sum of one million three hundred fe- 1,37742'? I. 0.3. venty-one thoufand four hundred tvi'enty-eight Pounds nine Shillings and one Penny; v/hich being added id. on 8 Ann, to the above mentioned Sum of feven millions two hundred and thirteen thoufand hundred feventy- one Pounds ten Shillings and eleven Pence, above computed to be the total Amount of the before-men- tioned Debts and Deficiencies, will make the faid Debts and Deficiencies, and the Principal and Intereft Money, to the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, due upon the faid Aci: of the eighth Year of your Majefty's Reign, amount together in the whole to the Sum of eight millions five hundred eighty-five thoufand Pounds ; the Interefi of v/hich faid Sum of eight millions five hundred eighty-five tlioufand Poun^ds, from the five and twentieth Day of y]<f^rf/; one thoufand fe-en hun- dred and eleven, to the five and twentieth Day oi December one thoufand fe-en hundred and eleven, be- ing computed at the Rate of fix Founds per Ceiiium per Annum., doth amount unto the Sum of three 3S6-;i5l. Tn- hundred eighty-fix thoufand three hundred and twenty-five Pounds; which being added to the faid Sum t^^*' of eight millions five hundred eighty-five thoufand Pounds, makes the Sum Total of the faid Debts,, Sums of Money and Interefi, to the faid five and twentieth Day oi December ont thoufand feven hun- dred and eleven, a;r.ount to the Sum of eight millions nine hundred feventy-one thoufand three hundred twenty-five Pounds : And whereas great Part of the Tallies and Orders firuck, made, and figned for the faid Money, lent in purfuance of tli£ faid Aft made in the faid eighth Year of your Majefty's Reign, are in the Hands of the refpedlive Treafurers or Paymafters of your Majefty's Navy, and Land Forces, and. 8 Aim:E. c.ij, of your Majefty's Ordnance, and Tranfport Service, or other publick Offices, and cannot be difpofed of without great Lofs and Difcount, and to the Damage of the pubfick Credit ; and other Part of the Tal- lies and Orders, firuck, made out, and figned for other Part of the faid Monies lent or advanced in pur- fuance of the faid iaft-mentioned Aft, are or may be in the Hands of fuch Perfon or Perfons as may he better pleafed with the perpetual Intereft, after the Rate of fix Pounds /i^r Centum per Annum., redcema- graciousand wife Adminiftration, and being truly defirous to do all that becomes dutiful and faithful S:;b • jeft-s, to render happy and glorious the Reign of the heft of Sovereigns, and having taken into cur ir.cfi: ferious Confideration all the fiiid Debts and Deficiencies, and the many ill Confequences which may arife to' the Publick thereby (if not timely remedied) and being heartily zealous to preferve the Honour of your Majefty and the I'Tation, and to eftablifti the publick Credit, and to enable. your Majeftyto profecute the prelent V/ar, (fo necelTarily entred into) with the utmoft Vigour, .until fijch a Peace fiiall (by the Bkffing of Almighty God) be obtained, as may be for the Flonour of your Majefty, and the lafting Security.of your Kingdoms, and your Allies, have agreed (in older to make a Provilion for the faid Debts, Deficien- cies, and Sums of Money, before computed to amount to the faid Sum of eight millions nine hundred fe- jococoK Cur- venty-one thoufand three hundred and twenty-five Pounds, and for raifing the further Sum of five hundred >="c oavice. thoufand Pounds for the Service of this prefent. Yeatj which m.akes the total Sum, computed to be pro- vided for by this Aft, to amount to the Sum of nine millions four hundred feventy-one thoufand three hundred and twenty-five Pounds) to give and grant to your Majefty fuch Supplits as. are herein after. men- tioned, for paying an Interefi: or Annuity after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, for all the faid Suras of Money, Debts, and Deficiencies^ until the Principal Money flaall be p:iid, as herein after is men^ tioncd, which, by the Computation aforefaid, doth amount unto the annual Sura of five hundred fixty eight thoufand two hundred feventy-nine Pounds and ten Shillings ; and that a good, fure, and lafting Fund may be fettled and eftablifiied, for paying the faid Interefi:. or Annuities,. after t.he Rate of fix Pounds per 3 . Centum