Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/531

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A. D. 1 710. Anno nono Ann^e Reginas. C. 21. 479 and the Produce thereof, fliall be difpofed and applied, either for or towards paying the Refidue of the faid poftti of ijy P=r Debts, or for or towards any other publick Ufes, for which a Supply has been, or fliall be granted by Par- '"'■"'^"f. ";' 'f^^- liament, and nototherwife ; and the Lofs or Difcount (if any) by or upon the faid Stock in the faid Com- p^^^i"j]" ^ pany, for the Ufe of the Publick, fhall be accounted for, and the refpetlive Perfons accountable for the py, i ^^m. i. fame, or any Part thereof, fhall be difcharged from fuch Lofs or Difcount, In fuch Manner as her Majefty, o-.'a. c.2i.§. r. her Heirs or Succeffors, by the faid Letters Patents of Incorporation, or by any Commiffion under the Great 222,031 1. 4;. Seal of Great Britain, or by Privy Seal or Sign Manual, fhall direft. S d. a,c adcied to XXVIIL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid^ That all fuch Tallies and Orders made stocu"'"' out, in purfuance of the firft herein recited or mentioned Act:, of the eighth Year of her Majefty's Reign, which on the firft Day oi Alay one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, were in the Hands or Power of any Tallies and Or-- of the Treafurers or Paymafters of any of the publick Offices, fhall or may be fubfcribed, admitted, or ■'"' ^. ^""" taken into, and made Part of the Joint Stock of the feid intended Corporation, for the Ufe of the Publick, pubUckoffices' in fuch Manner as her Majefly, her Heirs or Succeffors, by fuch Commiffion or Commiffions, as aforefaid, on i May 1711.-

or by Privy Seal or Sign Manual, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury now being, to be made Part;

or the Lord High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, °^ ^"^ /'■>•"' by Writing under his or their Hand or Hands, fhall direfl and appoint; which Orders fo to be brouglit ^^ into the Joint Stock of the faid Company, fhall be difcharged from being paid in Courfe, according to the ,faid lafl: mentioned Act of the faid eighth Year of her R-Iajefty's Reign, but there fhall be allowed for the 8 An-nx, c. ^ Principal and Interefl: due for the fame, to be computed as hereih after is mentioned, an Annuity after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum for every hundred Founds, the fame being fo computed,, fliall amount unto, and fo proportionably for any lefTer Sum than one hundred Pounds, and a proportionable Part of all other Privileges and Advantages by this Aft granted to the faid Company : And all the Stock in th'e faid Company, which fliall be had for the faid Tallies and Orders, fhall be, and be deemed publick Mo- nies, and the fame and the Produce thereof, fhall and may be applicable and applied to fuch publick Ufes as the faid Tallies and Orders might have been applied to, or to any other publick Ufe or Ufes for which a Supply has been or fhall be granted by. Parliament, and not otherwife;, and if any Lofs or Difcount fhall. happen by the faid Stock, the refpeflive Peribn and Perfons who are. accountable for the faid Tallies and Orders, or who fhall be accountable for the faid Stock, fhall and may be difcharged of fuch Lofs or Dif- 'count (if any) in their Accounts, in fuch Manner as her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflbrs, by fuch Com- miffion, as aforefaid, or by Privy Seal or Sign Manual, fhall direft or appoint. XXIX. And be it further enadled by the Authority, aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons, Perfons Jrite-- Bodies Politick or Corporate, who fhall be interefled- in, or entitled unto, any Bills or Debentures, pay- refted in fuch.< able in courfe, out of her Majeily's feveral Offices, of the Navy, Victualling, Tranfport, or Ordnance, ^'"^' '^'"^^ "^^ which were dated or made received in thofe refpeftive Offices, on or before the fwe and twentieth Day-of ^5 '^'=-'^",'7^r»- March one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, or to any. Certificates or Debentures made out for the A.rmy, ;r,,tohe Joint-; or for Tranfport Service for the late War, fha.U and may be admitted into the Joint Stock of the faid Stock. Company, and be and become ?viembers thereof, in Proportion to fuch Sum and Sums as they fhall be fo entitled unto, to be computed, as herein after is mentioned, in fuch Manner and Form as her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, by the faid Letters Patents of Incorporation, or by fuch Commiffion or Commiffions, Rs aforefaid, fhall direift ; and that all the faid Bills, .Tickets^ Certificates, or Debentures, and the Money How Bil!s, fcc; due thereupon, fhall, in order to their being admitted into the faid Joint Stock, be calt up and computed <^='"y^n? Jnte.-c&' as foiloweth, (that is to fay) the principal Sums of each Bill, Ticket, Talley, Certificate, or Debenture, ^^H^l^l^l^^, and the Intereft of fuch of them as do carry Intereft, to the five and twentieth Day oi A'larch one thoufand j^^fr bTiA^zd-" feven hundred and eleven, fhall be added together, and thereunto fhall. be added fo much as the Intereft of mitted int° rtie., fuch Principal and Intereft, after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, from the five and twen- >"" Stock, tieth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, to the five and twentieth Day of December one : . thoufand feven hundred and eleven, fhall amount unto ; and fo much as each and every Bill, Ticket, Cer- tificate, or Debenture, which doth carry Intereft, fhall amount unto, (computed, as aforefaid) fliall be the Sum for which fuch Bill, Certificate, Or Debenture, fhall be admitted into the Joint Stock of the faid Company ; and as for fuch of the faid Bills, Certificates, Tickets, or Debentures, as do not carry Intereft-, there fhall be added to the Principal Sum of each of them, fo much Money as the Intereft thereof, after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum-, from the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, to the five and twentieth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, , fhall amount unto ; and fo much as each and every fuch Bill, Ticket, Certificate, or Debenture, fhall, How Bills not - vvith the Addition of fuch Intereft as is lafV mentioned, amount unto, fhall be the Sum for which fuch Bill, """§ ^"^ ^^-• Ticket, Certificate, or Debenture fhall be admitted into the Joint Stock of the faid Company; and that all ^j^^^'^^ "'"^' and every Perfon and Perfons, Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who are or fhall be poffefled of, interefted in, or entitled unto, any of the faid Bills, Tickets, Certificates, or Debentures, fhall, for every hundred Pounds which the fame fhall amount unto, being computed as aforefaid, have a ■ Credit, Share, or Intereft in the Joint Stock of the faid Company for one hundred Pounds, confequently for an Annuity of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, till redeemed, as in this Adt is mentioned, and ib pro- portionably for a lefs Sum than one hundred Pounds. XXX. And be it further enafted by the Authority, aforefaid, That any Perfon or Peirfons, Natives or Perrons havinj--^ Foreigners, who are or fhall be poffefled of, interefted in, or entitled unto, any of the Tallies or Orders Tallies on g W. "made out in purfuance of the faid A£ls of the ninth Year of his late Majefly King William the Third, ^^^^J%^"^ * and of the firft Year of her faid now Majefty's Reign, for laying certain Duties on Coals, Culm, and Cyn-. c"""^to Cei^ ders, fhall, for fo much as the Principal and Intereft of fuch Tallies and Orders, to be computed in fuch mitu-d into thi&, Manner as is herein before direfted, concerning the Computation to be made of Principal and Interefl upon Joint Stock, . and for fuch of the Navy and Vi£lualling Bills as do carry Intereft, be admitted into, and made Members of the faid intended Corporation, and fhall have, and be entitled unto a proportionable Part of the yearly Aiinuity.